hi can u make it not so cold plz :)
In reply to this post by noobz0r
I should have removed them completly in all missions. They were replaced with the crashed C-130, because I couldn't add loot to the heli model! |
In reply to this post by hehe
In reply to this post by Ray
Yes, I've tested it. And it keep working for me, before and after reloading a mission. :S |
In reply to this post by Ray
I have looked everywhere. Where can i turn on the power?
i know there are relay switches behind the eastern fire house in elektro, and i think i recall seeing a laptop or something in a small building near the entrance to elektro. will double check when i get home
In reply to this post by Above
Cool, no biggie. May be just a one off hopefully and if I start a new mission at some point it'll re-jig itself. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
Ah, alright then. |
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
The laptop is something I just used as interior. But it would be hella awesome if I could use it for something along those lines! I'll look at a script so that SOMETHING happens when you scroll on the computer. But the power station is behind the power thingy in Elektro. I'm not sure if it works, though. :D |
I think it was a vanilla version of DaiZy I was playing on cherno, and I went to that laptop in elektro, and I was able to turn or route power to places. Was a little confusing for me because I never used it before but it was there and working at least.
Then I'm not sure what laptop you've found. Because the only one I've seen there is the one I added in one of the custom buildings. |
In reply to this post by noobz0r
In regards of the C130 Crash sites I would like to make a little request if you dont mind :D
Before the only place where the M107 could spawn were the heli crashes I think ... now that they are gone the M107 isnt't in the game anymore :( Now the KSVK is the only .50 and it sucks :D So would you edit the loot tables so that the M107 (and maybe AS50 too) will spawn at C130 Crashes too? :) Not only that Im a really big fan of .50 sniper rifles but they are the only weapons that can go through the windows of the armored suv patrols (yea the M136 AT launcher could destroy them too, but it isnt even animated in dayz) :D |
In reply to this post by Above
i'll have a double check, it may have been a small mod added to standard DaiZy that did the electrics for everything ( cant remember the name of it)
Banned User
yes, it may was (AEG) Arma Electrical Grids: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVi3HGKX4rI Greetings |
that sounds like the one.
In reply to this post by noobz0r
If you're really desparate for them you could alway double tap '0' and rustle up a magical box of naughtiness.... I've just found something so incredibley OTT that I just burst out laughing...if any of you guys use the rMod mod then you have the power to rustle up a backpack with 400 slots! Probably old news to lot of you but when I saw it yesterday for the first time I nearly choked on my Mountain Dew! I'm not going to use as an actual backpack but it will make for a super tidy storage dump at my camp until above creates the craftable ammo crates :) ![]() |
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which one is that? i have rMod installed but didnt see a backpack with 400 slots. im going investigating now...
EDIT: spawned a magic box, no backpacks in it :( not in the '00" menu either. |
Well its funny because I've used Rmod for quite a while, using it for all the silly avatar skins you could dl and use. I used to run around as a blowup sex doll when the MP servers would allow for it.
But, anyways when used in conjunction with the Lost Key it allows you to access the 400 slot Admin backpack (looks just like a czech pack so its not bad looking either). Enjoy! :D EDIT: @Rabidgerbil: no the '00' remark was for Mr. N00bz in reply to his .50 snipers query...use the Lost Key ;P ![]() |
ahh ok, i'll try install Lost Key. also turns out rmod isnt installled lol. where would i add it in this?
"Expansion -nosplash -skipintro -mod=@BreakingPointSP;@CBA_CO;@JSRS" |
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Well the rMod you can chuck in anywhere after the @CBA_CO mod so eg - mod=@BreakingPointSP;@CBA_CO;@rMod;@JSRS (I ALWAYS put JSRS in last so no other mods can supercede its sounds) As for Loki's Lost Key that can just be added to your Arma 2 Addons folder and you are good to go. As you don't appear to have used LLK before you'll need to look in Work>Ammo Crates. Its right at the bottom of the list (if you have rMod installed correctly) as Open Admin Pack. It also, sometimes takes a while for that list to complete so leave it for 20 seconds or so to compile completely. ![]() |
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