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RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.32b (20.10.20)

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

47 posts
No problem! Thanks for the update mate, awesome as always :)
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

2 posts
pretty awesome
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking
337 posts
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Finally made some time to get back into this, spent a few hours in game.

Maybe I've been away too long but this version feels different, a lot tighter and focused, if that makes sense.

The hunger/thirst is pretty much spot on; it's a survival need you have to address but you don't have to spend all your time managing it. Loot spawning is good and working well, never too much nor too little.

The AI seem to be be working good; I've heard the AI shooting Zeds but have be unable to find them in some cases. The way they spawn now is great - rather than knowing AI are about you can never quite be sure...

I haven't tested the siphon function yet but I will. The way the jerry cans work is still a bit weird; if I find and fill an empty jerry can and refuel a vehicle, everything is fine; if I then refill that jerry can, store it in a vehicle, remove it from the vehicle and try to refuel the same vehicle, I get the "added 0L to vehicle" message.

I saw your additions to Cherno; I have say I had doubts about adding these building to this city, I really didn't think they fit it with the style but i can see I was wrong. The thought that went into the placement of these buildings is obvious. As I walked around it all made sense and fitted (the oil drums and wrecked car outside the mechanics shop for example).

Nice work mate, it's a joy to play!
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

6 posts
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Uhhhh can someone help? Im stuck in the "waiting for character creation" screen.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

314 posts
This post was updated on Sep 23, 2017; 7:55pm.
Thanks for your post Eric!

I have worked on a minor AI's behaviour update and updated the player_spawnCheck script
player_spawnCheck script is also re-writed to have max performance (this script had 1 big iteration error)
I am focused on friendly AI's behaviour when they/he are/is near zeds (on the same script)
So i check this feature actually trying different commands
Re-writed the ennemies AI's behaviour when player approach ennemy vehicles

All "call" scripts in reference of spawn ai's are rewrited and optimized (~50% shortest so faster)
Added the FN-FAL, G36C and M240 with JSRSmod sounds (with my little personnals settings)

Added a new self action command to order your friendly bot(s) to get cover in the nearest safe house
("Move to Safe Position" command, for 27 buildings types)
Added "Sick" indication in colored monitor

I decided to re-work on siphon fuel scripts, its an important feature for me!
Finally I had abble to add custom pictures for jerrycans, of a total of 21 new items (20 for each litters qtys, 1 for empty jerrycan)

Fixed a lot of RPT errors about moves.cfg, I have a eye on hitParts vehicles errors(Lada's and BRDM's) but its seems to work at this state.And fixed 2 very minor errors for spawn2 script while player is swimming

At this point the mod is near to be complete/without errors so updates will be rare :)

Could I have your Arma2 start parameters ?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

6 posts
Nevermind i got it fixed. Also thankies for that, awesome that youre still updating this! :3
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

6 posts
Also...uhm are the zombies supposed to survive a full pp bizon clip to the head?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

314 posts
This post was updated on Sep 27, 2017; 11:10am.
D.Va wrote
Also...uhm are the zombies supposed to survive a full pp bizon clip to the head?
Zeds damages armor values are fixed now

I suppose pp19 must approx. have same "hit" damage values as handguns with maybe better dispersion

I tested with new values its take 3~5 bullets to headshot a zed, same for a makarov
But theres 4 diff zeds types
-civilians_zed, military_zed, mil heavy_zed and pilot_zed

zZombie_Base: (civilians types)
HitPoints : HitHead : armor = 2.2; // old was 2.8

HitPoints : HitHead : armor = 2.6; // old was 4.8

HitPoints : HitHead : armor = 2.8; // old was 4.8

HitPoints : HitHead : armor = 3.0; // old was 4.8

About weapons in dayz, only MR43, Winchester, melee weapons etc etc are made from scratch
but not for others what allready exist in Arma2 vanilla (pp19, ak's, M16 etc etc..)
Dayz just added scopes, silencers etc but dont change "hit" values

v11.26a is ready
- minor AI's behaviour update
- player_spawnCheck script fixed
- fixed ennemies AI's behaviour when player approach ennemy vehicles
- All "call" scripts in reference of spawn ai's are rewrited

- Added the FN-FAL, G36C and M240 with JSRSmod sounds
- Added a new self action command to order your friendly bot(s) to get cover in the nearest safe house
- Added "Sick" indication in colored monitor

