Well, the previous cheat menu had the Arma 2 models option, wich has been removed since they're not compatible with backpacks. I just found the Rmod (first post on the 2017 topic) wich fixes that and many other compatibilitie issues... Would be nice to have this kind of option back, even better if we can choose units from arma 2, OA, PMC & BAF... I know there's Kron Support Call, but I'm pretty sure now that this mod reactivate Arma 2 wounding system when used - wich is super boring. (the guerilla units from OA are great, for example, and would fit nice in DayZ) Food for thoughts ^^ |
In reply to this post by Haleks
No, they were not inactivated because of backpacks. Rather that AI and zombies would ignore you completly. ![]() I use a script executorz for whatever random script I wanna use. |
In reply to this post by Above
I put all the ingredients in my inventory and it only gives me the option to construct wires, tank traps, etc.
Could you explain the process again? Your original post left out words and had a lot of grammatically errors so it was hard to understand. Apparently you have the same problem as me; my brain tends to move much faster than my hands. :) |
All you do is construct one of those, doesn't matter wich one. As long as you have the stuff you need, ONLY. That way, the game knows what to do with whatever item you construct. ![]() |
In reply to this post by fedus_87
This doesn't seem to happen with Kron Support Call, any idea why? |
Because Kronsky got a secret contract with the zombies!! ![]() |
That said, the only thing missing from the cheat menu is the ability to spawn Arma2 vehicles...
I use the SP to customize my game and play my own "scenario" (wich is why I don't like the respawn system, I have to go all over it again or revert; but I dunno how to deactivate it), and the previous cheats would be quite useful in that way (I can' tspawn evry thing with Kron's)... |
Use Loki's Lost Key then, Its quite alot more advanced then Kronk's is.
In reply to this post by Above
O, Ha! there it is.
It gives me the "build me" option when i right click the sand bags. My Bad. Thanks! |
In reply to this post by Haleks
because those are all blufor skins and are called as to what side you are currently on so say if you were to go into the editor and change the player character to an independent then after you start the mission and use support call to change skins it will call all indepedent skins. so since you are bluefor to start with it only calls bluefor skins which are what side dayz zeds are written to attack and AI aswell.
In reply to this post by Ray
Well it's a nice tool; but I can't stand that blue text keeping popping up in the middle of the screen... |
Hi,i have a problem,when i want to make the Epeenmonitor to appear by clicking the "Scroll Lock" key on my keyboard, it doesn't appear at all. i've already installed everything,i've created the mod folder,with addons folder inside too,with all files everything copied from "Dayz" folder and i've redownloaded,doesn't seem to work,but other than this,everything works.
![]() And thanks for the mod,i'm loving it! ![]() |
This is because the Epeen monitor kept us from respawning. |
This post was updated on .
I can't find any heli crash sites. Is this a bug or do they spawn only when the player is near?
I also get this message if I try to get the custom loadout with the L85A2 "script cheats\L85A2.sqf not found". I can take the L85A2 from the Magicbox so why it's not letting me to have the custom loadout? |
In reply to this post by Haleks
'Well it's a nice tool; but I can't stand that blue text keeping popping up in the middle of the screen... '
Well, I dont know about you but for me it dosent never pops up, might be caused by COSLX and COWarMod I use but I never had issues with it at all. |
In reply to this post by JormaS
They might not work anymore, for some reason. But they might, you gotta walk on the trigger for them to appear. I'm experimenting with "real" crashsites. I will update depending on how it goes. |
In reply to this post by Ray
My Lost key did actually also pop up in the middle of the screen, and it was my only addon. (Apart from whatever else you need to run it, obviously). I never got it to not do that, and don't know what's causing it. But some people have it, and some don't. ![]() |
Yeah, after disabling the addon I noticed the error aswell but managed to temporarily fix it by scrolling the wheel and then right click with mouse to exit the "scroll menu" wich made it do dissapear, atleast for me.
Btw, how do you have 639 posts again? haha, you had like 707 yesterday O.o
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