I reextracted the pbo and just try playing the map as it, it would give me the same error about the dlg_spawn.hpp being missing.
I went into the description file and removed the dlg_spawn.hpp and that seem to fix my problem. Thanks Above!
In reply to this post by Above
Alright,didnt know that it was bug.And I play singleplayer without cheats wich makes it more challenging,I mean wheres the fun of spawning an as50 and start shooting everything you see,that pretty much destroys the singleplayer feel for me. Also how come patrol pack has 8 slots and a POUCH got 12 slots, thats quite silly,any way to change that?
Yes, for sure. I play without cheats too. Apart from the healing option every now and then when I'm to lazy to find meat to get my colors back. They remade the backpack system in You can change it in the code, I would tell you what file. But I've not been messing with it yet. |
Alright, I'll mess around with the files soon then and try to change it, also . Is there an ability to add, well lets call it a "cheat". To spawn loot, since even in this version sometimes the game is struggling and I need to lurk around in empty cities waiting even up to 15minutes for it to spawn, So like a console command perhaps into cheat menu to activate the loot spawns incase something gets fishy, problaly a weird suggestion but I'll still post it hehe, other then that this mission is epicness itself.
Oh right, and another question. Incase you ever get a bit time could you create a mission where vehicles spawnrate is low, right now whenever I enter a airfield/big city 7/10 times there is a heli, and gas stations have 90% times I visit them got 1-3 vehicles in them wich is a bit too overpowered imo, sure its singleplayer but nothing bad in having a challenge to get vehicles ;). Oh right, they all spawn with broken parts (obviously) but all 4 tires and usually half tank or a bit less of fuel, so could they all without tires,glasses etc. I would try to fiddle with it myself, but since you made the new vehicle system youre alot more familiar with it and would problaly take only a few moments to complete it. Also, loot 100% spawns in NO-AI version every time, no matter if i fly/drive/skydive its always there, AI version dosent have loot until bandits spawn, wich I dont see the connection to.
There's no cheat to spawn loot (afaik) since it's triggered by beeing x metres away from the building. What I do is run inside, "set building as not looted" and that makes it abit faster. I could lower the spawnchances. (My goal is to have them as MP). The reason the airfields always have at least 1 heli is because there's no way of saying like "only 1 heli per launch" so I gotta have fairly decent spawnchance. It's hard to get at least 1 spawned heli for each launch. The reason AI might delay loot is because it's singleplayer. Everything is processed by your computer. That's also the reason loot might be delayed in the first place. Loot spawns in perfectly for me. It could take a second every now and then, but that's fairly rare. And about the vehicle system, the reason they spawn drive-able is because I haven't added code for them to have random damage, yet. This is something I've been working on though. But I'm always messing with alot of mission and features. Now I'm adding cars for the Taviana 1.5 release I've been talking about (another colab release with Fedus) wich is the exact same thing as this but Taviana. I'm also waiting for Celle to make an update on my Celle stuff. ![]() |
Alright, no problem. And good luck on Taviana, I bet it'll be sweet ;).
In reply to this post by Above
I am getting a bug that the food and drink thing dont go down after resuming game. Also there are little icons next to the normal food and drink ones. Other than that great job guys
Atrange, my UI works after resuming. Try changing skin/healing. And yes, the dog UI bugs out upon resuming. I might remove it. I guess I'll fix random damage on the cars and update the UI. |
Hey Above, if i change something the backpack sizes and start the game,it wont start. Theres an error message.How can i fix it?
![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
Weird. Mine doesnt and I tried the changing skins, healing, eating, drinking. No change. Would it have anything to do with the beta patches?
I've been playing this mission quite a lot, and I have a quick question. I've checked the 3 airfields, at least 2 times each, and I haven't found a single heli. A lot of cars, trucks, bus, etc, but no heli. Am I just that unlucky, or is there a problem ? ^^
Apparently I am the only one having this problem, so it's a bit weird ... |
In reply to this post by Above
This is great... thankyou very much for your work.
One thing I have used the single player for in the past was to practice pitching tents in particular areas before doing it online on a private hive (minimising the risk of pitching an inaccessible tent). In the latest versions, though, the single player allows you to pitch tents where you can't pitch them in the online version. So I've been finding good spots offline, but when I try it online, the mod doesn't let me 'clip' the same rock or building. It would be really nice (IMO) to have the same rules for single player tents as in the online version. Also, I just found a M17 sniper rifle in the barracks offline. As far as I'm aware that gun isn't in the online version. Does that mean the loot spawns offline do not mirror the online loot spawns? Cheers. |
All ArmA 2 weapons (OA ones aswell) should be unbanned and in the loot table, wich gives you ability to find any gun in the game. Also, I cant pitch everywhere I want to in SP, I can pitch into same places as MP. And clipping a tent into texture is quite silly aswell.
Thanks for your reply.
> Also, I cant pitch everywhere I want to in SP, I can pitch into same places as MP. Really? I can easily pitch tents into buildings multiple times in SP, and when I go to the same location online, it doesn't allow it. > And clipping a tent into texture is quite silly aswell. It might be silly offline, but if I want to keep my gear online, on a private server with 30 players on it every night, then I'm afraid clipping a tent into buildings and rocks is the only way to hide it for any length of time because they're so easy to see otherwise. |
In reply to this post by Kobr4
I will reply do y'all in the same comment again.
I have not messed with this, yet. So I can't tell why you get an error, and why. What does the error say? I might be able to help you from there. The heli spawns (or every spawn for that matter) is a hard thing to balance. Either you got a REALLY unlucky launch, or there's helis on the other locations. (Check the online map for additional spots http://dayzdb.com/map#4.122.118). But it's hard to give them the proper % to have just enough helis. That's why you'll get 2-3 sometimes, and maybe none another. The reason tents does not work like MP is because we're using DZG scripts (for building stuff and salvaging vehicle parts). Why would you download singleplayer when you can just test on MP? Where it works it works, right? ![]() Why did you find an M17 sniper on SP, but not on MP? I added ArmA2 weapons for more variety, it's in the release notes. ![]()
IMO, it's more relevant to give everyone a chance. Glitching is ruining the game. ![]() And thank you all for the feedback. It helps me and Fedus to make this even better! ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
So how do you build stuff? i see the formulas, but how do you actually construct things?
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