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This version is based to a Haleks's DaizyFACTIONS SP mod (DayZ version --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This mod is focused on the survival aspect, travel for eat and drinks, searching repair parts... -NPC's and Zeds quantity and spawn rate decreased but they are hard to kill if you don't headshoot them -Trash loots increased, weapons chance decreased -A lot of community customs scripts added/modified ![]() ![]() --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -You start the game with: 1 bandage 1 Jack'sDaniels bottle 1 Heatpack --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (v11.24) -20.02.17- - @JSRS 1.5 weapons_sounds merged - sound work on "old" regular Dayz weapons (winchester,MR42,remington870) - Updated repair scripts + vehicles damages scripts - Real PSO-1, PSO-1-1 sights for AK series and SVD - RPG7v and Strela added + ural_Zsu23 replaced by BRDM-2 - Reduced zed resistance (~ -25%) Updates: ----------------- (v11.26e) -9.03.18- - Cheats: Vehicles spawn no more use "init_vehicle.sqf" function (already included in vehiclesetDamage.sqf) - Siphon2.sqf and jerry_fill.sqf: added some security code to avoid lost jerrys or vars + minors fixes - new zeds spawn code (similar to Namalsk new code, but spawn values are unchanged) - checkHUD.sqf: added (spawn2 > 0) condition to avoid error message if you wait long time at the man/women selection menu - player_wearClothes.sqf: fixed allow to change clothes in buildings - player_igniteFire.sqf: faster code to create/delete fire_barrels objects (v11.27a) -14.03.18- - New zeds/loot spawn system - added "dayz_skinStealth" + "dayz_skinArmor" vars for each types of clothes - player_checkStealth.sqf and fn_damageHandler.sqf updated (v11.27b) -04.08.18- - fuel barrels/tanks/veh refuel/fill logics fixes (siphon2.sqf, jerry_fill.sqf, jerry_refuel.sqf) - added player action for check fuel quantity of all tanks - fn_selfActions.sqf fixes - crafted crate distance is now reduced to 1m instead of 2.5m (craftingCrate.sqf) - fatigue (delay for sleep in tent) locVar added to playerstats_Epeen.sqf (round(time*100/10800)) - missed dayz_skinArmor calc. in player_zombieAttack.sqf fixed - player_wearClothes.sqf: female character init condition fix - added "s_moving_AI" handler (while {1==1} do {...) for "s_player_mvSafePos_AI" addAction command - doMoveSafePosAI.sqf: Force recruted survivor to move without aiming/shoting zeds (_selectedUnit disableAI TARGET/AUTOTARGET/WEAPONAIM, _selectedUnit allowDamage false/true) - refuel/refill actions removed while ignited barrels - CrossBow aiming+ballistic fix (+ muzzles fix + scoped version fix + removed zeroing) - Zeroing is also removed on all weapons exept PSO-1 weapons, ACOG weapons, LRR's, NVG/Ti weapons, RPK, PKM, M240 classes - TentPitch minor fix - "CSJ_GyroC": fixed "scope" and "side" - removed repairs, siphon, flip_vehicle player actions when vehicle engine is on - skin11 and skin12 are replaced by others 3d models and side values are fixed (no more red tags for friendlies survivors now) - GL attachment muzzle fix on AK-74 and M16 series (v11.28c) -19.12.18- - Added Nutrition feature + GUI arrows (3 levels) - Temp. increase or decrease GUI arrows (3 levels) - Infected/injured/sick/starvation/low blood (blood GUI border colors) - Removed MonitorColoredAlert_colors.sqf system (Epeen menu is still present) - Updated Infection system (using wipes reduce Infection chances + delay + chance to use useless dry wipe) - Light decrease of loot chances (in building_spawnLoot.sqf) - object_setFixServer.sqf updated (repair system fix) - carsNearRoads.sqf (code light update + added loot chances with loot class + launchers very low chance) - player_updateGui.sqf: updated, blood_border colors only for sick, starv., injured and infected status - dayz_myLoad: light reduced factors - wipes.sqf: adjusted chance of dry wipe (old: 70 now: 40) - playerstats_Epeen.sqf: adjusted "Fatigue" (dayz_sleepTimer) value - "thirstRegen" values added for each food items (low values) - dayz_lootTimeDelay reduced to 160 (old: 180) - Missing "s_moving_AI" fixed - carsNearRoads.sqf: minor fix (_veh error) - breath