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OOOh... lol. Honestly, I like the no-zeds version more. Not that the "Zeds" are much of an issue really , I'm just less enthralled by Zeds over-all anymore. ( kind of jaded to it really.) ... plus, there's not alot of variety in DayZ Zeds much either. Like ... in Arma3 I seen they got DEMONS , and DUDE those are creepy/scary/tough killing BEAST. The sound they make is horrifying! Other than "bloodsucker" or Predators ... I've not seen anyone try to make "more powerful" boss/mini-boss like Zeds for DayZ in Arma2. Bloodsuckers and predators both " go invisible ... and are crazy glitchy to use. I think though, your Factions 1987 has more in it than your wasteland version does as far as scripts and features go. Just by reading/looking at this thread, I've not played/tested the Factions version yet. ( I'm really digging the Wasteland one still. ) |
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In reply to this post by benevolentdevil
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good call!
Though I had "misread" the original intent of the deployable bike option, I thought you were asking for the "disposable" vehicles, lol ... when in reality, ya'll were using an 'attach to" script to do something else, and only put an example up. So I though it applied, just mis-read it. ============================== I learn something "new" everyday ... "attach to" scripts? I didn't even know to look for those! ========================= ummm, as far as wheels turning ... hey, thats very "minor" glitch/bug to be honest. Schematics really, as long as the attaching worked, I wouldn't sweat some immersion breaking things, at least it works right? It's SP ... save before you do it, in case of accidental bone breaks, or death ... lol. Not much a chance of killing or injuring other players. if it kills your AI "buddies" , well one less mouth to feed lmao! It's survival after-all, if Ai is dumb and gets itself killed ... oh well. ( hahaha!) |
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This post was updated on Dec 09, 2017; 2:59pm.
"attachTo" is a command not a script :) ... ... detach _bicycleObject; _bicycleObject setPos (_selTruck modelToWorld [0,-6.5,0]); _bicycleObject setDir (getDir _selTruck); _bicycleObject setVectorUp [0,0,0.4]; ... ... By this code, player isnt wounded while detaching bicycle or moto For future versions: I added the "L85A2 CWS" (thermal,NVG sights) with 0.01 lootChance (in animated_heliCrash only) Idk if its a Arma2 bug, but the thermal sight isnt work in Arma2 So i managed to fix this bug by creating another "DZ" weapon class L85A2_CWS_DZ : BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS { displayName = "L85A2 CWS"; ... ... dayzAudio = 88; //G36C_DZ is at 82 ... ... visionMode[] = {"Ti","NVG"}; //Thermal sight is set by default now,N key switch Th/nvg work now thermalMode[] = {6}; //{0,1} |
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Olive :
Do you know how to disable the "pain sounds" when wounded in DaiZy code? ( I'd rather have painshake, and color fade). if not no big deal ... Second question ... what do you have to do to use the DayZ Inventory look and functions? ( if you know of course.) |
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I had abled to remove the "human" sounds of wounded zeds in Factions1987
Take a look in config.hpp of dayz.pbo (sorry but i dont remember how Ive done but it was in this file) About Inventory look, in "rscTitles.hpp" of dayz_code.pbo |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
Sorry man, I keep interrupting, but you are the only real contact I have that seems to help and know anything about scripting/coding that talks to me. I need help with a bit of information: here in Help section. |
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In reply to this post by benevolentdevil
Hi, Oliv82. Thanks for this great mod! So far, everything looks good.. but, i have a problem here.,
Can you make the atmosphere looks colorful? because, i always playing in black n white, even with post processing maxed out. Also i've tried to add my own script to apply the custom Color Correction value to this mod, but it doesnt work. |
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Have you enabled postprocess effects in Arma2 advanced videos options ?
But if you play this mod its normal if the colors are dark (white and black) at the beginning, the player start with a low level of blood, use cheat menu to restore 12000 blood points and colors will back ) But i admit it need maybe more colors even player health restored 2 ColorsTones presets are in beginning of compiles.sqf (both desactivated by //) And blood colors calc. commands are at the end of player_spawn2.sqf compiles.sqf and player_spawn2.sqf are in "missions" folder, not in dayz_code.pbo .../missions/DaiZy1761_FACTIONS1987_v1126e.chernarus/compiles.sqf .../missions/DaiZy1761_FACTIONS1987_v1126e.chernarus/fixes/player_spawn2.sqf |
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I've been playing the latest version, I must be doing something wrong because I'm still getting jerrycan issues; I'd found an empty, went to fill it up, only one liter in the big tank so there's one liter in my jerrycan. Found another empty jerrycan and when to another main tank.
Two "fill jerrycan" options appeared, selected the first one and received a message that said not enough fuel while selecting the other jerrycan option filled that jerrycan to full. Tried the first again and it worked normally, adding the remaining 19 liters. Both jerrycans are now in the car and I still have the option to "fill jerrycan" and if I do select it I tells me "not enough fuel". There were a few other minor glitches along the way and I'll attach my .RPT for reference - I've made comments next to the errors detailing when they happened. arma2OA.zip |
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This post was updated on Jan 26, 2018; 10:19pm.
