Can anyone explain to me how can i sleep on tent?If i click on tent there is only inventory screen,and no other.
In reply to this post by MasterNe0
i got it fixed as the PDF but i still cannot have it ingame, any idea? thx a lot but its a bit frustrating to travel 11km to bring the car :)
In reply to this post by Gianluca
Nevermind,i made it...:D
In reply to this post by Haleks
Ok makes sense because, I was in Elektro when it was Llag Galore and someone was taking pot shots at me so it all adds up. Thanks Haleks :) |
In reply to this post by Above
Ok then I'll shall test it out ![]() |
AEG has nothing to do with a laptop AFAIK. It just adds light during nighttime, lel. |
LOl Ok since in the video I saw them messing around with a computer to route power, I was under impression it was in the game lol sorry |
Might be then, I'm not sure. All it ever did for me was add lights to buildings at night. :o |
Banned User
Usage: A.There are three ways players can interact with the grids: 1. Destroy components to cut off power. A transformer object or pole must be completely destroyed for power flowing through it to be cut off. The same principle goes for power plant buildings. An object is completely destroyed when it disappears (or is replaced with rubble/ruins). 2. Players can also manually cutoff and restore power at transformers or poles by tripping and closing circuit breakers respectively. To cut off power, walk towards the transformer and face the center. When close enough, you will see an action menu option to "Trip Circuit Breaker" or "Close Circuit Breaker". This option can be turned off by the mission maker. Mission makers can also add the possibility of a potentially lethal arc flash explosion when manually switching breakers. 3. If given the option by the mission maker (and if on Chernarus), players can logon to the grid control system and monitor and control power remotely. Players can also access a close circuit television system to monitor substation activity. The grid control system has a point and click interface. If a circuit breaker is tripped or closed as described above, it can be changed back again via the control system (and vise versa). A password (set by the mission maker) may be required to access the grid control system. B. Portions of the grids may be redundant in case certain components are offline. C. There may be components on the map that are inactive because they are not connected to the grid. D. For additional guidance the included demo missions document different grid features. greetings |
Banned User
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Blaze
When AEG is installed every powerplant on chernaurus should have a lap top to access the power-management, and also the security camera screens -as far as i know. //Edit: Maybee the Laptops must be set and/or activated by the mission maker. I know this mod onley from the Clay-Zero-Mission, didn't know it should be in here. In the Map there should be coloured circles which indicate the different power- and power-substations and so on. |
Oh, never seen. There should be laptops in BreakingPoint, then. I remember that buildings had lights at least. |
There are laptops in BreakingPoint multiplayer servers, but you cannot interact with them other than move them and load them into stuff.
In reply to this post by Above
Hey mate can you help me? I was trying to view the contents of your dayz_code with PBO Viewer with a mind to change some lines but it won't let me as it does not recognize it as a PBO file. Basically all I want to be able to do is edit these lines in the player_wearClothes.sqf.... _humanity = player getVariable ["humanity",0]; switch (_item) do { case "Skin_Sniper1_DZ": { [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,"Sniper1_DZ"] spawn player_humanityMorph; }; case "Skin_Camo1_DZ": { [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,"Camo1_DZ"] spawn player_humanityMorph; }; case "Skin_Survivor2_DZ": { _model = "Survivor2_DZ"; if (_humanity < -2000) then { _model = "Bandit1_DZ"; }; if (_humanity > 5000) then { _model = "Survivor3_DZ"; }; [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_model] spawn player_humanityMorph; }; case "Skin_Soldier1_DZ": { [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,"Soldier1_DZ"] spawn player_humanityMorph; }; }; It's basically so that I can wear my own custom clothing. LOL, I'm a complete noob virgin at this, so another thing I guess, first of all, would that even work/be possible? ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
Well I remember toying around with those laptops and security cameras in the older "Ultimate" releases by DayZSP :P
I might include it back in Factions - it would be a nice addition to that "civil war" atmosphere ;) |
In reply to this post by Nabu
Thanks Nabu for giving a detail description of AEG. I was beginning to question my sanity lol :) |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Yes definitely, when can we expect to see it on Factions? |
I'm currently working on the 1.9 update; if everything goes smoothly, I'll try to include it and upload it next week-end. If! ^^ |
Banned User
nice, to hear that. Its a really nice feature list AEG mod has. So one can swich on lights in specific areas on the map if he likes too. May it has to be repaired something first, dont know exactly what the mod makes possible. |
In reply to this post by Above
I can't download the newest version :(( i can only downloard the old releases :(((( pls help me i want ot play ;d ;d
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