Scroll wheel with the bloodbag in your inventory
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Gianluca
make sure to have the bloodbag in your inventory, then just use the scroll wheel until you see "bloodbag yourself" in red letters.
EDIT: ninja'd |
In reply to this post by Above
i'd be down for a NO AI mission with the new updates, the AI always kick my ass mainly because im forced to play on a laptop, hence the game sis a bit laggy. they always see and shoot me before i see them no matter how much i take my time :( cant wait to get a new comp lol.
In reply to this post by Gianluca
If you have the blood bag in your inventory (not your backpack) then the option to bloodbag yourself will be on your main screen. I made that mistake too when it first became available ingame, thinking you had to use it like morphine or a bandage. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
Yes, I've found them prone alot of times. I got a tip, though. If you get shot, listen where it came from, while running as fast as you can to the closest cover. From there you can outplay them easily. It's not really a pro tip. But it works really well in MP aswell as SP. |
yeah i can hear where they are coming from and on the coast its not so much of a problem, but as i head north and they are armed better obviously it becomes trouble. recently i was running to Zeleno, constantly trying to watch out, a burst of fire from infront of me from what sounded like an RPK or similar machine gun. first birst broke my legs and almost killed me, so while bandaging/morphene behind a destroyed car i was looking all around me and suddenly another burst of fire came from directly behind me.
In reply to this post by Above
Oooo..if you are able to implement special one off missions could I ask you pretty, pretty please with sugar on top to have a crack at making a BP mish with those pesky hemp plants dotted around the map in the wild and in some back gardens and a pretty little remote farm house and plantation up north of the NWA...that would be just...tippy-toppers! plus I know a few guys who would simply adore a..*ahem*...smokers...mission...heheheh ![]() ![]() |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
you can change the difficulty of the game if you like to try it still with AI. You can make the enimy visible on your map. I think it was "activate map markers"-option but not sure. And also change the skill of the AI if you like to, so they shoot later and dont kill you with the first shot. You wont see the enimy too early on the map so it is still a challange. If you hear shots you go into cover and hope you have marked the enimy on your map, if not you go slow and stay in cover until you can see him on the map or in "real". Just an idea to make it a bit easyer. |
yeah i was on regular at the time. might try activating map markers then.
In reply to this post by Wayne
Haha! There's alot of work to make it look good. But it kinda has to be done, don't it! I can't give you a deadline. But I will do it at some point. I'll make a list for a new update now. Where I got all the missions requested and changes etc. I'll do my best to have it until then. |
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
Since the map markers for you and your enemies kindof ruins the game for me, but I also had the problem with veteran being too hard on the AI, so i set it to veteran customised the difficulty to have the AI skill set to around 0.8. I also added unlimited saves back in. The default skill level for veteran is 0.9 which pretty much gives them 1 hit kill eagle eyes. |
I've played veteran forever. You really adapt to it. |
In reply to this post by Grayjoker
Yes, I've already promised this, actually. I just completely forgot. I'll sort it for the update. I'm making a list now. |
In reply to this post by Above
yeah easier to play when the comp can actually run ArmA smoother. im on a 2-3 year old laptop lol
Haha, my computer is fairly shite too. It's not a laptop, so I do have an advantage. Haha. But yes, if one only had the same computer as "everyone" else. Update list for next update (1.5): 1. Hemp mission with herbs here and there. 2. NO AI mission. 3. No cheat menu mission. ? ? ? |
yeah im on an acer aspire 5741G, its getting old, just cant afford the new comp yet :(
how R3F coming along? |
sounds good. i'll continue my hoarding and walking in the mean time
In reply to this post by Above
Mitic Panda and others
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
Alright. I'll do my best this time. And really give it everything. So it will either work perfectly, or not. So current changelog for 1.5: - Hemp mission. - No AI missions. - No cheat menu missions. - Check R3F out completely. - Check dogs out. - ? - ? - ? |
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