Someone asked for a dayz_code of the 1.4 that had the old weather system and 80 slots in the Survivalist backpack, Here it is.
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In reply to this post by Above
Yeah there's not a lot of actual help when its come's to crafting items plus I was using 'recipes' from other mod's and that was messing my head and game up too :D
I also just found one of those skinny 40 slot backpacks on 1.4 no dogs/no time cycle. Not really a fan of its style but I certainly will enjoy those extra slots and it's not a problem as I am using the terrorist skin which already provides a backpack as part of the skin...what is that backpack btw? I'd love to have that one in the game without needing the terrorist skin. Oh, and chalk me up as another who love to be able to craft Ammo crates for myself rather that using a mass of tents/trucks to store my gear more neatly (and safely...I've already accidently sent fire to a couple of tents and have flattened others with bad driving hahaha!). Would there also be a way to craft those flammable barrels too? that would be cool...logs and scrap metal? EDIT: ooo...80 slots and old weather :) would I require a mission restart if I were to use that code? ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
that survivalist pack will be bloody handy with 80 slots!
In reply to this post by Wayne
Haha, I'm glad it worked out at last. As I said, I also had alot of problems with building stuff, but I know most of the recipes on the top of my head now. I also love the Terrorist skin backpack, however I don't think it is in ArmA, and if it is. The 40/80 survivalist backpack is getting replaced fast. About the ammo crates, I haven't started coding it. But I will. All I need is the classname for it, wich shouldn't be hard to find. ;) And I could sure add the flamable barrels to building. If they're remove'able with refund, it would be awesome. Becuase I was kind of working with the fires, having "put out fire" remove the wood too. After some BBQ parties, the world will be cluttered with old fires. And no, sir. You would not have to restart the mission. Only mission changes requires a restart. :) |
Brilliant! Yeah if you could find that Terrorist skin backpack that would be awesome!
Another silly thing I found today was that if I right click on an empty tin can in my inventory a bunch of Spanish comes up...I loosely translated it as 'you need a fire to boil water'. Again not a major issue or anything to worry about just a heads up :) ![]() |
That's in the DayZ code. It shouldn't have anything to do with what I've done :s EDIT: I'm now spawning every backpack in the game to see if there's any backpack that can beat the RPG pack (The survivalist pack). |
Banned User
later yesterday i found this survivalist backpack too. Same Missin as Wayne played. It looks really slim for 40 slots, but that's ok for me too if you find no "better" one. For me the max backpack, which ever, should not be more than 35-40 slots... 4 primeryweapons in a backpack... more would be like cheating for me. The helis should have more slots too, but not too much, may half of a Ural for the normal siced helis like UH-1H, may something like 100/25/8. The small scout heli could have less, may like a car 50/10/5 or even less. The transportheli could have same as Ural. = all just brainstorming not demanding like always. btw. the backpack that is using the terrorist-skin, isnt that the good old alice pack? For me it looks like it. |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Above
I get bandit-kills, zombi-kills and headshots, and all three seem to work fine... survivor-kills i never got until now. nice feature btw. i did not mention it because of all the other great stuff in the mission, but i like it a lot too! |
In reply to this post by Nabu
Nah, that's the IRA Terrorist skin that use's an Alice Pack as part of the skin. The Terrorist pack is...well, just damn sexy!
Hahaha yeah I have 80 slots now and that's just rather sexually explicit to say the least...I'm a goddamn walking one-man army come supermarket come medic! Talking of skins is there any chance of a list being provided of the all the named skins in the mod...I rather feel like doing a pokemon and catching them all but I don't know the name's of the one's I am missing...I have collected around 14 skins atm... ![]() |
Banned User
ahhh yes, i was thinking you mean the IRA one. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Wayne
Bad news, there are already 13 skins. So I'm afraid you got them all. :< However, the Napf project I'm working on for 1.7.7 got 52 skins. So you'll have alot to do, haha. |
In reply to this post by Ray
Yeah I'm saving up I dont think my pc can handle 50 players running around on dayz so since on this mission I basicly have that That would explain it!
