Alright thanks for the reply. I wasn't aware of different factors having an affect on how fast things depleted. I had thought that maybe other factors were causing it, but I didn't think that much time was put into the the game to make a system like that. And nice reference to FrankieOnPc with using the term "bambi" on page 11.
Hopefully this will be my last post concerning this mod, and again thanks for your comment. |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
@Eric the Viking
I will update Chernarus mod soon adding all littles fixes/improvements from Namalsk (particulary for the saves states) The refuel system is ok for me Eric but ive added a small "security" code to avoid to lost jerrys or variables while playing the game, just in case (exitWith commands in this sensible script) I will check new 1.8 dayz versions about zeds behaviours if Ive time or motivation, iam affraid to work with new complex codes of "officials" dayz devs ! I think about Nutrition system, a nightmare about coding in new versions, and I prefer my system, simple and better realist but its my vision @Slash Ghost 25 I will open "player_spawn2.sqf" and list all factors who calculate Hunger/Thirst _tempRat : T° ratio between actual player T° and max. value _rain : the rain factor (between 0 and 1 value) _overcast : clouds factor (between 0 and 1 value) _speed : speed of vehicle player (in veh or not) dayz_myLoad : number of items carried by the player (main magazines slots + backpack slots) dayz_panicCooldown : player in panic increase hunger Type of player vehicle : 4 main possibilities dayz_hotSun : High Sun azimuth increase thirst dayz_isDay : night or day factor dayz_isSwimming : player in water increase both H/T So with all thoses conditions, each situations will not be the same for each started games. Just an example, if you are fully loaded, the best situation is to play while rainning (if you havent stil found a vehicle) The worst is the hot_sun factor, what increase your thirst quickly The night reduce Thirst but increase hunger (but with limited coef. not as hot_sun) |
Thanks for the reply Oliv. I'll likely leave everything like it is in that .sqf file to avoid messing up my game, but it is still nice to at least know where the hunger/thirst script is. While I am on this I wanted to tell you that the jerrycans, as it seems like you already know, are bugged pretty bad. I refilled one once and sense then I can't refill jerrycans or refill/siphon from vehicles anymore. It isn't a big deal since alternatively I can use the "Refuel Vehicle" option when pressing "0" when I'm at gas refill points, but still seems worth a mention.
Also I was wondering how the bandit AI spawns work. When I see FACTIONS I instantly think that AI spawn at random points across the map such as in fields or forests, not only at towns, but I opened player_spawn_1.sqf and it mentions where AI only spawn in towns. Is there another file I didn't look at or do AI bandits in-fact only spawn in towns? I feel like there are AI controlled vehicles that spawn outside of towns, but what I mean by AI spawning at random points is a single AI bandit or a group of AI bandits that spawn at random points walking, not driving. The jerrycan situation isn't game shattering since there are alternatives to refill vehicles, and if you are able to give me a little bit of a "run down" on how the bandit AI spawn and function it would be nice and appreciated. |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Other than the very specific issue I've mentioned (dupes in the menu) I haven't had a problem with the latest version but additional fixes for long term playability are all good! :D But I still don't like the teleporting fire drums.... :P Sorry! I may have lead you astray - I simply meant that walking zombies in the newer versions of dayz used a single file to control them; [Courtesy of BetterDeadThanZed in the Dayz community] I'm running a SP server of Epoch / DayZ Mod 1.9.0 and it works well but I don't think it's directly appplicable to your mods. I like your nutrition system. It rewards the effort to hunt, prepare and cook your own food with the best blood increase. |
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<quote author="Eric the Viking">
But I still don't like the teleporting fire drums.... :P <quote> Maybe I could look at officials dayz versions codes... About Walking zeds, it look like pretty complex by looking modified types of files @Slash Ghost 25 my system use "nearestLocations" command (with radius parameter) to choice a type of bandits to spawn if player isnt in towns radius, the player location is set as "Wilderness" and start/resume the "Wilderness" timer The "Wilderness" location timer activate a single bandit with a low skill/stuff, behaviour of those knid of bandits tend to avoid gunfight but they can be aggressive if they are close Theres is also a bandits count limiter for avoid too much bandits ai's in the player area Bandits vehicles controled by ai's are setted to be rare, and only can spawn in big towns or airfields About jerrycans, i will check once again for siphon/refuel scripts I dont know if it help you, i use google traductor to read your post |
Thanks Oliv, and it does help. I'm not very familiar with the coding or scripting, so I am not always sure what to look for. Hence all the questions I am asking so I can better understand your mod.
![]() I really appreciate the work you've put in the mod and for taking the time to answer my questions. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hey Oliv, wanted to post another bug I found. I was heading over towards the North East Airfield and found a set of Militia clothing. I switched my clothing, but instead of it switching the clothing, it duplicated my character, making the other one act as AI, and it deleted all of my loot. Not only that, the AI version of my character that didn't have the Militia clothing jumped into the driver seat of my V3s. I tried shooting it out, but it wouldn't die, making me lose both my loot and vehicle.
