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Iam back from the hell and my head is near to explode ;)
About Arma2 commands I was wrong, it was not a "abs" command problem, or something strange... It was on refreshHud.sqf and hud.sqf scripts player_spawn_2.sqf script was able to run multiples times at the same time, thats explain the fast hunger/thirst and the slowly decrease of FPS too...I will not enter in details but hud.sqf script is fixed now So after longs tests, I have re-setted H/T multipliers; and about my last gameplay (7h to 9h30, Berez to Electro), those settings were perfect for me :) Thats means it fit with the spawn rate of bandits, too much bandits, you have too much food, drinks equipments etc.., not enough bandits and you slowly die by the lack of drink/food loots, thats the idea Berezino was quite calm (2 bandits), but Electro (6 bandits) was active and pretty short in term of action. By adding those randomly chances to spawn, it increase the uncertainly chances to encounter bandits, like appromativly the same feeling of a Dayz server (I can say my last game was like a ~15~20 players dayz server) You are right on this point its true but not my main goal.. I prefer use all features of dayz and keep the old feeling to allways check inventory, thirst, hunger etc .. all vital features of player, PVP is for me secondly Its very very very hard to set parameters balance between PVP phases and survival behaviour of player That's I want to balance in this mod, but other factor to add is the uncertainly spawn of AI (like you said) Like real Dayz server I want to be surprised by roaming bandit, thats the idea Military zones, in my "new" settings are still the same, only timer delay is slighly increased, I think the most dangerous zone is here if you want action, so I kept the same settings, I think all players of this mod will be agreed with this I will try to track some others bug for this game and I will release the patch soon The "player_pitchtent.sqf" is also modified to remove the "surface check" condition... By this way the player can now also pitch tent in houses .. and under others "houses" structures thats the main reason, I think player have rights to build his base where he want, more liberty actions |
![]() Hmm, this gives me some great ideas for bases in some of the single derelict buildings around the map. :) |
v11.25a ready
- hud.sqf fixed (no more multiples calculations of player_spawn_2 and lost of FPS) - no restriction for pitch tent location - H/T fixed - fixed additionals chances for AI spawns (except airfields locations) - helis: spawns rate fixed, behaviour fixed - various minors bugs on medical logics - loot respawn system minor bug fix Good luck :) |
- player_spawnCheck.sqf (loot timer fix) |
Does this fix the loot not spawning / slow to spawn? I've only been playing a few hours in-game, v11.xx is almost like a new game. The H/T setting is quite generous (my weather conditions are overcast, grey, rainy), and it's nice to see the ratio of 1/2 for it just as in RL where food is important but water is absolutely critical. AI are not making anywhere near the appearance they once did. It's hard to really know when there are probabilities at play because they can suddenly swing the other way. It's certainly added a bit of tension to looting. For the first time I seem to experiencing lag. I've lost a few frames a second for some reason and I'm finding loot really slow to spawn. I drove up to NEAF and parked near the ACT. No loot in the tower or the small industrial building, nor in the 2 barracks. Ran to the first hanger, nothing but at the second hanger had rubbish appear. Running further down to the 2 warehouse, found normal loot there and at fire station. Ran back to ACT, no change or additional loot spawning, ran to furthest barrack found a RPK only. I'm removing -nologs from my startup to collect data and will use 11.25b. |
Started a new game with v11.25b and have generally been enjoying it. :)
I'm still having some loot problems, there just seems to be something lagging the game. If I drive up to a spot in the city, I can arrive before the trash items appear - I watch as wrecked cars, trash piles, road blocks spawn in - and even before zombies have a chance to spawn - this has never happened on any previous version of the mod. If I jog into an area then things seem to work better and loot spawns normally but if I back-track the loot has disappeared and never seems to return. I drove through Cherno to the small industrial section (there's a soccer field behind this area) and parked there. I ran down to the hosiptal, found a few things, then ran to the warehouse (near where the bus always spawns) and found a couple of wheels. Then headed to the medical tents and other hospital - nothing at all, not even trash. There's quite a bit of spam in the RPT, I don't know if it's slowing anything down. I'm not sure about the AI setting, I've seen one in 4 hours. I did notice something strange: I saw muzzle smoke from a weapon but no sound. Examining the body I found an AK with no ammo and a Markov with a couple of mags. It should noted, I'm still enjoying myself ;) |
