Olive is still cranking on this?
I enjoyed his other mod a bit more than this one, but looks like loads of updates since then. Gonna give it a try again, cause I can't get EpochSP to work ... especially if I can set options ... crossbow/flashlight? *blinks* ... i don't think i've ever actually used the crossbow in Dayz ... hmmm, interesting. |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
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played it for a bit ... thirst rate is insane, but is more like classic vanilla dayz with occasional AI in it.
I still want the epoch if can get it to work, rummaging/looting is fine , but I really wanna decent base build option. However this mod is done very well, but I wish Olive had put the work/effort into his wasteland1987 mod , that one is neat, you got money from killing bandits/AI , it had traders ... lots of neat features like calling supply drops at radio towers or the airports. It only lacked base building and a tiny bit of AI spawn issues. This one : I like it's more like vanilla with a few extras, like roaming AI bandits. the new options features I like also! Also more open buildings is very nice! Option features seem a bit buggy - I put on walking zeds to test it, I found a few zeds that still ran. - Loot generation : I put the loot spawn on 6 , and got no more loot spawning than it on default. Also, I noticed traveling 500m away from loot spawn and coming right back, spawned in new/different loot each time. Dislikes- Fuel is limited , thirst rate is way too high. Hunger is just right. - Don't like not being able to self-bloodbag - don't like hitting caps locks suicides you. - don't like can't eat if full to regain blood loss. - dislike getting infection ever time a zombie hits you. ( I got the cannibal disease first hit , started crying, laughing , and shaking instantly. ) |
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Lol, no doubt it's "survival" ... with having to drink something every ten minutes hehehe!
Olive does good work. I still liked his wasteland1987 more. It didn't have zombies in it, if a few things were fixed in it , it'd be a fun module. I'm not sure the reputations system actually worked in it, but it was fun following missions and clues around. My only complaint was you'd find tents/camps at random, no one around, and when you went up looking at tents, it'd spawn in AI right there on you, like 4-5 of them, no way to kill em ... no time to go up hit the tent and run away either. Anyways, no I did not see the LoD 1.00 ... trying to download it now. |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
![]() |
For someone still play this mod... :p
(v11.32b) -20.10.20- - Fixed user gameplay variables parameters (cheat menu) - Zeds spawn a bit more progressively - Fixed Refuel/fill scripts code (multiple jerrycans code fix) - Fixed repair cheat script |
I appreciate that you have continued to maintain this project. I have been racking my brain for the past 3 days on installing it, and finally got it right, I think.
I am able to play 11.32a with no issues. When attempting to load 11.32b, I hang on "waiting for character data". The -showscripterrors flag reports an error in "..\1987FACTIONS_Chernarus_v1132b.chernarus\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf" , line 1. The debug report an undefined variable "PlyrHasRespawned". ... there was also a quick error about blood bags that comes before this error, but seems to move on to the undefined variable error shortly after. I am not experienced at all with coding, though maybe there was an accidental deletion between the versions? Thank you for your hard work! |
Hi Lightside1125 !
