could have just been me not noticing, but with JSRS i hear gunshots from very far away and while i had zombie shield on, i didnt hear any. its not a problem, wasnt complaining, i only use zombie shield if im over run while trying to shoot a bandit at the same time. otherwise its always off. everything else is working fine or as it should be so far :)
In reply to this post by Above
I love what you have done with this release. This is my first time commenting about a release and normally I would not complain. But the base you have built at the NW airfield is sitting right on top of where I would normally build my own base. I have tried destroying the walls and the vehicles placed inside the base with satchel charges and even spawned in a tank using Loki's lost key. But the best I can do is destroying the walls and sandbag walls. The vehicles are always left sitting right in the way of where I want to build. Can you please remove the base at NW airfield or move it to the field in front of the hangars. Thank you for a wonderful release and I hope my request won't be too much trouble to implement.
And if you could add a few more bandit spawns to the NW airfield I would be extremely grateful. I can run around the entire airfield and only seem to spawn a couple bandits most times. On two occasions I did get a bandit vehicle spawn. But those are extremely rare it seems.
I actually manage to get the towing to work in the version I have.
I also added some of kron old cheat menu (the spawn vehicles and GUI options) into my version and added the ultimate ammo box in there as well (has every single arma2 weapon) just to mess around with. What I discover is if I use kron cheats, I can spawn all of the breakingpoint weapons without having to do anything so I can get to play around with those. Only thing that bugs me is the constant freezing of the screen which I haven't figured out. Any ideas why this happens? I believe it something to do with the spawn trigger but I am unsure. I also love the idea of items spawning around wrecks and such, makes it more fun and easier to find things. |
lucky you, wish towing worked in mine. but sadly it doesnt. tried parking vehicles next to eachother, and looking for an option - nothing. same with heli + vehicles/cargo
All you have to do is decompile it and read the readme for the mod, modify the description path and extract the files for the mod to the right folder and recompile it.
well i guess the lag is due to 2 things when the time changes and when the Z or Ai spawns. it have nothing to do with settings. But i wanted u to ask help about towing if u edit the mission where ur gonna get the rope?
It used to lag for a second before when zombies and zeds spawn in, aswell as loot. (Since every vehicle spawn both zombies and loot now). The timescript doesn't cause lag for me, like the lag appears (rarely) but when the time is not changing. The AI triggers can occasionally also cause small stutter for a second. The amount of mods might also lag it down. |
I also tried to original breakpoint mission from you (without any of addons in it) and it does the same thing.
I can live with it since it still pretty fun. For the towing, You don't need a "rope" if your using the r3f addon. You just want up to two vehicles and you get the option to "tow vehicle". If you play wasteland servers, you should see the same option. It the same mod. |
Ok thx alot
In reply to this post by MasterNe0
I've ran regular Chernarus with the same features (including timecycle). I got 0 problems with that one. So I'm sure it's something with BreakingPoint/the latest features combined. I haven't done enough testing to say exacly what's causing it. But it does not seem to be the timecycle, and if, it's easy to fix since there are missions without them! :D I've noticed that the vehicle patrols can cause a fair hickup, but they also gotta spawn 3 units, with 9 skins, 9 loadouts, and 9 backpacks. + "give" them all a behaviour and the patrol script. =) |
This post was updated on .
Hey Above,
I noticed proving grounds is in the addons folder and in the init. Can you actually use it or it just there for testing? Also the r3f script you have has is broken. I figured out the reason is in your description.ext, you need to have this part: #include "addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\desc_include.h" class RscTitles { #include "addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\desc_rsct_include.h" }; in the beginning of your script and not the end. |
Oh, I was reading the instructions, and I think they said on the end. I should've tried the top, too. I'll change that for the update. Thanks, 1 less thing to look into, haha. And about proving ground, I'm not sure if it's working, I copied that from the Wasteland-DaiZy release at one point, just to test if I could get it to work at all. |
Is it only me or do the heli crash sites not spawn anymore? My character is like 3 days old and I've been everywhere and didn't find a single one :D
Yeah they do spawn in, I found it took a little time for the smoke etc. to appear though. So I make it a point, even if I'm playing with no AI, to constantly look behind me, because sometimes I have been driving or running around , looked back and its suddenly spawned in.
Hmmm, I've certainly not seen any either in my game and I'm always mooching about. I know that it was certainly was the case pre 1.4 update with them suddenly spawning in but I seem to recollect Above saying he had replaced all the heli crashes with the C130's as the heli's only gave out one measly loot spawn to the C130's 7 (I think). If I 'm wrong by all means shoot me in the face and take my beans for being a naughty propagator of misinformation :D @Above, Been meaning to ask for a while did you ever get a chance to look at the debug monitor concerning player/survivor kills? it's definitely not registering as it remains at a big fat zero whereas my stats state I have 7 confirmed player/survivor kills. ![]() |
i've only just recently installed the 1.4 update after installing JSRS so it may well have changed. guess i'll be looking at the c130 crashes now
In reply to this post by MasterNe0
ok, sorry but iam new to this, i never edited or opened a PBO file. But i was able too and i saw what u mean its writen below, but the misson didnĀ“t incluide the B3F folder, so i added it and i am going to modify the script and give it a try :D and i will tell you how it goes, i still have to pack the mission.
oh sorry it was R3F folder in add ons.
In reply to this post by Wayne
It should be a weird issue on your end, the kills save properly for me, even after loading a save. |
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