Arma 2 doesn't give a shit about your cores :) I have an i7 3770k @ 4.5 GHz and cores 2,3, and 4 are not being used at all. Still, it runs fine, except for those lag spikes on AI spawning.
I've seen this mission (earlier versions but still the breaking point mission) run beautifully on really old chips with very modest GPUs too. |
In reply to this post by Above
hey above, quick request/idea
i have been playing ur mod for a few weeks now, and i am finding that the zombies are a little too easy to kill, i was thinking is it possible to get more origins style zombies or close to that, the zombies are a little too easy a the moment, is their any way i can add health to them? i have no computer knowlage i just play games :P |
In reply to this post by dom.stb
-cpuCount=4 <-- It's said to work on the BI forums. |
In reply to this post by megaborg
There's a zombie file somewhere with their damage handlers. I haven't looked for it, though. So I don't know more than that. Last time I played Origins, they had the same damage as any DayZ mod? x) |
I think he means Dr Ivan the Zeds in the orange lab coats which take around 17 to 18 PKM rounds to the head before they die. :D
In reply to this post by Haleks
1.9? Dude, where is all the updates in-between 1.4 and 1.9? I've been looking to see if you updated this for weeks now, and without any results? Hidden updates? |
In reply to this post by Above
somewhat but in origins they seem to not die as easy, the super zombie would be a cool idea, mabey more harder zombies north? why the lesser zombies down near coast could something like that possibly be done?
In reply to this post by Grayjoker
Are you using Mozilla to save opened windows? If so it doesn't refresh unless you do it manually. I can assure you all the updates were available! ^^ |
In reply to this post by Above
4 rlz? Will try next time. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
I'm using Chrome. It's been saying 1.4 for weeks
I guess something is wrong with Chrome then - it's been updated quite often in the past few weeks! Anyway, just in case : the final release is out! ^^ EDIT : Are you not confusing BP 1.4 with Factions?? |
In reply to this post by Grayjoker
In reply to this post by fedus_87
I installed it all and i dont know how to launch the mission yes i am a noob but please help me and i am egar to play
In reply to this post by Above
Help when i try to start the mission it says this cannot be edited or played as it requires content that has been deleted how do i fix this
did u change the launch directory in the shortcut?
In reply to this post by Above
How come this is so laggy? It glitches aaaa lot!
![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
Ohhhh. WELL, my bad. I just assumed he meant BreakingPoint since it was in the BreakingPoint thread ^^ Honest mistake :3. BTW, When will you update it again? ^^ I'm missing an update since me and my friend are ggrowing slightly bored with it e.e
BTW: Yesterday when me and my friend were playing it, we were on a Moto riding towards Elektro. On the way there, i get randomly thrown off several times, and one of them i died, where my blood went down to -11960 Blood. That's a bit weird? Anyway. What i want to achieve with this is that maybe you could implement a lock vehicle feature so that i wouldn't be able to jump off till he unlocks it? Thus preventing me from being thrown off too ^^ |
In reply to this post by DarkKiller
PC specs? There will be more going on on your CPU in singleplayer that in MP because alot of the stuff that would be handled by the servers in MP is of course being done on your machine in the SP. I have an i7 3770k and a 4GB GTX 680 and I lose frames on the higher settings on the single player. Also there are lag spikes when the AI spawns which is an unavoidable feature of how arma handles the scripts. They will be worse on slower systems. It's especially dependent on CPU in this game as it's not very well GPU optimised (to say the least). As a guide for video settings that have the biggest effect on frames, the one that really gives me a performance hit is the ATOC (anti-aliasing on trees and grass). Disabling this will help a lot. Also, disabling post processing and the like might help. |
yeah im playing on a acer aspire 5741G, i5 430M 2.26GHZ processor and an NVIDIA GT320M. sure i have frame issues but all in all, its still playable so its not stopping me lol
In reply to this post by Above
I have a somewhat sizeable request. SO. Me and a friend just played BreakingPoint using the ASC Mod (The weapons mod that allows you to customize your weapon(s).) So we thought, Why not see if we could get a mission where the whole loot-table had been replaced by the ASC weapons, so you could only find customizeable weapons and attachments? Could you possibly do that? :) |
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