Yup, I don't think there's a decent way to cycle time smoother. I'll leave the mission in there for whoever wants them. I use the timecycle scripts on another project, or mission. And it doesn't really lag there. I'll see if I can manage to fix it. No luck with the dogs, and I'm not working on R3F for a while. I'll go back to the dogs when I've had any result with R3F, otherwise I'll just add towing feature. |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Above
Thank you Above that you took your time with the answer! (Nr3) I saw some vids about dogs, and it seems that in MP it should be enough to get close to the doghouse and they spawn. (Nr5) May it is the timecycle-script, i will test the normal version too. EDIT/// ok i have seen the last posts now! so i play without timecycle from now on! thx! (Nr7) I like the coyote with 30+ slots a lot! :) And the heli with bigger inventory now makes sense to use for raids. If it is not too much work a suggestion could be to make a "magic-box"-cheat which spawns an empty weapon-crate with huge inventory-space. Because my main problem after some hours playing and starting building camps and bases is the organisation of all the loot i have. Tents are ok, but hold onley 50/10/5. So i look for Urals 200/50/8. But to have the possibility to spawn a empty weapon-box which has a huge space for loot i would really appriciate. All i can spawn with lostkey is full weapon-crates which destroy the fun searching weapons and other loot. Thx again for responding on my feedback! |
In reply to this post by Above
Yup, I don't think there's a decent way to cycle time smoother. I'll leave the mission in there for whoever wants them. I use the timecycle scripts on another project, or mission. And it doesn't really lag there. I'll see if I can manage to fix it. No luck with the dogs, and I'm not working on R3F for a while. I'll go back to the dogs when I've had any result with R3F, otherwise I'll just add towing feature. The timecycle is usually handled by the server, which is why Origins doesn't lag every minute client-side. I don't think you can do much about it. Also, what is R3F? XD P.S. Towing <3
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
The timecycle is usually handled by the server, which is why Origins doesn't lag every minute client-side. I don't think you can do much about it. Also, what is R3F? XD Probably. :( I like the timecycle to be honest. R3F would be the addon wich lets you tow other vehicles and store objects in your car. Now I got bad news, I don't have enough time to fix that and the dog scripts tonight. Because I don't even know what's causing it to break as of now. So it will take way longer to find out and then fix it. But I'll sort the AI helis and the despawn body script so that it deletes every body 1000m or more away from you, each 5 min. That's really the best I can do today. :< Also, to compensate for the timecycle lagging, I'll make night brighter on the non-cycle missions. :P |
In reply to this post by Nabu
Nabu, the empty weapon crate would be AMAZING.. You are a genius :o
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Above
Probably. :( I like the timecycle to be honest. R3F would be the addon wich lets you tow other vehicles and store objects in your car. Now I got bad news, I don't have enough time to fix that and the dog scripts tonight. Because I don't even know what's causing it to break as of now. So it will take way longer to find out and then fix it. But I'll sort the AI helis and the despawn body script so that it deletes every body 1000m or more away from you, each 5 min. That's really the best I can do today. :< Also, to compensate for the timecycle lagging, I'll make night brighter on the non-cycle missions. :P I'd say the R3F addon fix should come before the dog fix, because you should be able to figure out the R3F stuff fairly quickly in comparison to the dogs, which you say you don't have any idea what to do with (I think xD) Either way, I admire your ability to code/script/mod DayZ to be singleplayer and whatnot, I think it's truly amazing. You and all the other admins/mods/daizy creators are the people I look up to in the coding field :3
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
It would still be cheating. D; What if I could get it to spawn empty, and you needed something to build it? OR! You need X woodpiles to build one? ![]() BreakingPoint update 1.4 (fixed AI helis and the body-despawn) And again, I wish I had more time to fix dogs and the R3F addon now. But I'll mess with it whenever I can. And as I said, if I can't get it to work, I'll just add a towing feature. |
I might actually do that! Will see if I can add it as a buildable item in the building script - that's a friggin' good idea! |
Banned User
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In reply to this post by Above
OF COURSE!!! if i could built a weapon-box, with some x woodpiles and maybee the entrenchingtool and/or the tool box would be perfect. Much better than spawning it! Could be x (3?) woodpiles, entrenching tool and hatchet also. would be awsome! :D |
I think a couple of scrap metal would be enough :P
In reply to this post by Haleks
Wicked, I'm looking into the handledamage commands. I wanna give AI 12k blood/health. :P |
In reply to this post by Nabu
It should be 3 wood piles and 1 scrap metal, and it requires an entrenching tool and toolbox (scrap for nails/reinforcing structure)
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Banned User
That sounds great for me! @Above 12k blood for AI is great! Do you know if AI can loose consciousnes after for example a shot with DMR like player in MP too? |
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
If we can't get the weapon crate thing working properly, what you do is spawn in a US Launcher Box with Loki's Lost Key in your base, then spawn a Huey out in a field nearby, then teleport back and forth and put the stuff in the Huey until the crate is empty. Then just get in the Huey, fly out of the map, spawn a Satchel Charge, place it under the Huey, get 100m away and blow up the heli, then teleport back to base :3
I say US Launcher Box because I believe that's the crate with the least amount of stuff in it, but I'm not entirely sure. WAIT GENIUS IDEA. Spawn in the same stuff, put everything YOU have into a (spawned in/found) ural, then spawn in an Open AdminPack (classname: Open AdminPack), and that will let you grab everything in the launcher crate in one trip (probably), so it'll save time. Just put the backpack in the Huey, drive the ural up to it (assuming they're both spawned in and in an open field), grab your crap and satchel the 2 vehicles :D I like explosions ;~;
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Nabu
I don't think I ever had the DMR knock someone out for me. x) But yes, you can probably allow the AI to pass out. But first I gotta work out the math for 12k blood. And it's hard, because the calculations I've seen on it has no explaination as to what they're calculating in the first place. But I'll come up with something. They got zombie damage atm. >_< |
In reply to this post by Nabu
Until he figures out to give them 12k blood, no, the will die instantly when shot with the DMR/M14(variants)
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Above
Oh wait! what do you mean by that? You have zeds wounding them?! EDIT : just figured out what you meant ^^' |
He means they have the same health as zombies xD
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Above
Is the huge inventory on the Huey only on the base model UH-1H? or is it also on the armed UH-1Y model as well? |
It is only on the UH1H, I can make a class for the other heli, though. This was just a small mess-around that I forgot to delete when I updated BP. Also, a 40 slot backpack with this model or not? What do you guys say? |
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