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In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
I re-wrote the player_spawnCheck.sqf (the loot part)
old code returned pretty weird weaponHolders on the ground (loots objects) and the objects holders (backpacks holders) were "blended" with normals holders I also dont liked this code because it was too dependant of the distance between player and buildings... also returned weird results With the new code, each building have his own "loot_respawn_delay", and no more a "global_delay" So the new code add +1 on the loot_spawn_delay each loop and for each buildings who have a "_canLoot" variable thats the reason the loot delay should be longuer with the number of buildings near player To balance this, I reduced the "global" respawn_delay per 2 (old was 540sec now 360sec), (this variable is just a number in fact, and not a "real" global variable) the 11.25a release was totaly horrible because I added a very bad loot code by error (my bad sorry :p) lot of useless iterations and a lot of lost of FPS.. I wanted to release a "quick fix" with the 11.25b ! I tested quicky 11.25b and I didnt had any lag, but it was a quick test.. ABout the rpt file there is a "compile" order problem at start (the damage system and the repositionning trash script) I will check those problems |
Hey :)
I don't really like posting nothing but problems, it seems so negative so I'm usually glad to hear there actually is/was a problem ;) You're right about weird results - it's so hit and miss with the loot at the moment. v11.25b is much better with the lag issue than v11.25a - there still seems to be a small degree of it remaining and it's only really noticeable around the major cities. The vehicle repair system isn't working 100% - most of the time the option to repair does not appear and waiting for it doesn't help. I only included the .RPT file because I think it might be useful for you to see one from another source (v11.25b). My version of Arma2 is different as well (noted at the top of the .RPT entry). Lastly, I loaded yesterdays save and have been in and around Cherno, seen a few more AI than yesterdays session - I mention this because it can sometimes appear that the system isn't working properly when it actually is; it's just probabilities based on a 50/50 chance (or what ever random value you have applied). |
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Your PC isnt probably the same of mine, I think thats the reason I cant detect the same bugs :/
Arma2 "load" compiled scripts but with differents delays iits very tricky to have an idea of the order of each scripts Repair system and repositioning trash inits was quicky fixed but not for the loot spawn, I will test more because I have stranges results for the moment :/ I need to set a minimum and maximum distance (player/buildings) to dont decrease so much FPS 25b version still have lower FPS than older versions because there is no maximum distance limit between 30 and 600m (600m is still the max. and its too high for loots not for zeds) EDIT: oups.. not 600m but 800m. So maximum was setted to 800m (very too high) replaced by 400m (same of older versions) By my experience, "random 100" command divide 100 per 2 to have 50, before choice randomly a number around 50, not around 100, and never upper to 100 EDIT2: ok, the new code for loot respawn work, the replaced maximum distance value was too high (during tests Ive forgot to replace this value before the release of 11.25b) so the new code is now: ... range of buildings iterations = 400m ... ... //Loot _looted = _x getVariable ["looted",false]; _lootAge = _x getVariable ["lootAge",0]; if (_lootAge < dayz_lootTimeDelay) then { _x setVariable ["lootAge",_lootAge + 1]; if (_dis > 30 and _dis < 120 and !_looted) then { _handleLoot = _x spawn building_spawnLoot; waitUntil{scriptDone _handleLoot}; _x setVariable ["looted",true]; }; } else { _x setVariable ["lootAge",0]; if (_dis > 120 and _looted) then { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [(getPos _x),dayz_grdHolders,(sizeOf _typeB)+5]; _x setVariable ["looted",false]; }; }; ... ... dayz_lootTimeDelay = 360 (secondes of respawn delay for each buildings) I release the 11.25c without long tests, but it should work now :p - loot spawn lost FPS fixed - init repositionning trash fixed line 9 if ((!isNil "_rePos") and !_rePos) then {... - init repair system fixed vehiclesetDamage.sqf and vehiclesetDamAI.sqf (line 3) waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; |
Awesome, look forward to playing! :D
Still playing this and many others, its really apreciated for all the work that goes into it. i do have one question. Is it possible to edit the maps for the missions that have been made. I would love to get into adding other buildings and stuff, but most tutorials are for editing maps on servers.