- siphon fuel script work now (with 21 new jerrycans pictures)
- added features to siphon(or refill) big tanks, fuel barrels(with possibility of ignite them with box of matches) with messages what indicate fuel levels

- Fixed a lot of RPT errors about moves.cfg
- Fixed 2 very minors errors for spawn2 script while player is swimming

- Crossbows: cfg minor update
- Crossbows: now can use explosive bolts, steel bolts
- Crossbows: craft explosives bolts (2 expl.Bolts crated for 1 grenade)
- Crossbows: craft steel bolts
- Crossbows: combine expl. or steel bolts into quivers
- Crossbows: 6 muzzles created in cfg to switch between all bolts types
- Crossbows: added "steel bolts" in loot.cfg table
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

2 posts
are you going to upload it Oliv?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

314 posts
Hi akjohnny, the upload was a little longuer but its done :)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

6 posts
Thanks for still working on this Oliv i really love this release. However theres another bug, after loading the save the repair and fuel scripts didnt seem to work anymore.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

314 posts
D.Va wrote
Thanks for still working on this Oliv i really love this release. However theres another bug, after loading the save the repair and fuel scripts didnt seem to work anymore.
Thanks for the feedback, I tried to reproduce a bug  after loading a savegame but I didnt found any bug about this
But theres a bug of logic in refuel scripts, its 90% fixed, I still search to found others bugs...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

6 posts
Well i really do like this mod and kinda playing it alot recently. Im gonna let you know if i find some bugs.
Oh and i have another question, is there a possibility to add you on steam?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

314 posts
Finaly after thousands tests, I think I have fixed all refuel/refill fuel scripts
But I dont have found any bug after reloading a savegame, all is ok for me...


- Refuel/refill tanks/fuelBarrels with jerrycans scripts fix
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

Eric the Viking
337 posts
This post was updated on Oct 07, 2017; 11:52pm.
Nice to see a new version, been giving it a go but...

At load up the following screen appears:

(Note that I compiled the mission into a .pbo file - I tried the raw mission as supplied and same message was displayed (but with the longer path name))

I clicked continue and the game went on without a hitch. After a hour of play I'd secured a vehicle and now had to refuel it. I found a jerry can, showing as empty in my inventory and proceeded to "fill jerrycan" - as I did so the following message was displayed;

An in game message was displayed that I'd successfully filled a 20L jerry can but the jerry can in my inventory was gone. Hmm. I spawned in another jerry can and tried again, same result. I saved the game, exited, returned but found that attempting to access my gear (either inventory or items on the ground) would lock the game up.

I started a new game - no crashes this time but the same issue with disappearing jerry cans. I tried siphoning too - same result.

On the plus side I really like what you've done with the fuel "supply" - I won't say more lest I spoil other people discovering it themselves.

Sorry mate, I feel like I'm always the bearer of bad news...

I've included my RPT log too should it be of any help but I'm guessing you may not have included all the "fixed" files in the actual release.


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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

6 posts
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Well it doesnt happen to me anymore either...i suppose it was a one time thing.
Also did you see my other question?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

2 posts
Couldn't get it to launch, said something about missing Chernarus so i copied it from ArmA 2, now it's stuck at Waiting for the Character to Create.
I've never had problems before with DaiZy, but this is kind of odd.

I have a few idea's, will reply if my idea's fix what its doing wrong.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

1 post
Hi, my game is not spawning zombies or items.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

314 posts
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
@Eric the Viking

Sorry Eric but my motivation was falled to zero after those news ...:(

Checked your rpt file but I dont know why you still have old errors same of old version
In doubt, i suspected corruped files in the uploaded .rar file (in Mediafire) so I re-upped the .rar, tested and it seems to work, played 2 hours and no script bug, tested jerrys and its ok, on my rpt file, old bugs are fixed as expected

Land_Fire_barrel_DZ is the classname i created for the new jerrycans system
scripting known bug, Ive spend lot of time to manage to fix it, very weird bug

Its seems like you play on previous version instead of the newest


I have re-uploaded the mod, I hope it will fix this...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

Eric the Viking
337 posts
Hey mate,

Yeah I can understand how disheartening bad news is, especially when you had it sorted out.

The version I was using was 11.26b and I never had this issue until this version. I can only guess that I downloaded a version but didn't play it until later - meanwhile you had released another version ("C").

I'll grab the latest and see how we go :)
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