In reply to this post by Above
Oh, no problem at all and thanks for the info because at least now I know I no longer need to run around looking for any more skins! 52....*drool*...I'm a like a 13 year old girl at a Justin Beiber concert when it come's to collecting new clothes! ...ahem...I don't suppose there are any skins that would enable a male player to do some wholesome cross-dressing zombie slaying....ever since Dead Rising I've always enjoyed slaughtering the undead in a sequinned boob tube, tartan mini and a pair of heels hahahahaha! ![]() |
Hi Above, Haleks et al.
I've been away from this forum recently since I've been playing alot more Breaking Point multiplayer, but just want to say that I can't believe you're still improving on this. I've been following the posts here because I get them in my email inbox and it seems like you guys have really made this your own. It is becoming a proper single player game in its own right, no longer just a trainer for the 'real thing'. And I think much of that is down to how carefully you're listening to the other people on here. All the stuff you've added to make the SP experience more enjoyable (like bigger packs - bigger packs is a great idea for SP obviously) are turning this into such a cool mod. I hope you get more attention because I think you're providing what alot of people want here, not as an alternative to MP, but as a proper game in its own right. I think alot more people would love this if they heard about it, that perhaps would have been turned off from the MP by hacking or a hostile community or whatever (though I have to say, the Breaking Point MP is sooo much better on those fronts - I've played many hours of now, and apart from some connection problems and glitches and things, it's by far the best community I've played with. I've had all sorts of friendly interactions as well as some great adversarial ones. Also, never seen a single hacker). I would like to express my admiration for the work and care you're all putting in to this and I feel a little proud to have even been following it as I have been. If I get any time soon, I'm planning to record some footage in the SP to get on youtube so there's some good video reference for the kind of gameplay you get in the SP. I know that many many people, myself included, got into DayZ via let's plays by people like Frankie and Jack Frags. I hope that if I can make an exciting video I can help in a small way to get the word out. I'll send this to you before I make it public if I manage to make it anyway. Thanks again guys. Good work. Dom. |
Those words. :') I personally couldn't thank you enough. And I think the other modders would agree. All I've done for the DayZ SP, wether it's alot or nothing, I've loved every second here. And the fact that people actually appriciate something as a small detail puts a damn big smile on my face. Not only am I enjoying DayZ SP myself, and modding it. I'm also really happy that more people are enjoying it. I've not been in touch with the BreakingPoint community that much, only with the head-dev really. But I do know this community, and our people here. And you're all bloody amazing. :) |
In reply to this post by Wayne
Haha! Same, I love them bloody skins. I was working on femail skins, but there was no way I could get them bitches to run or have gear. Now if I spend more time, it's obviously a possibility. But at that point, I was fairly clueless. And just because we're talking about skins, I'll post a picture of my current top 1 favorite skin. ![]() |
Yeah, that one's bitchin' |
In reply to this post by Above
hello guys :D
first of all great mod I've been playing this since a couple of weeks and Im still not bored :D but there is 1 thing I dont like so much : There are some weapons (pkp, pkm ) that take the weapon slot AND the backpack slot too. wonder if you could change it for these weapons :D p.s. Will there be any more weapons in the future? maybe some weapons from ACE like the TAC50 or something. that would be really cool :) |
In reply to this post by dom.stb
I'd like to second everything you just said. It's because of modder's like these guys who will listen, take on board, and in many cases implement idea's and suggestions put forward by us lowly players that make's these mod's, and Above's in particular, so thoroughly enjoyable to play. Please continue to tweak, prod and cajoule even more stuff into this game as you as possibly can.
Oh, and if you ever need 2017 stuff one of my Sexy Time team-mates has now taken over from Shinkicker on the project and he's just about to release Namalsk 2017 :) ![]() |
Thank you for the words. But as this is a "BreakingPoint" release, even though it isn't completly, some people want it to be BreakingPoint, and some want it to be a modded version. But as always, I can upload custom missions. Even though it's not really BreakingPoint. I'd love to add more guns, that's also a cheap sollution to balance the loot table abit more, haha. And sure, I can make new classes for those weapons, and they wont remove the backpack. I wont promise when, though. As I got some ideas and theories that I gotta test out. I'm really glad that you guys are enjoying this. ![]() |
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