I think Oliv has made the same changes between Namalsk in Chernarus - check the mission file for the only file you'll need to alter. Here. I have experienced the occasional zed breaking into a run but it's rare. |
Lot of players seems to ask this modification
Ill add a gameplay options in "init.sqf" (dayz_wlkZeds = true; // Walking zombies mode (default = false) line 467 of "zombie_agent.fsm": "if (!dayz_wlkZeds) then {" \n " _agent forceSpeed 6;" \n "} else {" \n " _agent forceSpeed 2;" \n "};" \n |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
I got it thanks!
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hey Oliv82. Downloaded your patch a few days ago and I have really enjoyed your latest update. I'm not sure if it is like this for anyone else, but I have found 2 bugs I would consider game breaking. The first one is that after a while of playing, my game would start to get really, really low FPS, as low as 14 FPS on average, when usually it is around 25-35 FPS for me. I even tried looking up to the sky but the FPS seemed to be locked at 14 for some reason, both in towns and fields. And I noticed that when I would pause the game the FPS would go back to the usual 30 FPS, but when I would unpause the FPS would go back down to 14.
The other bug I found was that the new script you added to allow for changing clothes in buildings doesn't always work. After playing for hours, I made my way to the Stary Sobor market and I went to change my clothes. It did the regular changing-clothes load menu but during it I heard what sounded like a body thumping against the ground as if someone went unconscious. Then when the load menu stopped it said I was dead. Another minor bug I have found was that when you have weapon magazines that are low on ammo and you change your clothes, the magazines are refilled out of thin air. This one isn't game breaking (it is actually pretty helpful at times xD) but I figure you strive to have as much realism in this mod as possible, so I figured I would tell you that bug to. Like I said though, your latest patch has made the mod really good, but these bugs I have encountered are kind of taking away from the greatness of the mod so I figured I would report these bugs to you so you could fix them. Thanks though for the hard work you put into this mod. |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
i've tried to install this, but i'm stuck at the character creation screen. I just hear the music and see the HUD on the right side. But it is just a black screen. I don't know if i need the right DayZ Version and if i need to copy them to @DaiZy_1987. I use But i also tried to copy it into the folder and also used It still dosen't work. I can't use "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@DaiZy_1987;@CBA_CO;" If i start that, i see rectangles without labeling. I also patched the version and get "Wrong CD-Key" so it won't get installed. Because that, i use "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe" -mod=@DaiZy_1987 -nosplash Any Idea? |
Hey DerImKlo. When you went to download the game, did you only download the patch (the 81.27mb file), or did you download both? If you only downloaded the patch, then you need to download the main file and set it up as normal and then download the patch and drag and drop those files into your "addons" folder for your @DaiZy_1987 folder (what I mean is drag the .pbo files from the patch into the "addons" file in the main file for the game and when asked you need to click replace). After that you need go to the missions folder from the patch and copy the "1987FACTIONS_..." folder into your Arma 2 OA mission folder. Then as stated in the "Install" section, you need to install the A2OA beta patch from media fire. Once downloaded you need to open the WinRAR file and click on the "ARMA2_OA_Build_112555.exe" file. And then go through the install process with that. (I am not 100% sure because it's been a while sense I did this, but it should show either on your desktop or in your A2OA file.)
When you have that done you need to create a shortcut of that patch you just installed (should be titled "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch") and you can rename it what you wish. You can then drag the patch onto your desktop and right-click it and then click "properties". You then need to go to the target line and enter what Oliv82 has (it would probably be best to erase the whole target line and copy and paste the following line, just without the asterisks/stars: *"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@DaiZy_1987;@CBA_CO;" -nosplash* Once you have that done you should be able to play it now without the black screen. I don't think I forgot anything, so I hope this helps. If it doesn't work or if I confused you then let me know and I will try to rephrase what I said and I will go through everything on my end and see if I left out a step. Other than that it works for me. Hope this helped. ![]() |
Hey Slash Ghost 25,
thank you for your answer. Yes i downloaded both and did it like that. I tested also without patch, same problem. I am still stuck at "Waiting for character to create". Maybe i am missing the @CBA_CO folder? |
In reply to this post by Slash Ghost 25
I solved it. I was missing the CBA_CO folder. Thank you for helping :D
Good to hear that you got it solved. Hadn't thought about the CBA_CO file being missing so good thinking on your part.
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Olive, I tried this mod finally.