In reply to this post by Oliv82
I find DaiZy Chernarus 1987 very enjoyable, especially with the neat addons that are added to give the game a better visual effect, and experience. However, I enjoyed one of your older versions the most. I can't exactly remember what it was called, But I know the file was named "DaiZy Factions 1987 weapmd". It was version 8.14B. I enjoy this current version of Diazy 1987, but my personal favorite was 8.14B. I enjoyed every aspect of that version, from the starting, to the patrols and the air drops. Just something about that older version became my preferable version, and I'm probably not the only one that enjoys this older version. I had that version for the longest time but I got a new Drive for my PC and reinstalled Windows so I lost that version. I was looking for DaiZy 1987 and I came across this one which is similar, and I do enjoy this version, but it's not as enjoyable as the other version. Something about 8.14B was just amazing, and it captured my attention. So now my question is can you release your older versions of this mod, so that those of us who enjoyed the older versions can find our preferable version? I don't know about others, but that would make my day. I have tried to find the older version but I haven't been able to find it. From what I've gathered, it seems the download link for it was removed. Anyways, thanks for this enjoyable DaiZy version, it's really nicely done. I just love the older version of this mod as well and I ask that you please release the older versions once again. This is completely up to you, and if you don't want to, of course you don't have to.
Thanks! |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Is there a proper way to treat the infected disease? The reason I asked is I got the disease made it to a hospital got some antibiotics and not 5 mins later I was infected again. I didn't come in contact with any zeds or anything. Also what causes this?
Hi day*glo,
There's a number of ways to get an infection (too cold for to long, drinking dirty water, raw meat and zombies). The level of infection can vary too so this means that sometimes one packet of antibiotics won't be enough - you'll need two. A similar mechanic is sometimes you'll need two bandages to stop bleeding. This is why you need to be careful to stay healthy until you are really "geared up" because death is never far away! |
Nice thanks for the info
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hey! Are you still working on this? (pls do! haha)
First I have to say that I just love playing this version, I really like the balance in the difficulty!! But I have a problem :/ I´ve just installed the whole Arma2oa game after a very long time on a recently formatted computer and then I found this lovely update (11.25c) so I decided to start playing again and after a few 1 or 2 hours sessions the game starts to "lag" (I know lag is for online, but I dont know how to say it...) Its always the same, in every game I started and restarted, I cannot longer play after 19:00 or 20:00 (game time) because the in-game action menu gets very slow, and I mean, VERY slow... If I aproach my truck, I have to stand still for several seconds waiting for the option to change a tyre for example. Then I select "repair tyre" and nothing happens until maybe 1 minute after that... If go to the tent, i have to wait for several seconds for the "tent options" to appear in the action menu (like sleep or pack tent) and if I try to sleep it says that Im not THAT tyred yet (and I´ve been running the whole day lol) I took a heli ride to the other side of the island and spend some time there but the game wasnt any better after that. Everything else works great, I get 35-40 fps with a new game but if I play long enough to make it until night time, it gets "laggy" or whatever name there is for that. So I guess my PC (specs) is not at fault here because I can play the "normal" arma2oa without any issues. I would love to keep playing for days and dayz but cant make it after day 1 because of that problem :c Anyway, it is a great version and I just love it, thank you for this! Greetings from CHILE!! |
Hey olive great work as usual. i am trying this again after long while, and when the game loads, the HUD icons are present but there is a black screen saying "waiting to create character" Nothing seems to happen.
would base building be coming for this mod?
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Great to see an update, downloading! Thanks for all your hard work, I absolutely love your missions! Keep up the amazing work bud.
I would also like to ask if base building will be included? (I don't think it is currently is it?)
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
No sorry baseBuilding system isnt included I have removed it long time ago
I track for bugs specialy the selfactions script ("Heal survivor") and other stuff This bug seems to be fixed No more lost FPS, saves are now not corrupted H/T slighly fixed (Hunger a bit increased and Thirst reduced) and AI/helis patrols delays slighly reduced and spawn1 script little fix (1 useless HT calc. line deleted) I need to check the siphon script too v11.25c is playable but please wait for v11.25d |
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