Takistan has different building types then chernarus does. Therefore you need Takistan loot table. |
In reply to this post by Above
im just trying the AI version again, doing a bit better with the help of JSRS, but all the survivors attack me, not just bandits. how do you get survivors on side, if its possible?
You can't. They all want your beans! kill 'em all! ![]() |
fair enough, will do. also the AI vehicles dont include a form of AA gun do they? i just watched 2 Mi-8's get shot down (with minor minor assistance from me) and saw long streaks of bullets coming from im not sure where, had to be a vehicle though
I don't know if they all do because I've only personally come across one AI vehicle patrol in my game so far but, yeah they had an armoured SUV complete with roof mounted mini gun and like I have said before the bandits and survivors will engage one another without any help from you. Which, with JSRS, makes for an awesome background sound track. ![]() |
yeah using JSRS im hearing alot more, also makes me more paranoid when i hear something lol.
Haha, too right. I learnt quite a while ago in DayZ that paranoia can be your best friend. But in this BreakingPoint mod there's no such thing. They really are all out to get you! ![]() |
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yeah i got my ass handed to me by a ghillie 'sniper' carrying an AK-74U. managed to take him out after waking up, but then later died after putting too many rounds into the UH-1Y and pissing the pilot off who then responded with a hail of rockets....bye bye SUV...bye bye M240 :'(
EDIT: also found out that if you turn the zombieshield on it stops the AI vehicles and players from spawning |
In reply to this post by Above
it's a shame you can not play
my immortal zombies leave me I can not kill since when cornered in a room I'm dead |
try turning on Zombieshield if you need to get a break from the zombies or you are over crowded
In reply to this post by Above
but this can be arranged in any way
forum and read that you can combiar many things dayz_code but I'm a noob in this I try to open dayz_code ArmAUnPBO program and I get 2 files and will not let me change anything need help thanks sorry my bad English |
In reply to this post by Ishtar
That is GREAT feedback! I'm working on either R3F (wich isn't looking much better) and if I don't get that to work, I will just add a good towing script. Because as you said, the basebuilding is already there. (Wich I'm trying to upgrade abit too, so that you can build a shack, and some smaller things)! :) |
In reply to this post by Matsuda_sempai
Oh yes, what I'm saying is that if you get an error and can't even launch it, then you gotta edit the mission file. Where it says "Chernarus" or whatever, that would be changed to the name of the map addon for whatever map you're trying out. :) I might port this to a new map and add it as a "mod" release in the next update. |
In reply to this post by Ray
Takistan actually uses ArmA 2/OA buildings, just like Lingor. They do spawn loot. :P |
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
I've meesed with the zombie shield everytime I've played. Are you sure that AI stops spawning? It could just be a minor problem finding them. Since it is random 0-12 (or whatever I changed it to). I've had AI respawning, btw. |
In reply to this post by reusin
Download the updated release and replace everything.. :P It's the old release that does this. |
In reply to this post by Above
think so, i saved just before i reached Vybor, where i previously got mauled by an AH-1Y, so i reloaded the save, turned zombie shield on for a bit, and was able to go through Vybor and surrounding areas without even hearing or seeing AI. only gunshots around were mine. But when i turned it back off, i instantly heard the sound of the chopper (didnt see it though) and shortly after started encountering bandits as well as hearing them fight each other.
not sure if its a bug or not. will test again when i get home. |
In reply to this post by Above
You should definitely port this over to another map as an extra "mod" for this addon. Maybe do it on a completely new map that isn't being used as a DayZ map yet? Like Napf or something. That'd be cool, since we (probably) wouldn't know the terrain or where everything is. In Chernarus I know where all the good loot spots are, so it's pretty easy. A completely new, non-DayZ map would be the perfect challenge for even experienced Bambi's :D
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
it would sort of give that feeling that you had when you first started playing DayZ and had no idea where you were or what you were doing. i miss that kinda.
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
I will look into it. But AI can be really occasional. |
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