particles after reload save fixed (v11.29a) -13.03.19- - New var: dayz_nearStarv, zeds switch to "food" loot class if player is near starvation - "z_doctor","z_hunter","z_soldier","z_soldier_pilot","z_soldier_heavy" has better lootChance - "player_updateGui.sqf" updated - selfHeal cheat script updated - "player_spawn2.sqf" updated - "init.sqf" add setDate command to ramdomize game start time - POI: SouthernAirport updated - POI: StarySobor fixed - POI: Chernogorsk fixed - "Camp" building class loot positions is fixed - Military Camps and Tents classes now release loots (+Medical tents) - Tent scripts are fixed (+ added DomeTent) (fixed tent pos + diag_tickTime + added "Cancel action") - "equip_crate" + both Tents types light inc. of capacity - "object_monitorGear.sqf" + "fn_selfActions.sqf" updated for Tents - "NPC_AlertZombies.sqf" + addEventHandler commands updated for Ai's (less CPU stress) - "player_spawnCheck.sqf" updated Loot/Zeds spawn commands - slowCheck update: delete loot command added when player is out of buildings range (v11.29b) -17.03.19- - added "walking_zeds" user option in "init.sqf" - "NPC_AlertZombies.sqf" updated: faster code - "player_reviveDeathDelay.sqf" updated: minor error fixed - "player_zombieAttack.sqf" updated: inverted scope fixed - "player_spawnCheck.sqf" updated: added vars for Ai's spawn system - "player_spawn_1.sqf" updated: dayz_maxLocalZombies new calculation system - "zombie_generate.sqf" updated - "behCheck_AiZeds.sqf" updated: minor fixes - "carsNearRoads.sqf" added hint message to show script loading (v11.29c) -27.03.19- - "player_spawn_1.sqf": fix of deleting bandits code if player too far (range: 800m) - "init.sqf": added "maxLlZedsDiv" User parameter, adjust max qty of zeds near player - "init.sqf": added "starv_loot" User parameter, active/desactive "loot" type when player has starvation - minors fixes (v11.29d) -14.05.19- - restored @CBA_CO in FIX file (add this folder in your "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead" directory) - "player_monitor.fsm" servers conditions removed + minors fixes - "player_spawnCheck" and "stream_locationCheck" are removed from "player_monitor.fsm" and placed to "player_spawn_2" - minor code optimization in some fast loops ("if()then{}else" replaced by "select" command) - "player_build" is fixed (player can now use sandBags, wireFence and tankTrap without errors) - minors optimizations in some codes (useless locVars in sensibles scripts) (v11.29e) -15.05.19- - removed @CBA_CO in FIX file (added Functions module in mission.sqm) - "ItemBandage","ItemEpinephrine","ItemMorphine","ItemHeatPack","ItemAntibiotic","ItemPainkiller", "ItemTrashRazor","ItemKosmosSmokesOpen","FoodPistachio","FoodNutmix","TrashTinCan", "WoodenArrow","BoltSteel","ItemAntibacterialWipe","emptyBloodBag","ItemWatch","ItemCompass", "ItemMap","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS" dont impact player load (also in backPack) (v11.30a) -24.05.19- - Matches boxes updated, each matchboxes has their own quantities (empty to 10) - "player_igniteFire.sqf" updated - config.cpp (dayz_code.pbo) updated for new matchBoxes classes (+ AI's stuff) - "speedDamagedVeh.sqf" re-activated - fn_windDust is fixed and re-activated (+ add "forest" dayz_surfaceType for Dust part + add dayz_isSwimming conditions + Vehicle Smoke re-activated) - Colored "playerstats_Epeen.sqf" values (nominals values are set to standard white/grey) - Fatigue of player affect Sick and Infection chances (dont forget to use "Wipes" to reduce chances of infection) - Player can sleep now after 80% of fatigue (old was 100%) (v11.30b) -25.05.19- - syntax for BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted fixed (config.hpp + AI's BP's) (v11.30d) -28.05.19- - Gameplay options changeable during the game: Cheat menu --> "Utilities" --> "User Gameplay" - KeyPad by "AirFell" ( - Added "." key to enter decimals numbers - Only one "." on the screen - "0" is created before the "." if it's pressed as first - "0" and "." buttons on the same line - inverted "1" "2" "3" / "7" "8" "9" buttons - "AF_KP_fncs.sqf" edited for min. and max. vars limits 1. Bandits Timer 2. Survivor Chance 3. Max. Local Zeds 4. Walking Zeds 5. Loot Chance 6. Loot Delay 7. Starvation Loot 8. Load Div.