RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

Alright thanks! :) Love the singleplayer, so more relaxing than mp.
 Keep up the good work! ;D
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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Above
Hey again, what about the (No Entry 'bin/config.bin/CfgMagazines.Skin.Sniper1w_DZN'.) message, is this something to worry about?

Thanks for answering, im a real noob at this. :P
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Re: Finding the gauss rifle

So there any chance of finding the gauss rifle in bandits ? Or only in the project area !
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Re: Finding the gauss rifle

mp5lng wrote
So there any chance of finding the gauss rifle in bandits ? Or only in the project area !

Nope! I never added them to bandits because it's meant to be hard to get! :D

aAaFaction wrote
Hey again, what about the (No Entry 'bin/config.bin/CfgMagazines.Skin.Sniper1w_DZN'.) message, is this something to worry about?

Thanks for answering, im a real noob at this. :P
Uhm... That is a bigger problem.. :S

I had no errors, and everything worked perfectly. Are you sure that you updated your Namalsk files?
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Re: Finding the gauss rifle

Yeah cause no ai's, zombies or loot is spawning right now. Im gonna reinstall it and see what happens. I downloaded the Namalsk files from the DayZ commander so they should be the latest one and i used your latest files/download here except the ns_dayz.pbo becuase it didnt come with your latest download so i took it from one of your older downloads. But maybe i shouldnt replace the ns_dayz.pbo at all? Should i just use the one that comes with the Namalsk files from the dayz commander?

Sorry if this is hard to understand, im not good at explaining and my english is not good.
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Re: Finding the gauss rifle

aAaFaction wrote
Yeah cause no ai's, zombies or loot is spawning right now. Im gonna reinstall it and see what happens. I downloaded the Namalsk files from the DayZ commander so they should be the latest one and i used your latest files/download here except the ns_dayz.pbo becuase it didnt come with your latest download so i took it from one of your older downloads. But maybe i shouldnt replace the ns_dayz.pbo at all? Should i just use the one that comes with the Namalsk files from the dayz commander?

Sorry if this is hard to understand, im not good at explaining and my english is not good.
Oh yes, that's why you're having problems! You don't need the old ns_dayz! :)
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Re: Finding the gauss rifle

Haha alright, thanks again! :)
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Re: Finding the gauss rifle

aAaFaction wrote
Haha alright, thanks again! :)

No worries, man. :)
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Good afternoon. Prompt, whether and Debug monitor is opportunity somehow to include? And that instead of it is simply written to "Not in Combat". Thanks for the answer.
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Re: Debug

Tropic wrote
Good afternoon. Prompt, whether and Debug monitor is opportunity somehow to include? And that instead of it is simply written to "Not in Combat". Thanks for the answer.

It is indeed possible. I'll keep it in mind when I update. I rather wait for Namalsk.
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Re: Debug

Hi , Above will this version of DaiZy Namalsk (0.741 ) work with a cracked version on arma 2 oa ?
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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Above
So far dude, this is great! You're a f**king legend, man!

Only part that doesn't work is the vehicle spawning in the cheat menu. Whenever I spawn a vehicle I can't get in it. I've been using Lost Key to spawn vehicles, but it's really not the same.
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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

A Hobo Panda
superblox02 wrote
I know I'm not launching properly, I'm just wondering, when I do -mod parametres it gets rid of ArmA 2 in the Expansions menu. Any idea how to readd it?
What do you mean by "gets rid of ArmA 2"? o_o Just download this.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

In reply to this post by superblox02
superblox02 wrote
So far dude, this is great! You're a f**king legend, man!

Only part that doesn't work is the vehicle spawning in the cheat menu. Whenever I spawn a vehicle I can't get in it. I've been using Lost Key to spawn vehicles, but it's really not the same.

You gotta wait because the vehicle is "rendering in".
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Re: Debug

In reply to this post by Eusebiu
Eusebiu wrote
Hi , Above will this version of DaiZy Namalsk (0.741 ) work with a cracked version on arma 2 oa ?

Not paying for a game that you're actually enjoying is bad.

But yes, it does work on a cracked game. :)
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Re: Debug

For this version of DaiZy , I need to download with dayz commander DayZ , right ?
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Re: Debug

Eusebiu wrote
For this version of DaiZy , I need to download with dayz commander DayZ , right ?
No, sir.

You download Namalsk 0.741. =)
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Re: Debug

Nailed it , works great but i really want to get the ER7 RFW , the railgun or Gauss , i was at Object A2 , but i was able to find 1 mag , not the weapon and the weapon isn't in the cheat menu to spawn , any idea how to find it/spawn it ?
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Re: Debug

Eusebiu wrote
Nailed it , works great but i really want to get the ER7 RFW , the railgun or Gauss , i was at Object A2 , but i was able to find 1 mag , not the weapon and the weapon isn't in the cheat menu to spawn , any idea how to find it/spawn it ?

Hehe, you find it in A2 (it's rare). You can spawn it with a debug console.
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Re: Debug

Thanks ! :D
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