I would like to suggest something based off play ( my PC is still on the lower end ), ... You need a dialog menu before the character loads , that the single player can turn on and off features. Honestly ... adding in forcing zeds to walk, and maybe how many spawn in each area max would help. ( i know how to edit this in Daizy files , I just didn't in yours.) The main culprit i was facing was a lot of lagg/fps drop ... and I believe it was a combo of the fog rolling and wind effects. I thought a way to turn on/off these features would be nice, kind alike customizing how you want to experience play. ( see Dynamic Zombie Mission on armaholic to see what I mean. ) Your zombies are a bit glitchy in this, I don't know if haleks set em like that, but some run faster than regular dayz zeds. They also tend to hit a long distance away ... but this may have just appeared for me, as the darn things were in foggy areas, which of course dropped my fps down to choppy play levels. I'm also wondering ( all these daizy missions need this that have AI bots in em ) , if the "survivors" could get a tag dot above thier head ... here's the thing ... I noticed if you shoot a "survivor" , then from there on out all survivors become hostile to you. You see someone running around out there, they act just like the bandits and bad guy AI do ... and if it is a bandit/bad guy ... you get shot while trying to get your corsshairs and check to see which is which. I didn't quite get to experience much of the mission , the FPS drops made it where it wasn't enjoyable to try for me. |
maybe is not so important but... i got this
![]() |
I don't think it's "important" ... I'm fairly sure it's saying it can't find a picture for a billboard sign, you see normally in Taviana map.
unless it crashed the mission/game ... I wouldn't worry about it much. |
This post was updated on .
- fuel barrels/tanks/veh refuel/fill logics fixes (siphon2.sqf, jerry_fill.sqf, jerry_refuel.sqf) - added player action for check fuel quantity of all tanks - fn_selfActions.sqf fixes - crafted crate distance is now reduced to 1m instead of 2.5m (craftingCrate.sqf) - fatigue (delay for sleep in tent) locVar added to playerstats_Epeen.sqf (round(time*100/10800)) - missed dayz_skinArmor calc. in player_zombieAttack.sqf fixed - player_wearClothes.sqf: female character init condition fix - added "s_moving_AI" handler (while {1==1} do {...) for "s_player_mvSafePos_AI" addAction command - doMoveSafePosAI.sqf: Force recruted survivor to move without aiming/shoting zeds (_selectedUnit disableAI TARGET/AUTOTARGET/WEAPONAIM, _selectedUnit allowDamage false/true) - refuel/refill actions removed while ignited barrels - CrossBow aiming+ballistic fix (+ muzzles fix + scoped version fix + removed zeroing) - Zeroing is also removed on all weapons exept PSO-1 weapons, ACOG weapons, LRR's, NVG/Ti weapons, RPK, PKM, M240 classes - TentPitch minor fix - "CSJ_GyroC": fixed "scope" and "side" - removed repairs, siphon, flip_vehicle player actions when vehicle engine is on |
Im a bit of a noob. please help me, I manage to make the zombies walk, now how do I increase their population?
In reply to this post by Oliv82
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
Thank you very much for keeping chernarus alive.
What exact version of this mod does it need to work correctly? Build and @Dayz? Sorry, I like this google translate translator. |
go back to the first page of this post , under the screenshots will be download links for mod and mission files.
Game 1.60 or 162 or 163 or 164?
I do not use steam version. build 103718 or higher? http://www.arma2.com/beta-patches I am missing content in the game Addons with mozin gun, gyrocopter problem to drop grenades, barbed wire bugged over long distance I know this is referring to the version of dayz I know No motorized patrols or helicopters patrol in the game + 8 hours played Zombies taking 6 shots on the head of ak47 to die and very thirsty in the game (very difficult the game I like). Do I need to activate @Dayz mod to run this oliver mod? I wanted to add a shed to save cars on the map somebody know which folder to move mission 1987FACTIONS_Chernarus_v1127b.chernarus or @ DaiZy_1987 To build the shed in the game editor is left to know where to put it. I've already edited a lot of epoch server in my game time plus this is totally new to me a new challenge. I have read and read all 22 pages of forum Sorry for all of those questions and thank you all for keeping the smell of powder and hot lead in chernarus. |
hrmm... I don't know.
I have steam version, so I'll let Olive or maybe Rachel answer that question, as I don't know much about versions or compatibility. I do know most DaiZy SP on the forums here, don't have Mozzies ... if you added epoch codes, thats probably the problem there. The original CSJ-Gyro addon, the mozzies didn't drop grenades either, I think that was added in Epoch/overwatch mods. |
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