RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

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Re: Debug

Above , i will bother you one more time , what is the command for spawning items in the debug console ? More specific the Gauss gun , ER7 RFW , i have Gaia's debug console,Downloaded from armaholic.
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Re: Debug

Eusebiu wrote
Above , i will bother you one more time , what is the command for spawning items in the debug console ? More specific the Gauss gun , ER7 RFW , i have Gaia's debug console,Downloaded from armaholic.

player addweapon "nsw_er7s";    (This is one of the 2 versions that spawn).
player addmagazine "nsw_er7mm";


Also, they might actually have deleted the rifle in this update, but I doubt it.
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update ??

So Above,...are you willing to update this release ? I injoy playing Namalsk, now i have two of them, this one and Haleks' , i love them both, but since haleks' using codes i'm a little attached to it a bit  :-),  but i still keeping my truck and loot and base in this one  ;-)

Peace DUDE !
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Re: update ??

mp5lng wrote
So Above,...are you willing to update this release ? I injoy playing Namalsk, now i have two of them, this one and Haleks' , i love them both, but since haleks' using codes i'm a little attached to it a bit  :-),  but i still keeping my truck and loot and base in this one  ;-)

Peace DUDE !

I'll update it when it's getting updated itself. :P
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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Above
Okay so i'm having problems during and after blowouts. When I have the item (I forgot what it's called) that prevents the blowouts from damaging me, it still affects me. Even in the Bunker and in buildings. After the blowout, i'm stuck on the ground with a red flashing screen. I can't open gear, heal, anything. Just crawl slowely in a straight line. Any suggestions?
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Re: Debug

In reply to this post by Above
Well , i wrote that on the first empty field of the console , pressed enter , and nothing .. what should i do ?
I don't have experience with debug consoles ..
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Re: Debug

Eusebiu wrote
Well , i wrote that on the first empty field of the console , pressed enter , and nothing .. what should i do ?
I don't have experience with debug consoles ..

Just get Loki's Lost Key, it also detects custom weapons and ammo, it detects vehicles too. So you can use that if you want to do it the easy way. Not sure but Support Call should detect custom addon weapons/vehicles aswell.
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Re: Debug

In reply to this post by Above
How did you get a debug console and how did you set it up?
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Re: Debug

kolton wrote
How did you get a debug console and how did you set it up?
I'm quessing he is using this,

Also Loki's Lost Key includes a debug console so if you already have Loki's then you won't be needing the one which link I just posted.
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Re: Debug

I tried to use the debug console in the link you sent me but it did not work. Please send me a link to the lost keys or whatever the hell you're talking about.
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Re: Debug

i believe loki's lost key won't work untile you start a new game....i'm i right ? cause that's what just happened with me,.
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Re: Debug

In reply to this post by kolton
Link for Lost Key and an installation guide to boot.

Oh and he's right, it won't function unless you restart the game.
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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

In reply to this post by kolton
Nothing bloodbag yourself feature in Namalsk?
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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

Gianluca wrote
Nothing bloodbag yourself feature in Namalsk?

Not as of now, but I saw that they updated Namalsk. I'll probably start looking into that soon. But I have quite a few projects floating abouts.
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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Above
i get every thing to work....but nothing spawns :( do i fix this
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Re: Debug

In reply to this post by kodabar
So I got it installed and everything ran smoothely, but I couldn't get it to load up. At all. I even restarted the mission and everything
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Re: Debug

kolton wrote
So I got it installed and everything ran smoothely, but I couldn't get it to load up. At all. I even restarted the mission and everything

This is explained in the mainpost, and if not, the comments.
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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Above
does this version of namalsk work with the newest dayz version?
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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Above
hello uh i do everything that you told me to do and when i enter the game (with everything in the right area and right way) instead of it giving me the dayz logo it gives me a picture of army cars, then when i click on the singleplayer option then the scenarios and dayz Namalsk 0.741 SP it gives me a message saying "you cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.namalsk"


like every single thing is right from what i can tell but it isn't working

i even have daizy_ULTIMATE on which i know how to download/install by heart and daizy Fallujah help


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Re: RELEASE: Namalsk 0.741/ EVR + Bloodsuckers! [UPDATED]

anthonyhinz wrote
hello uh i do everything that you told me to do and when i enter the game (with everything in the right area and right way) instead of it giving me the dayz logo it gives me a picture of army cars, then when i click on the singleplayer option then the scenarios and dayz Namalsk 0.741 SP it gives me a message saying "you cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.namalsk"


like every single thing is right from what i can tell but it isn't working

i even have daizy_ULTIMATE on which i know how to download/install by heart and daizy Fallujah help

You're not running the mod, this happens when it's just launching ArmA, and not the mod.
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