Hi Eric
Ive checked your rpt file and thats confirm I said in a previous post, its like "cursorTarget" dont work correctly Thats generate same problem for check repair parts for vehicle aimed by cursortarget Ive maybe a solution but I dont know if it will work but you can try... in DaiZy1761_FACTIONS1987_v1126e.chernarus/dayz_code/compile/fn_damageActions.sqf add dayz_myCursorTarget = null; // place this command before the "1987 Engineering" menu (between lines 434 and 466) if there is no effect, try to add this command in "variables.sqf" instead of fn_damageActions.sqf I wonder if my jerryCan function generate errors when it placed in selfActions script... You can also try this: Also in fn_damageActions.sqf lines 332 to 369 ... ... // 1987 Static FuelTanks Capacities _hdledFT = false; if (_typeOfCT isKindOf "Land_Ind_TankSmall") then { _hdledFT = cursorTarget getVariable ["handled",false]; if (!_hdledFT) then { cursorTarget setVariable ["fuelcap",2280,true]; cursorTarget setVariable ["fuelqty",ceil(random 228),true]; cursorTarget setVariable ["handled",true,true]; }; }; ... .. same patern for the 3 others conditions For 1987_GreenMountain "poi" script, it seems "direction" arguments isnt defined in configFile >> "CfgTownGenerator" >> "GreenMountain"; I didnt work on it, thats maybe the reason I disabled this "poi", if I remember, I was too lazy to add all directions values for each objects.. |
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I think about cursorTarget again..
I dont know if you refuel/repair same method of me Approach the tank or the vehicle refuel/refill or repair parts or jerrys.. move your cursorTarget out of the aimed object (I mean rotate player direction by 180° to be safer, and move player few meters from selected object) you can re-aim the selected object and do another action... etc etc.. Ive forgot to hint you about that, for me its obvious, but I think it can cause the no-reinitializing of cursorTarget value |
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I had the same probem of no-detect of the right jerry type
(a box message appear "config/cfgMagazines\"," something like that) Also the cursorTarget isnt coupable, i tested without move player while refueling jerrys its ok jerry_fill.sqf script have a problem but i dont know where.. hard to find because the problem happen randomly About Two "fill jerrycan" options appeared, i didnt manage to reproduce this bug |
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Hey Oliv. After you mentioned your "other mods" to me from your Wasteland mod page, I remembered Eric the Viking referred me here a while back so I jumped on here to give this mod a try.
Everything works fine so far, but after reading the comments about the zombies being more or less OP, I went to change the forceSpeed value to "2" instead of "10" for the zombies so that they would walk instead of run. I figured it would lessen the severity of zombies and allow me to keep more of an eye out for bandits, but when I went to get back into my save, it crashed my whole game. So I restarted it and just made a new save, spawned like normal, but right after spawning it pops up a message about zombies and/or their spawns, which I understood from my experience with DayZ X to mean zombies quit spawning and the ones that did spawn will just stand still. To make sure I was right I went and found a zombie and sure enough it was standing still. I reset my game again and it quit spawning zombies again. I went back to the dayz_code and reset the forceSpeed to 10 like it was originally, reset my game, and everything works like normal. What I am basically trying to say/ask is whether or not there is a variable to change for the zombies to walk instead of run. I personally prefer walking zombies over running zombies when it comes to zombie games, especially if they zig-zag while running and are as tough nails(as they seem to be in this particular mod). I always thought the zombies were more of a nuisance than a real threat, but I still want there to be zombies just for the zombie-apocalyptic feel. I feel like if I can change the forceSpeed on the zombies and the game still work, this mod would make the game feel like the original DaiZy mod but with a dash of the mod 2018 mixed in with it. I also noticed when reading through the comments to see if anyone else was using walking zombies that Eric the Viking did, which confused me on why I was having problems with it. I may be looking in the wrong file for all I know. I just checked the dayz_code first because that is where I changed the forceSpeed for all the other mods I downloaded. It would be nice though if you could help me out, but any reply from anyone would be nice. ![]() |
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Yes, Chernarus and Namalsk are my priorities, trying to recreate old dayz versions feelings
But also my #1 priority is to find bugs with "my" SP version of dayz Iam not focused on zeds movements, but on survivability of the player, I worked on Ai's/zeds behaviours codes too recently, ofcourse player can survive of a thousand of zombie, but for me its also important to check ai's behaviours on his environnement, arma2 is a war game and its tricky to adapt this for a zeds/horror game (you can see the monumental work of dayz devs, even in first versions, its insane... and some codes are genius too) By reading your reply, I remember I worked few days ago on tests for limit the detection of the player by zeds My test work, easy to code (only 2 lines to add), and I think to understand this system after done thoses tests Iam not sure if the "forceSpeed" is the better solution, It's setted to 1 for "Bloodsuckers" on Namalsk but they are still dangerous and fast when they are behind you :p I dont know the movements systems on Arma2, rtm files are unknown for me and I dont have tools to work on it But another solution is maybe to limit the detection of the zeds by set detection at low values I tested 0.8 and 0.2 (sensitivity and sensitivityEar values) and it was better realist If those values are reached, thats the moment zeds begin to run to you, so I think if you set thoses values at 0, you can probably transform a runing and nervous zed by a "walking zed" |
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In reply to this post by Slash Ghost 25
The post I made back on page 11 was correct at the time but there have been changes and improvements to the mod since then.