You play the good mod thx :) I don't know if it was the first time you installed and played v11.32a on your computer But be advised, for each updates you install, you need to restart another "adventure" of your "survivor" By my experience this kind of bug is very rare, look like all scripts are not loaded especialy in "missions" folder It should be also you PC performance not enough to load all at the time, It happen very rarely on first times you play the mod, but after another restart the problem is commonly fixed. I dont know what to say more, it should be a zip error with the upload... idk If your 11.32a works fine, 11.32b is not a major update and i can post the code update of the jerrycans scripts, thats the priority on this update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jerry_refuel.sqf (Missions\1987FACTIONS_Chernarus_v1132a.chernarus\dayz_code\actions\jerry_refuel.sqf) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Refuel vehicle (or fuel tanks) with Jerrycan 1 by 1 private["_jcType","_jcCap","_hiFuelQty","_fuelCapTank","_fuelQtyTank","_fuelQtyVehAfter","_diff","_jcNewType"]; player removeAction s_player_reftank; s_player_reftank = 1; _selJR = _this select 3; if (isNull _selJR) exitWith { cutText ["ERROR: isNull _selJR !","PLAIN"]; s_player_reftank = -1; }; _type = typeOf _selJR; _jerryTypeArr = []; { if (_x in AllJC) then { _jerryTypeArr set [count _jerryTypeArr,_x]; _jcType = _x; _jcCap = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "fuelQuantity"); }; } forEach (magazines player); _fuelQtyArr = []; if (count _jerryTypeArr > 1) then { { _jcCap = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "fuelQuantity"); _fuelQtyArr set [count _fuelQtyArr,_jcCap]; } forEach _jerryTypeArr; _hiFuelQty = _fuelQtyArr call BIS_fnc_greatestNum; _jcCap = _hiFuelQty; _jcType = ""; { _jcSearchType = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "fuelQuantity"); if (_hiFuelQty == _jcSearchType) then { _jcType = _x; }; } forEach AllJC; }; if ((_jcType == "") or (isNil "_jcCap")) exitWith { cutText ["---- jerry_refuel.sqf ERROR ---- locVar missed !", "PLAIN"]; s_player_reftank = -1; }; // ---------------- Statics Fuel tanks ---------------- _isFuelTank = {_type isKindOf _x} count AllTanks > 0; if (_isFuelTank) exitWith { _fuelCapTank = _selJR getVariable ["fuelcap", 0]; _fuelQtyTank = _selJR getVariable ["fuelqty", 0]; if (_fuelQtyTank == _fuelCapTank) exitWith { cutText ["The tank is already full !", "PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_reftank = -1; }; player playActionNow "Medic"; [player,"refuel",0,false,10] call dayz_zombieSpeak; [player,10,true,(getPos player)] spawn player_alertZombies; sleep 8; _fuelQtyVehAfter = _fuelQtyTank + _jcCap; // Tank not fully refuelled if (_fuelQtyVehAfter < _fuelCapTank) exitWith { _selJR setVariable ["fuelqty",_fuelQtyVehAfter]; player removeMagazine _jcType; player addMagazine "ItemJerrycanEmpty"; cutText [format ["You have refuelled %1l in tank. Estimated quantity: %2l", _jcCap, (round _fuelQtyVehAfter)], "PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_reftank = -1; }; // Tank fully refuelled if (_fuelQtyVehAfter >= _fuelCapTank) exitWith { _selJR setVariable ["fuelqty",_fuelCapTank]; player removeMagazine _jcType; // find diff of fuel qty _diff = abs(ceil(_fuelQtyVehAfter - _fuelCapTank)); if (_diff > 20) then {_diff = 20}; { _jcSearchType = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "fuelQuantity"); if (_diff == _jcSearchType) then { _jcNewType = _x; }; } forEach AllJC; player addMagazine _jcNewType; cutText [format ["You have refuelled %1l. The tank is full.", (20 - _diff)], "PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_reftank = -1; }; }; // ---------------- Vehicles ---------------- _fuelCapVeh = getNumber(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _type >> "fuelCapacity"); if (isNil "_fuelCapVeh") then {_fuelCapVeh = 50}; _textVeh = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "displayName"); _fuelRatioVeh = fuel _selJR; _fuelQtyVeh = _fuelRatioVeh * _fuelCapVeh; player playActionNow "Medic"; [player,"refuel",0,false,10] call dayz_zombieSpeak; [player,10,true,(getPos player)] spawn player_alertZombies; sleep 8; _fuelQtyVehAfter = _fuelQtyVeh + _jcCap; // Vehicle not fully refuelled if (_fuelQtyVehAfter < _fuelCapVeh) exitWith { _fuelRatioVehAfter = _fuelQtyVehAfter / _fuelCapVeh; _selJR setFuel _fuelRatioVehAfter; player