It isn't a very big deal to me sense I didn't have much loot, but it still is a game breaking bug. I figured I would report it to you so you could look into it. |
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player_wearClothes.sqf had been checked a lot of times long time ago (168 lines of hard work)
but Ive re-checked this script once again(before and after savestate), re-coded some minors fixes but this script is ok for me, I hadnt any error while tests, "player" object is replaced by local var, Ill add the script update in next version But I recommand to change clothes outside buildings, in case of glitching the floor/break bones bug v11.25e: - Cheats: Vehicles spawn no more use "init_vehicle.sqf" function (already included in vehiclesetDamage.sqf) - Siphon2.sqf and jerry_fill.sqf: added some security code to avoid lost jerrys or vars + minors fixes - new zeds spawn code (similar to Namalsk new code, but spawn values are unchanged) - checkHUD.sqf: added (spawn2 > 0) condition to avoid error message if you wait long time at the man/women selection menu - player_wearClothes.sqf: fixed allow to change clothes in buildings - player_igniteFire.sqf: faster code to create/delete fire_barrels objects |
The way I changed my clothes may have been the reason, or it may have just been a weird glitched that just happened by chance. I had actually changed my clothes in a building, and I'm not sure if this may have been a factor, but I was near an "event" close to Blunt Rocks. I checked the burnt out truck there, found some clothing near it, went into the shed in the area and changed my clothes in the shed. So maybe changing my clothes in the shed was a factor, or maybe some how that "event" may have interfered with the clothe changing script. Either way it isn't a big deal like I said sense I didn't have a lot of loot. I can just restart my game and likely get about everything again with in 30 minutes of gameplay.
Thanks for the reply again, and its nice to see that you are still putting hard work into the mod. |
I missed to add a "inside buildings" condition, thats why position was wrong after changing clothes
This script is really weird to set for many reasons, I dont still understand all, but it seems to work at my last tests And many thanks to you for your feedback on the forum ! |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hello! I'm new in the forum, and in the mod,
good work with the mod, is very good, I would like to ask you some questions: 1- What does the "J" key do? 2- how works the building system? 3- Need some mod more than the @CBA_CO and @rMod? 4- is still necessary mod FACTIONS 1.7.7 by Haleks? because I do not get it. Thank you. sorry for my English, I use google translator ... |
Hi and welcome!
"J" key ? theres no functionality in the mod, it just show "task" menu, I dont know if others mod use it... Theres no building system, you are not the first to ask for, Iam not focused on this part of Dayz, this mod is based to an old dayz version, mmm... to simply explain, I add functionnalities of new dayz versions if I like them.. new official dayz versions have a good parts and bad parts, my mod is like a "puzzle", and not based to the last dayz official versions, sorry if you wished to play with building system, I dont think I will add this functionnality even in the future @rMod mod have helped me a lot to understand vehicles damages system long time ago, rMod is inside my mod, its merged in damages scripts, with a lot of personnal modifications I prefered merge this mod to have better performance (lot of .pbo slow down the game) @CBA_CO work with my mod but I dont use functionnalities, this mod "sleep" in files but isnt active, I prefer use vanilla functions for the moment You don't need FACTIONS 1.7.7 by Haleks, all files are in openning post to play Lol my english isnt better to google translator :p This mod will be updated soon |
Ok thanks for the reply!
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hi Oliv.
I'm having this error when entering the missions section: - Include file z\addons\dayz_code\ZSC\config\cfgServerTrader.hpp not found - and then crashes to desktop. (solved, the problem was another mission that I had. sorry for the inconvenience) |
I do not know if it's normal or a problem, the loot changes if I walk away a bit, example: I was running followed by 15 zombies, I went through a booth that had a Jerrycan, but as the zombies followed me, I had to keep running, I gave around the booth to lose them, when he returned, the jerrycan was no longer there, instead there were empty cans.
Also, to drink water from a well, you have to spend a lot of time, even if you are dehydrated, I could only, if I had drink something before then, some minor things, like items floating at the height of the head. otherwise everything is fine at the moment, the atmosphere is excellent! I hope you understand... |
Its the same "gameplay" of original Dayz mod codes, once you are too far from a loot site, the loot is deleted. Also to avoid "exploits" and follow the "Dayz" gameplay, you must consider all loots will be recreated after a certain time, its not a bug, its not possible to code/script because it force "exploits" and its against gameplay All your stuff is keep in crafted crates, vehicles, tents, etc.. but all ground loots are considered "re-spawnable" Original Dayz code include a "range" parameter to avoid loot deleted at player proximity,and its the same in my mod, this value is set to 30 meters (a big building size as default value) I talk about this but you probably play Dayz since long time and you know how its work... BUT.. my code have a tiny "syntax bug" in spawn loot code, thats explain your loot have been deleted near to you :p I will update this soon.. But always consider a ground loot will be deleted in a certain time, bug or not Thirst is setted to increase with the player load and a lot of environnement parameters, this thirst factor can change quickly Old positions parameters, theres a ton of house positions to check, minor bug but I always check thats even this is rare Thanks for your feedback and your reply, I appreciate ! |
Hey Oliv, me again, I just want to report possible failures.
1-When I'm near a vehicle, and select some action, (repair, refuel, etc.) and there is a zombie nearby, it runs towards me, but they stop at my side and do not attack, they just stand or start to leave, being able to kill them easily, but if I move, if they attack me. 2-I can not drink water from the wells, the action "drink" does not appear. If I find more things, I'll let you know. Thank you! |
Ill check my codes if I can fix that, Ive ever seen this behaviour There is 2 types of pumps, 1 is "un-detectable" by player cursorTarget (not considered as object by Arma2 engine) The good one is the witch who is modelized with the "hose" at CENTER of the pump Thanks again for your feedback Ragadast22 ! |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Any more update/patches to this mission? I really wanna start a new game but not sure if it will receive any update or patch that will force me start a new game, so should I wait more or just start my playthrough?
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
in the latest update available, to change the zeds to walking is it still dayz_code/system/zombie_agent.fsm? I changed all forcespeed to 2 and they still run. It's been a while and I may be missing something else? There used to be a second file that needed changing AddOns\dayz_code\compile\control_zombieAgent.sqf but i no longer see it.
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