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awesome! thanks, installing it now
No problem :) Oh, btw just be aware the Lost Key doesn't exactly spawn items at your feet. I usually find a nice empty flat spot devoid of any grass or clutter as sometimes the items can spawn quite away from you and to the side of you and a camo backpack can be hard to see/find at first. EDIT: @Above, that reminds me is there anyway to open up access to all backpacks so that certain 'heavy' weapons won't force you to drop your backpack? I mean its cool I can drop my pack and store it to use them and all but sometimes I forget, pick myself a nice, say BAF Para L110A1, and then spend a good amount of time trying to find where the hell the game has thrown my pack! ![]() |
not sure whats going on, I put the Loki lost key PBO file in my ArmA 2 OA Addons folder, but im not getting any context menu for it in game, cant work out why.
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In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
Hmm, yeah you should get the cyan blue text on your screen for 'Lost Key' if you have installed correctly.
Mine go's like this: C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2\Addons\loki_lost_key I don't know about OA but do you have an Addons folder in your Arma 2 directory? I assume you do, so try placing it there. I think OA has its own separate Addons folder. ![]() |
im following the instructions from here: may have just figured it out. someone commented they had the same prob as me but they needed to restart their character, so i'll give that a go. EDIT: restarting character fixed it. |
Ahhh, I forgot that! D'oh! oh, yeah, sometimes when starting a new a character and trying to access the goodies on LLK it won't work properly. The lists won't come up, ie the Weapons and vehicle creation. If this happens just start a new character again until it does. Oh, boy, you're in for some naughty fun! :D ![]() |
im going to love this
Hahaha! yeah my new favourite toy of Totally Overpowered Stupidity atm is a handheld Minigun! (codename: The Tosser as an invisible hacker once killed me with this very weapon on a public MP server). It's another separate dl from Armaholic that once added can be spawned with LLK. After a hard day of zombie bashing, looting and bandit skirmishes just take a stroll down to the NWA and go absolutely nuts on everything in your path GTA style! ![]() |
In reply to this post by noobz0r
Both the AS50 and M107 already spawns. :P They both spawn in barracks too, I might change that, however. Also, the Lapua spawns, so there's 3 .50's, and I think the KSVK spawns too, so there are 4! :D |
In reply to this post by Wayne
You can actually mod any backpack to have X slots. The only problem is that you'll only see the first 80-100 slots. The rest will be hidden. But if you put it on the floor for storage, then it's another thing, since you got a list. :D |
In reply to this post by Wayne
Yes, I should be able to add classes for weapons so that they wont remove your backpack. But the L110A1 should allow backpack? :S |
In reply to this post by Above
Ah ok, thought they'd only spawn on heli crashes because I never found them on C130 crashes or in the barracks. |
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In reply to this post by Above
Nah, none of the Lost Key spawned 'heavy' weapons allow backpacks. Even odder regular DayZ heavies like AS50, M107, MK.48 and M249 spawned in with LK will make your backpack drop once you equip them. Find them ingame or spawn them in with a magic box from the ingame cheat menu and they're fine however. Quite perplexing. A lot of normally game spawned weapons will drop your pack too. Again its the big boys like the M200 Intervention and nearly all of the big machine guns like PKM, etc. EDIT: A thought springs to mind. Is it because of the variants you can have? there are TWS AS50 and M107 variants, a few M240/M249 variants (scopes, para butts and camo skins) two MK. 48 skinned variants and two M200's - regular and fake suppressed. ![]() |
Weapons like the m249 have modified configurations in DayZ, wich is why they don't overwrite Backpacks. I guess Loki's spawns the un-modified weapons... |
Ah, of course! thanks Haleks. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Nabu
This would be AWESOME! I hope above looks into adding this to the mod :) |
In reply to this post by Wayne
How can I access the features from rMod through Loki? such as skins ans such?? |
In reply to this post by Above
@Above So how often is the lag suppose to happen? When I was playing seems like it was happening every 30 seconds or so. |
Every time an AI spawn trigger is activated, as far as I know. I've the same microfreezes on Factions Chernarus (maybe less noticeable since I use less units per trigger); but none on Factions 2017 : only 3 units max per trigger and less items for NPC's. |
In reply to this post by Blaze
It should already be included in BreakingPoint. :P It used to be, and I don't remember deleting it. |
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