(Fatigue) 9. Engine Wearing 10. Wind/Ash Effects 11. Breath Effect 12. Clear Sky - fn_windDust code fix (v11.31a) -01.06.19- - "player_selectWeapon.sqf" (hatchet + crossbow bug fix) - H/T values: "speed vehicle" instead of "velocity" code fix ("vehicle player == player" isn't changed) - "speedDamagedVeh.sqf": boats classes minor fix - Loot spawn in backpacks: (4=default 1=MaxLoot 24=NoLoot), value adjustable in Cheat Menu ("civilian" + "food" + "hospital" loot tables + low chance for "PG7V","OG7","Strela") - survSpawnChance.sqf (min. value is now =1) - "RPG7V_DZ" added to "MilitarySpecial" loot table (chance: 0.01) - "RPG7V_DZ","Strela_DZ" added to "HeliCrash1987" loot table (chance: 0.02,0.01) (v11.31b) -05.06.19- - Crossbow Flashlight fix - G36C ACOG: missed 3d model from official Dayz mod - Attachable flashlight on AKS-74U (no extra 3d model for FL) - Attachable flashlight on MP5A5 (no extra 3d model for FL) - Attachable flashlight on G36C (no extra 3d model for FL) (v11.31c) -07.06.19- - Correct classname of SVD in loot tables (dayz_code.pbo) - PSO-1-1 sight texture fix on AK-74 - PSO-1 sight texture fix on SVD - ACOG sight (FNC_Scopes mod merged in fnc_scopes_pso_m.pbo) for G36C, M16A4 (v11.32a) -09.06.19- - AK-74, SVD: stadiametric rangefinder calibrated - AK-74, SVD: new zoom values - CZ550: Sounds from JSRS mod (mag reload, bolt reload + muzzles) the noise level is comparable than SVD - CZ550: illuminated sight replaced by simpler "cross" sight - CZ550: variable zoom replaced by a locked zoom - CZ550: zeroing limited to 600m - Revolver: Sounds from JSRS mod - Makarov: Sounds from JSRS mod - Colt1911: Sounds from JSRS mod - Micro UZI: Sounds from JSRS mod - LeeEnfield: Sounds from JSRS mod (v11.32b) -20.10.20- - Fixed user gameplay variables parameters (cheat menu) - Zeds spawn a bit more progressively - Fixed Refuel/fill scripts code (multiple jerrycans code fix) - Fixed repair cheat script ------------------------------------------------------- Install: -1- Download MAIN file: ( (424 Mb) -2- Download the PATCH: ( (184.59 Mb) -3-Additional PATCH: ( (1.59Mb) -3- Extract MAIN file in your "Arma 2 OA" folder -4- replace all old files by PATCH files -5- install "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead beta patch" ( -6- Create a new "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" shortcut, and rename it like you want -7- Go to "Properties" of your new shortcut and change start commands with those lines: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@DaiZy_1987" -nosplash -showscripterrors CREDITS : AboveDayZ, Fedus_87, Niceonegunit, DayZ_SP, Unknown, ZedHunter & Haleks. Krixes, Xyberviri, GeneralCarver And the whole scripters community I have forgot to mention ! |
Hey dude,
I was literally just finding and extra wheel for a bike in Halex's FACTIONS 2.6.1, when I checked here and found this! I installed as to your instructions to the letter, but unfortunately got this: Is there a work around for this, something like tricking the mod into thinking those mods are installed? Would love to try this out and see how it plays :) |
This post was updated on .
It seems you don't have required files in the @DaiZyFACTIONS1987 folder mine contain: dayz.pbo dayz_anim.pbo dayz_code.pbo dayz_communityassets.pbo dayz_equip.pbo dayz_factions.pbo dayz_sfx.pbo dayz_vehicles.pbo dayz_weapons.pbo 1- copy and paste all your dayz .pbo files on @DaiZyFACTIONS1987 folder 2- copy and paste all .pbo files from Haleks 1.7.7 FACTIONS mod 3- after that, you can copy and paste my 2 "dayz_code.pbo" and "dayz_equip.pbo" from my zip |
Hi again,
I totally didn't put the @ at the start of the folder name like a tool. I am now running around in your mod of a mod! Kamenka spawn too! I had to download and install rMod as it errored on that, and for some reason something is replacing JSRS sounds back to vanilla, but otherwise it is all working and I will report back on how it all pans out :) |
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I keep having an error "content deleted.rmod" after the map has finished loading :S
also where is the safezone located at?