There's still two files you need for walking zombies; The first is in dayz_code.pbo located here... ![]() ... and extract it as shown using PBO Manager. Open the file "zombie_agent.fsm" with notepad++... ![]() ...search for "forcespeed" and make all references of "forcespeed" equal 2. ![]() Save the file and don't forget to repack the PBO... ![]() You can delete the "dayz_code" folder once completed. The second file is now in the mission file, specifically "control_zombieAgent.sqf" and again, make all references to "forcespeed" equal 2. ![]() Save the file and you're done. The zombies will still see you, react and growl, etc but will only walk. * It's a matter of personal preference for "normal" or "walkers" for zombie speed. Some like the "Resident Evil" runners and some prefer the "George Romero" walkers. In DayZ I think you do lose a little in the atmosphere but for me, I simply don't have the time to play the game the way that choice enforces, especially with double damage zeds. The second reason is this; in PVP (online) everyone has the same advantage / disadvantage with zombies. In single player the only person affected is the player. To the best of my knowledge, AI NPC's don't have "blood" and thus, they are immune to zombie attacks so they can shoot at you, attract zeds (I've seen the AI attract so many zombies to themselves they are literally surrounded and cannot move) but not die meanwhile the player is severely handicapped. Each to their own :) |
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This post was updated on Mar 05, 2018; 12:07pm.
control_zombieAgent.sqf is an obsolete/useless script ! thats the reason I desactivated it (long time ago)
If you check "compile.sqf" in mission folder, this script is desactived by // (in both mods Nam. and Cher.) WHen a zed is created, it call "zombie_agent.fsm" first, but "control_zombieAgent" is never used in this .fsm "zombie_agent.fsm" do the job for all zeds behaviours and it work well (I wil update Chernarus soon, and change the "zombie_agent.fsm" path to the mission folder to increase perfs) in "zombie_agent.fsm" class "chase" (line ~470) "_agent forceSpeed 6;" \n (vanilla value was 10) Zeds begin start run animation at 4 or 5, below this value, zed will walk |
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In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
I tried what you mentioned Eric, and I seems to have worked. I edited the files and started up my game, spawned in and didn't have any errors like I was having earlier. I really appreciate you lending your helping hand from mod to mod to me.
And to Oliv I would like to tell you personally I appreciate what you're doing. When I first got interested in DayZ, it was when I was watching YouTube videos over the game. It wasn't until last month when I got fed up with DayZ Standalone that I decided to switch over to the Mod, but the Mod in its current state seems to have a lot of changes and it seems to no longer have the "old DayZ feel" that I was interested in years ago when I found out about the game. You're mod seems to bring that feeling back but in a singleplayer/offline experience which fits my playstyle completely. Thanks for the work you put into these mods to give to the community, and thank you both for the replies to me. |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hey Oliv, been playing your mod for a few hours now and it has a very good "old DayZ" feeling like you said. One think I noticed though was the the hydration and nutrition seems to deplete pretty fast, or at least it does for me compared to other mods I have tried. I was in Elektro, went to the water pump there and drank my fill of water after my thirst was basically gone. I had full water then, but when I ran up the hill north of where the water pump is located(less then 1km distance), nearly half of my hydration was gone already. Is this a bug, or is that how the hydration works in your mod? The food seems alright itself, but I think it depletes a bit to fast also. The nutrition and hydration almost seems a bit like it is in your Wasteland 1987, which I seen on one of your posts that it was a bug.
It isn't a very big deal, but if it is a bug I figured I would bring it to your attention. But if it isn't a bug, is there a way to change the values on how fast your nutrition/hydration goes down? It is pretty realistic having to drink from town to town, but after a while it gets a little tiresome, or at least it does to me. I don't want to seem like I am trying to change your mod completely and take away anything that brings a challenge to the game, but with the amount of time I have to play the DayZ mod, I don't want the little bit of time I do play to seem like a chore. Either way though I can handle it. So far it seems I am able to find at least one can of food per town or one drink, but it still seems like after running up that hill and half my hydration going down is a bit fast. And I want to apologize in advance if I may be getting annoying with all of my posts. Still, this is a great mod you have uploaded, and another reply would be great. |
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LOL. ![]() ![]() The food / thirst rates have been quite the matter of discussion (see a few pages back) and are now quite generous to what they used to be. You can also monitor their values using the journal ("j" key). How much drinking and eating restores your stats is very different from standard - one can of food and drink will not get you far. Also, keep in mind that weather, temperature and how heavy laden you are will all effect the rate of hunger and dehydration - but Oliv82 can explain the technical details better. I wrote a brief guide with some tips for survival here. Hmm, interesting - I have noted that the newer versions of DayZ ( also changed this so you've made many improvements everywhere! ;) |
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