does this work with the JSRS Sound mod?
In reply to this post by Above
Hahaha, it certainly should be done...some greedy bastard drank all the booze in Chernarus and we need something to alleviate the stress of killing all the zombies and bad guys! ![]() But seriously, no worries, take your time and make it as awesome as poss...hopefully you'll be able to jam in those new crafting recipes too for the crates and burning barrels and work out those dogs by the time you're done planting! Thank you so much ![]() Oh, and did you have any luck with the backpack hunt? ![]() |
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
Yes, it works beautifully with it. Especially with the Creepy Forests Custom Sounds AddOn (included in download of JSRS).
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
I use Jarhead's sound mod and it works perfectly with this. ![]() |
i might have to download it. i heard from someone it was a large file though, like 2-3gb?
It's a little over 1GB, not too big. And it's definitely worth it.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
Nah, it's not that bad. When it's unpacked it's around 1.81gb in the folder. ![]() |
i'll give it a shot when i get home then
In reply to this post by Wayne
Oh yeah. I forgot about the crates and barrels too. I'll add it to my list and see how long it takes for me to get it all fixed. :) About the backpack hunt... They got 0 cool backpacks. I'll replace the patrol pack on Napf, though. With a black one. I'm currently trying to get rid of all errors and fails with 1.7.7. Perhaps we'll see Napf soon. And Current changelog for 1.5: - Hemp mission. - No AI missions. - No cheat menu missions. - Check R3F out completely. - Check dogs out. - Craftable burning barrels and empty weapon crates. - ? - ? |
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
You certainly won't regret it. I still get a little shiver of excitement down my spine when I hear the rumble and echo of gunfire in the far off distance. And when someone close by let's rip with an AS-50 or MK48 on full's cack your pants in the best possible way time! :D ![]() |
yeah i normally play by myself (cant play online because comp) so i may not get it as much as you (with the gunfire next to you, but i'll definitely give it a shot.
In reply to this post by Wayne
I'm having problems with JSRS, most of my gunsounds (especially the M4 CCO SD). And most other guns, they got no gunsound. Just that extra hammer sound or whatever. :( |
im still going to give it a go. if it doesnt work well, i'll try the other gun sound mod that someone else suggested earlier |
Oh no, trust me it's worth it. I just don't get why I don't have the sound I used to have. Or why they're not working properly for me. |
Do you load your JSRS last in the mod list after everything else? if you don't it could be a another mod or soundfile taking over. If not I don't it just this mod or all mods it affects? re-install perhaps. I haven't used a M4 CCO SD in a while but I use a lot of silenced weapons and they all have the right amount of 'pfff' lol, except of course the MP5 SD which is so quiet the trigger pull, hammer drop and shell eject is literally all you can hear. In comparison the Bison is quite noisy! Oh and Rabidgerbil you'll get to hear those sounds fine in SP too because, unless you're using a no AI mission, those wily buggers will be shooting at you and engaging one another away from you :) ![]() |
Banned User
hahahah you dont beleave what just happend to me! i was at NWAF beside one crashed transport plane with my brand new UAZ with heavy machinegun mounted (i took it from 2 bandits near the hospital in barezino) as a heli-patrol was showing up. I switched on the gunner seat and fired some salves on him. i was sure i made damage as i could see some fire or at least the impacts. he turned, some 1km away to my position and fired around 10 missiles directly in front of me on the field. My UAZ was shaking so strong that i thought - thats it. But i survived and turned the MG to get the heli who passed my position from the backside and went on shooting. The heli also made a second turn and came back. i emptied the mag on him and wanted to jump out of the UAZ and run for my live as he just fell ontop of me and exploded. So i shot him down with some unexpected consequences. BUT I SHOT HIM DOWN! :D
Missiles dudes MISSILES :D ![]() ![]() |
Haha! I had the biggest smile while reading this! Great story! In fact, Kodabar (Jonathan) actually made a subforum specially for stories. There are quite alot of nice stories in there. |
In reply to this post by Wayne
I don't have any other sound mod installed. And I just get the regular "pew pew" sound on silenced. I remember in JSRS 1.4 or something, they all had REAL sounds. Like it would actually sound in real life. They removed it in the 1.5 update or something, though. |
Well if it was 1.4 and you still want it you can still get that version HERE ![]() |
I think I tried it before and got the same result. I could be wrong, though. But thank you, I appriciate it and will try asap. :D |
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