Download this and put the files inside the addon folder into your FACTIONS addons folder. ![]() @Oliv82: Reading through your changes it looks like you are a fan of realism. I really like your release and I am using some more addons with this to make it more realistic: 1. Some files from the PROPER Addons, like the actual models of mags, faster vault animation, etc. 2. XAM Environment sounds 3. WarFX 4. GDT grass mod just to get better FPS (+ less clutter) 5. Shacktac Bunnyhop 6. JDT Fire & Smoke Also, will you edit the map a bit more?
I'm a toast. Deal with it.
This post was updated on .
I have forgot rmod ! I realized it doesn't work without it :(
I will edit the opening post @xToast: yes i like realism :p, I thought I had seen everything about mods :) but I will try to test the mods you mentionned especialy "XAM environement sounds" thanks ! I dont think I will edit the map again... the only thing i would like to do is to add concrete wall all around my Zelenogorsk Firestation ! but thats all 2 things what do not work with this mod is: - respawn of loots (I added a custom area trigger script to respawn all loots of Chernarus; it situated at Green Mountain; not the best for the gameplay) - on the male or female choice menu, if you take too long to choice your character, the lost blood (-6000+rdm1000) dont work.. you start with 12000 blood pts I added this line on "intro.sqf" (line #40) r_player_blood = r_player_blood - 6000 + (random 1000); sleep .2; Maybe someone have a better solution? @Jhurds: I have send you a PM |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hi again!
I've had a play through your mod and although it has been a fun experience, I have noticed a few things that might not be correct. I thought that I'd post because I think this mod could be really good and has a lot of potential! Firstly, when it says "Someone is over here" I presume this is when a bandit/friendly AI is near. I only ever found one friendly and no one shot at me ever. I spent a long time going to Cherno, Electro all the way to Berezino and Story and NW airfield (I found all the parts to fix a Ural). There were no corpses anywhere. The only thing that hurt me (apart from zombies) was a helicopter attack, but that crashed into a hill, which luckily saved my life at the time! I do like the patrolling helicopters a lot! I think that having the sentences appear on the screen gives away that someone is near, meaning that it will not surprise the player as they have been warned. But It looks nice having a narrative on the screen! I did start the game with Super AI = On but turned it off, could this have stopped bandits spawning? There was a considerable lack of zombies. There were zombies around, just not very many. I liked the idea of having less as-per the amount of houses, but in reality I think this could do with just a few more to be around. Sometimes I went to a town and there were none at all for a good 15 minutes, and there was no challenge or need to stealth. It does look a lot better that having ten suddenly pop out of the corner of a barn however! I really liked having more trash loot. It took longer to find things and I found it to be more rewarding when I found an item that I needed! Sometimes the loot took a long time when you arrive at a new area, but rarer loot works well. If it were possible to have loot piles only spawn one time ever and never to respawn again, this would encourage the player to have to travel to more areas, because whatever you find, that is it! Currently I can sit in Cherno and farm loot whilst more respawned until I got all the parts for my Ural and never need to explore. I am undecided on the delay of using bloodbags. I support the idea of making it difficult for the player to regain health, because this would encourage hunting of animals for high blood-count meat, instead of relying on finding spawned items. However if I was trapped on a roof with bandits nearby, I would want to try and refill as much as I was carrying at that time. The AEG mod looks brilliant, it was very cool to see the streetlights on at the start, and the generator sounds are awesome! I had not seen that before. I really like the weather effects and windy dust everywhere. This really adds to the atmosphere! Also keep the sun blinding! It adds a lot more realism to the world I think. You can't seem to turn off the Epeen meter though in 00-menu, I like just using the GUI icons to be honest. Some tweaks might be needed but this was a great mod to play on! I appreciated the longer time it took to find needed items, and found it more rewarding when finding loot! I look forward to any updates you might bring out for this mod, please consider looking into the above and hope this mod catches on! :) |
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Thanks crowbars82 for your interresting post !
