seconding this request but with a No AI version if at all possible please?
Banned User
In reply to this post by Above
cool! i will check them all with time. The M1SE1 Tan Acog is actually my favorite dual scope weapon. I must say i get more and more used to the strange way to do build objects/bases. There is just one thing i wonder. I can remove the camo-nets i build, but the Land_Fortified_Nest_Small i am not able to unconstruct. i spent one toolbox after another but i always fail after 50 seconds trying. You know what i'm doing wrong there or is it normal that it's that difficult? |
Apparently it's quite normal. And extremely frustrating. I have broken many, many toolboxes tryng to deconstruct stuff I've built and then didn't like. I can honestly say I have not yet deconstructed ANYTHING I've built. I make a tedious point of saving every time I construct something now. I've also noticed in my game it also take's quite a while for the option to deconstruct something actually come up too. I don't know if there is some kind of in-game time limit before the option come's up but again it can very frustrating. Save, save and save and again has become my building motto! ![]() |
Banned User
yea ok, thx man. thought also that saving will be the best way to treat with this. |
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
I will add respawning when I've done/gotten a script that doesn't give you a new, non-working unit. And changing the backpack to 0.02 wont change anything. There's to much loot for a difference. :P And yes I can change the ural slots. :P I'll do it for the update, though. So that I can upload it all. |
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
In reply to this post by Wayne
I will see if I can lower the fail percentage greatly for the update. We had the same problems on the server we played on, kept wasting toolboxes, hahaha. |
Banned User
hahah, yes if you could do that, that would be perfect!
In reply to this post by Above
That would be greatly appreciated. Would it also be possible to reduce the time in which you can get the option to deconstruct stuff? Lol, I was just watching some Dayz Origins vid's and those little shack's and garage's you can make there gave me an awfully erotic tingle downstairs. Awesome stuff ![]() ![]() |
I doubt there's any "coded in" timer for the action. :( Ha, "my" shack wont be that advanced if it works. |
Yeah, but they won't be able to build their shack in a field full of mary jane so sucks to be them ;P ![]() |
maybe be on the next update add a place "Bandit Camp" somewhere far north, and have it heavily guarded by bandits with like snipers on Automatics? would be really awesome
![]() |
In reply to this post by megaborg
Hey, nice work, been dying to try out Breaking Point since I saw it on youtube but my PC can't handle the multiplayer servers. not sure if this has been picked up on or whether it is a local bug or whatever, but when I spawn my tazer seems to be bugged and does not seem to register as a weapon, though it fixes itself if I drop the tazer and pick it up again. only a minor inconvenience but quite tedious when you're as bad at DayZ as I am, managed to catch the wrong key and vault off the roof of a firestation - that was my most successful run :P
It's not your PC, the servers have been buggy as hell. It's been taking like 30-45 mins to get in sometimes, and some servers seem to be entirely full of backpacks and nothing else (i literally went into 2 barracks, 1 firestation, and 6 hangars, a supermarket, two apartment buildings and saw nothing but backpacks!). Also, my buddy kept respawning like 5 clicks from where he logged off, I kept spawning with a broken leg etc. There are many problems... BUT When you do get in and it's working, it's the best DayZ by far IMO. The night is slightly brighter so it's not unplayable, the fog makes it look like a John Carpenter film, the vehicles are awesome and there are a load more of them, there are tonnes more lootable areas (Komorovo has a firestation and supermarket, NEAF has a firestation and a barracks etc) it makes the smaller towns more fun - but also WAY more zombies everywhere so it's not so easy to loot them. There are bases around the place, and Devil's castle is now some awesome empty survivor outpost (it's all sealed up except for the main entrance). The weapons are great. The sound mods make distant gunfire sound properly distant, like it's really coming from the other side of a hill, which add huge amount s of immersion. I've some of the most exciting gunfights by far in these servers. Lots of medium-far stanag assault rifle battles, and big fights for vehicles. Also have had strangers run for 30 mins to blood bag me. I could go on, I really love the mod, but it's currently a bit broken to say the least. I recommend you keep trying. Might see you on the UK servers. Also try this SP too, because it's awesome :). It has most of those features that I've just described too. |
The BreakingPoint MP US servers seem to be a bit more stable then Uk or EU ones.
yeah i cant play online, cant find a reliable Breaking Point AU server and alot of the US/EU servers dont like people with higher pings connecting, or its too laggy :/
In reply to this post by Above
Hmm, another possible new crafting item has occurred to me...helicopter landing pads, you know those big 'H's' you get on the ground at miilitary bases and elsewhere.
Maybe utilise those netting materials you can find at industrial spawns with some sandbags or wire kits maybe. Not a major dealbreaker if it can't be implemented but it would make a nice addition to bases I think. ![]() |
i like that idea, can then be walled off with barricades as a sort of 'extension' to the base, so you can get it bigger and bigger.
EDIT: could even try one step further, and create large square slabs of concrete, put them into a long line and make a basic runway of sorts |
I was also, after seeing the origins stuff, toying with the idea of being able to make concrete foundations/floors to be able to craft stuff onto but I image that would be a real bugger to implement, if possible at all... ![]() |
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