removeMagazine _jcType; player addMagazine "ItemJerrycanEmpty"; cutText [format ["You have refuelled %1l in %2.", _jcCap, _textVeh], "PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_reftank = -1; }; // Vehicle fully refuelled if (_fuelQtyVehAfter >= _fuelCapVeh) exitWith { _selJR setFuel _fuelCapVeh; player removeMagazine _jcType; // find diff of fuel qty _diff = abs(ceil(_fuelQtyVehAfter - _fuelCapVeh)); if (_diff > 20) then {_diff = 20}; _jcNewType = ""; { _jcSearchType = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "fuelQuantity"); if (_diff == _jcSearchType) then { _jcNewType = _x; }; } forEach AllJC; player addMagazine _jcNewType; cutText [format ["You have refuelled %1l in %2. The fuel tank is full.", (20 - _diff), _textVeh], "PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_reftank = -1; }; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jerry_fill.sqf (Missions\1987FACTIONS_Chernarus_v1132a.chernarus\dayz_code\actions\jerry_fill.sqf) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Used only for fuelTanks like "Land_Ind_TankSmall", "Land_fuel_tank_big", etc... private["_jcCap","_lowFuelQty","_jcSearchType"]; player removeAction s_player_fillfuel; s_player_fillfuel = 1; if (!("equip_hose" in magazines player)) exitWith { cutText ["You need a Hose !", "PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_fillfuel = -1; }; _selJF = _this select 3; if (isNull _selJF) exitWith { cutText ["---- jerry_fill.sqf ERROR ---- isNull _selJF !","PLAIN"]; s_player_fillfuel = -1; }; _fuelQtyTank = _selJF getVariable ["fuelqty",0]; if (isNil "_fuelQtyTank") exitWith { cutText ["---- jerry_fill.sqf ERROR ---- Undefined _fuelQtyTank !","PLAIN"]; s_player_fillfuel = -1; }; if (_fuelQtyTank < 1) exitWith { cutText ["The fuel tank level is too low !","PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_fillfuel = -1; }; _jerryTypeArr = []; _jcType = ""; { if (_x in AllJC) then { _jerryTypeArr set [count _jerryTypeArr,_x]; _jcType = _x; _jcCap = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "fuelQuantity"); }; } forEach (magazines player); _fuelQtyArr = []; if (count _jerryTypeArr > 1) then { { _jcCap = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "fuelQuantity"); _fuelQtyArr set [count _fuelQtyArr,_jcCap]; } forEach _jerryTypeArr; _lowFuelQty = _fuelQtyArr call BIS_fnc_lowestNum; _jcCap = _lowFuelQty; _jcType = ""; { _jcSearchType = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "fuelQuantity"); if (_lowFuelQty == _jcSearchType) then { _jcType = _x; }; } forEach AllJC; }; if ((_jcType == "") or (isNil "_jcCap")) exitWith { cutText ["---- jerry_fill.sqf ERROR ---- locVar missed !", "PLAIN"]; s_player_fillfuel = -1; }; player playActionNow "Medic"; [player,"refuel",0,false,10] call dayz_zombieSpeak; [player,10,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies; sleep 8; _JCQtyToFill = 20 - _jcCap; if (_JCQtyToFill > 20) exitWith { cutText ["---- jerry_fill.sqf ERROR ---- _JCQtyToFill > 20 !","PLAIN"]; s_player_fillfuel = -1; }; _fuelQtyAfter = _fuelQtyTank - _JCQtyToFill; if (_fuelQtyTank > 20) exitWith { _selJF setVariable["fuelqty",(round _fuelQtyAfter)]; player removeMagazine _jcType; player addMagazine "ItemJerrycan20L"; cutText [format ["You have filled %1l in jerrycan. Estimated quantity left: %2l", _JCQtyToFill, (round _fuelQtyAfter)], "PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_fillfuel = -1; }; if (_fuelQtyTank <= 20) exitWith { _selJF setVariable["fuelqty",0]; player removeMagazine _jcType; _JCQtyToFill = ceil _fuelQtyTank; _jcNewCap = _jcCap + _JCQtyToFill; if (_jcNewCap > 20) then {_jcNewCap = 20}; _jcNewType = ""; { _jcSearchType = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "fuelQuantity"); if (_jcNewCap == _jcSearchType) then { _jcNewType = _x; }; } forEach AllJC; player addMagazine _jcNewType; cutText [format ["You have filled %1l in jerrycan. The tank is now empty !", _JCQtyToFill], "PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_fillfuel = -1; }; |
Hi Oliv!
i noticed a few things : -music, as in namalsk, is broken after some playtime. -after some hours of playtime, the game starts to lag quite hard. is there a solution for this? by what is it caused? can the lag be reduced, for example by using the "hide body" feature? or by not storing too many items in cars and chests? Happy new year! Greetings Shurik |
Mmmmm .... I don't know what to tell you...
