I HAVE FINALLY FIXED THE CODE!! I went through every frigging single file! But it does work now. Tested and it worked 10 times in a row on restart. Now I'm just going to complete the list of things to test.
Bandit triggers.
Bandit loot.
Respawn script.
Building scripts.
Dogs. (will be hard since I'm not sure where they're meant to spawn yet).
This will be uploaded and updated asap.
Just a sidenote. The meat fix will have to wait until Fedus gets back and can tell me what in the DZG scripts is causing it. I will try to see if I can fix it myself.
EDIT1: And as I said before. The delay + lag on respawn should now be fixed.
EDIT2: Sadly, the script that caused the respawn not to work was the epeen monitor. I will see if I can rewrite it to work. But for now, I gotta move the spawns and test the stuff above.