About zeds number yes of course the first thing you can see is the lack of zeds but... as you can see, the weapons and ammunitions loots are relatively rare; For my personals gameplays in Chernogorsk or Electro, I managed to keep my tiny quantity of ammo for killing bandits NPC's, my hatchet is used for zeds, trying to not be wounded ! (zeds damage is increased and restore blood level is hard and it's the goal :p) Nonetheless, I think to keep the same number of zeds... but... increase the life points of each zed must be a good compromise, what do you think about that ? "Someone is over here" message can help a lot against bandits certainly, personnaly I have problems to see them so it help me a bit :) I can desactivate those messages, I will add a link to this version :) you want to hide "I hear a chopper..." too ? let me know what you want exactly Bandits spawn delay is setted with a larger ramdom time so you can travel a medium sized town without bandit as you can encounter a bandit very quickly, in large towns its a bit different, the delay is reduced but it's still relatively long, for small towns, the probably to encounter a bandit is rare because you don't stay long time generaly on those sort of towns. I ve never tried to change anything about AI skill, I will test, thx for the info! The loot table with more trash loot is (I think) the best compromise to avoid the facility of the gameplay Cherno have enough industrials buildings to rebuilt your ural; same for the old truck in Electro, but it take long time, you need to check frequently your thirst and your hunger too :) Selfbloodbag delays are enough long to do others things during this time :p Yes, AEG mod is awesome, I can't play without it now, I managed to restore streetlights too and it work fine :) About the monitor I will try to fix this but Iam far to be a pro of scripts ! Thanks again for your feedback |
In reply to this post by xToast
thx bro, Brofist :)
In reply to this post by Oliv82
I am liking the sound of your ideas for this. Could you put less items on dead bandits as well? Having less to work with makes things more enjoyable for sure. I agree with your outlook on trying not to get wounded so having increased zed health and bloodbag delay would be okay with me! I did like the bandit spawn-caption idea, it just meant that I would sit and scout from behind a wall for ages. Otherwise normally I would get shot at/near from nowhere, incurring sudden panic evasion that gets the adrenaline going. I believe this has much greater impact on myself for this game, I understand that this may differ though! There was one particular caption however which was "You smell something burning" which I personally thought was great, because I have no USB sense-of-smell (One day I hope we all will), but yeah this is a good idea. I am undecided on if it works for me with the captions on or off yet. I will play more and see. Nice job on getting the streetlights working with this! I will give this another go and hope to find more bandits :) |
I tried to increase the hit points of zeds in CfgVehicles.hpp but it seems to do not work I search... mm.. yes it's a good idea to put less items on dead bandits too I will try to fix this |
Update v2 -zeds are more harder to kill now, 1 head shot=1 kill but kill a zed with hatchet need 4 or 5 hit on the body same for M9 gun, it need 4 or 5 hits on the body, headshot=>killed (i managed to "stole" a part of a script, but I don't know the author...) -A few more zeds -Dead bandits have slightly less loot -Debug monitor work now with the cheatmode (00 keys=>Epeen monitor) |
Yo bro why not make the respawn a special script like for example: a barn has 5 zeds and you kill them you dont have enough time to loot all and a zed respawned and your just "OH F**k" then zombie killed then another then another and so-on so i was thinking if you would make a script that would make zeds respawn when your 75 meters away from the barn or town so that way it would make it more realistic and when you come back you see zeds....its realistic
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The author has deleted this message.
also just make a patch so we dont have to download the whole thing AGAIN :/ thx
In reply to this post by Oliv82
hi man great job on this not stopped playing it all day !!!
just wondering where the US Camp is located on the map ???? Thanks, Ben |
In reply to this post by Jhurds
hey bro I was wonderin if you can make us spawn in safezone thats fortified and with unrecutable guards
In reply to this post by crowbars82
"...hope this mod catches on!"
Yep, I'd love to play it, but I had try and installing it earlier on and frankly got nowhere. In the end I had uninstall everything - my entire Arma2/OA install and I've only just finished reinstalling it all again. The problem is that even though I've previously been able to install mods for the game, this one leaves me flummoxed. The installation instructions are just too hazy, too vague and assume too much knowledge on the part of the reader. What I don't understand: really the whole file structure of the final installed mod. Perhaps a screen shot or two of the 'ideal' installation, showing root folders, contents, etc. I just don't know (and it isn't clear enough from the instructions) what exactly is needed and where exactly it has to go. At the moment I have a fresh install of ArmA2 and OA, plus the latest DAYZ (vanilla) from Commander. Everything is working fine in DayZ, I know this, 'cos I've tried it out, so I'm certain my folders and contents are all completely uncompromised by any left-over files, etc. I'd love to play this mod, but I really, really need some clear advice on how exactly (and what I need) to install it all correctly. Nobody is more embarrassed by this than me, I assure you. |
In reply to this post by Ben
Hi There, i really love this mod, It´s fresh and new and i love the Idea of survival like Bear Grylls :-) I managed to fuel up a chopper and i was flying around the whole map at day and night, but i can´t find this US Camp...Can you give me/us a little hint please?
Keep up the good work, it´s lot of fun to play this map/mission Thank´s Man Cheers DonMichael |
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