This mod work fine on my computer, all scripts dont reduce FPS usualy, dead bodies, far entities are removed if too far or by delay Except for breath particles, dust effects and fog, reduce FPS, you can remove it in user settings (cheat menu) Other thing, you can do the test, run Arma2 without any mod, just original Arma2 Map editor > place your character in Berezino and play, the FPS slow down particulary in this town If Vsync is activated on your graphics parameters, you have 60 FPS max if you see the sky For me, Vsync disable, 200 ~ 300 FPS when i see the sky, in Berezino, my FPS down to ~50 FPS (i7 2600k@4.2GHz DDR3, 1660ti) There is a difference of 3 or 4 FPS with and w/o "DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987" mod, tested in Berezino." You can also reduce the max qty of zeds around you with the cheat menu, it could help you to save your FPs No... its not the problem, Arma2 commands are used one time then the code end, not in loops. I just want to know, your FPS slow down suddenly or progressively ? |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
I would love to play this mod, but it seems like i can't resume my games, i've this error pop up for all version ( a + b ) , when i'm reloading a previous game, so i'm forced to restart a new game every time, it sucks.
![]() And for the b version, i can't even start it. I'm not using the beta patch thing because it's not working..? Really, i don't know what to do. It's so unclear. ![]() ![]() I really need some help here please ! PS : It's because i don't have ARC DLC, i've found the solution, no issue anymore. |
Hi Couvax
Every time I update this mod, all config files are saved in "mission.sqm" file in goal to avoid conflicts Since few months, there was an official Arma2 Operation Arrowhead and ..._acr files were added in configs folders Those _acr files are not used in this mod, they just take some space in your HD, the problem is you need to update Arma2 Operation Arrowhead with Steam, if you dont have Steam, I dont know what to do I dont know if Beta patch method is necessary but I recommand to use it to launch the mod I suggest you to: 1- make sure you has install the Beta patch if not: 2- copy paste "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch.exe" 3- Rename it "DZ_1987FACTIONS_Chernarus_v11.32b" (or like you want) 4- "DZ_1987FACTIONS_Chernarus_v11.32b" right click: Properties > Shortcut > Target 5- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@DaiZy_1987d" -nosplash -showscripterrors 6- update Arma2 Operation Arrowhead with Steam Unzip all mod files to follow the mod structure Edit: problem solved ) Let me know if you have still scripts conflicts |
It seems like i can play the A version no problem. But i've still the same issue with the B Version. I've this error with player-monitor thing and the game doesn't spawn me in. I'm stuck on a black screen. I dunno what's the difference between the two version.
And the Beta patch is not working for me, i'm using steam and when i'm installing the beta patch, it said like i'm not on a good version and i can't play. |
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I don't wanna interrupt or so. But I get something similar to this if I mix DayZ with DaiZy FACTIONS (copy paste) and overwrite DayZ with DaiZy into the same folder. I always activating each mod by themselves. Running DayZ and DayZy FACTIONS as their own mods, in that order. Launching them at the same time but choosing the original DayZ as first Expansions choice then DaiZy FACTIONS. Always work. And I don't run the Steam version. I run Beta OA Build 112555 (in the mod pack) and the (Gamespy A2/OA version / Disc. Ver.) If that matters. And I don't use shortcut methods either. Try that and good luck. ![]() Try an early (mission) with the older Beta OA Build 103718 if that works. Think the most (missions) working with this earlier Beta. Maybe this current Beta mostly added to be compatible with current A2/OA version. |
v11.32b just fix the jerry's actions
jerry_refuel.sqf and jerry_fill.sqf If your v11.32a version is ok, you can copy paste codes from few posts upper :) |
It's been a while.
Using the Steam version, get to a "Loading Character Data, please wait" screen and that's where it stops. RPT: Any thoughts? |
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