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In reply to this post by Above
Is there a way to take the time cycle out of the map?
If so, how? |
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Hey above,
i know how you mentioned that you would update lingor and add the option to remove timecycle! im pleased about that because im really pissed at the stuttering in the sky dude, hopefully you can add the sleep feature shown in the latest chernarus single player maps.... but overall man i love this one the most ive always wanted to play lingor by myself and since half of the servers got taken down i cant play it at all but then i found your map and i was happy but once again ^^^^^ the stuttering bro it sucks! |
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Yes, I will try to update it this week asap. The sleeping feature is a part of some DayZ mods. I'm sure the new Lingor Skaro update do have it, though. Otherwise it's easy to just add as an additional upload. |
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In reply to this post by Above
This has been updated to 2.1.
Changes: No timecycle or respawn. AI spawnrange fixed. AI loot fixed. Vehicle damage fixed. Updated to Skaro 2.1/DayZ 1.7.6. Added the new food to bandits + the Youtubers drinks to stores. The ArmA 2 weapons will now drop ammo in ammo piles aswell. This will be updated to 1.7.7 once that is released. Skaro 2.2 changelog: UPCOMING(2.2) [Vehicle] Jetski in 4 Colors (maxSpeed = 140 transportMaxMagazines = 10 transportMaxWeapons = 1) Github Link [Vehicle] Jetski Case in 4 Colors (maxSpeed = 140 transportMaxMagazines = 20 transportMaxWeapons = 2) [Vehicle] AS350 Helicopter (transportMaxMagazines = 20 transportMaxWeapons = 2 transportmaxbackpacks = 1) [Vehicle] AS350 PMC (Army Skin) Helicopter (transportMaxMagazines = 20 transportMaxWeapons = 2 transportmaxbackpacks = 1) [Vehicle] AS350 POL (Police Skin) Helicopter (transportMaxMagazines = 20 transportMaxWeapons = 2 transportmaxbackpacks = 1) Patch to whatever they want to call the next dayz update) <--- (1.7.7). |
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In reply to this post by Above
Um, wut.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Banned User
Cool! new stuff. i wish i had more time to play as i got sucked a bit into Factions2017 at the moment.
But i will play it soon and tell you my feedback if i have one. Thx Above! |
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Banned User
yay, so i played a bit on this, until now, for me totaly unknown map.
Its a lot of fun as there are more open areas, so the contact to AI is earlyer than i used to see in Chernaurus which makes sniping more usual. Many fights between AI are going on which is nice. Most positive for me was the really fast spwaning of loot. Incredible fast! I land my heli beside a building, enter, and have loot! Great! Onley negative thing until now for me was the sound of the birds. there is no way to compair it with the birdsounds in chernaurus. On this map at least the louder ones sound just to much "from tape" for my like. Thx for updating, do you think about making self-bloodbag possible on this mod too? Greetings btw: you might want to change the link to the map of lingor in your release post, as you puted in the one of another map ;) |
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In reply to this post by Above
A couple of things. Firstly, you have made DayZ totally rock for me again ergo you guys that worked on this totally rock. I knew of Lingor and had played maybe 10 minutes online at some point last year but that is all of my experience so until last night I had no idea how much fun Lingor is - I fucking love this island!
I can only really pick one fault (which tbh I don't even know if this is a client-side issue or a build-issue) and that is heli-crash sites just spawn junk as they do in the version of DaiZy Chernarus I have, tin cans instead of NVG, heatpack instead of FAL :( So I've resorted to using the little cheat menu which i swore I'd never use (ha) to spawn me and AS50 or so for every two crash sites I find :D About the cheat menu too, when a bandit spawned in real close and fucked me up before I knew what was going on I decided to spawn my AK and ghillie and CZ550 etc (all the stuff I had found by the time I got killed) when I respawned - the only ammo available in the Assault Rifle ammo is Fal, and that's bugged too I couldn't select it even if I wanted to :P Another thing that was weird but damn hilarious, when I reached Calamar around 2 hours into my gameplay I got onto the airstrip and as I was looking around a heli-crash spawned on top of me, broke my legs and knocked me out LOL! Needless to say this is a bug but man it was funny as shit. It seems every now and then when I kill a bandit from afar their body disappears instantly but that only happened with like the first 2 bandits, all of them after that have not despawned instantly and I've been able to loot some 1337 gear from them, I love that they hold things like rangefinder etc. Can't wait to get home tonight and continue from where I left off - atop an apartment in Calamar :) |
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In reply to this post by Nabu
... [show rest of quote]
Haha, I'm glad you liked it.
And yes, the birst on the island Lingor are loud and painful to hear. D: I will probably update this when they update the mod, and add the bloodbag feature. Their update will have jetskis and stuff. :D |
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In reply to this post by Gwraspe
I'm really glad you're enjoying it! Lingor is a nice map, I've played it way to much, though. I would play it every damn day when it was just released.
Yes, the old crashsites only spawn 1 pile of loot. I've replaced heli crashes with C-130's in the later releases. And those got 7 slots of loot instead, like it should be. :) Hahaha! Yes, this happened to me a couple of time too. One spawned ontop of my car once and blew me up. I forgot to set a strict spawn-range. I will sort that in the update.
That's strange, unless you use the "clean up dead bodies" cheat, the bodies got no code for despawning. Are you sure that you just didn't find them? AI can be really hard to find sometimes, especially if you killed them from a great distance. Nice! :) I just ported a completely new map (Napf). It is also a fairly nice map! :) |
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Thanks for the reply man!
I'll have to download the 2.2 version to hopefully get some sweet kit from the crash-sites, and I'm glad I'm not the only one that's been able to get a laugh out of them spawning on top of me :P I haven't used the despawn corpses cheat, it must be something client-side that caused it I guess, I did end up finding those two bodies when I returned to El Villon airstrip where I killed them but they were definitely in different places to where I killed them, maybe 50-100m out. I'll have to bring my memory stick to work again tomorrow and get the files for Napf, I love your work already and I'm always excited to play a new map - brings back the feeling Chernarus used to mid-last year where you could just get completely lost and so immersed in the game, like what Lingor gave me last night :) Keep up the good work, you guys are a solid bunch of modders for sure. |
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Haha! :) I'm pretty sure you just didn't find them, it happens to me every now and then. What's more unlikely than them getting removed is that they were randomly moved. :P Ranges can feel different. I'm not trying to be a dick, don't get me wrong. :)
Oh yes... I really miss that feeling when you ran around pretty much clueless. Damn I wish I had that feeling now. :/ I spend alot of time just testing the maps and code, though. So I get used to it before I actually play it. Will do :D I'm glad that you're enjoying what we do! :D |
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Yeah, guess I must have just dumbed out and lost sight of them :P easy to do I guess when you're getting lunged at by zombies or trying to pin down another bandit.
It's a shame you can't get that feeling man, I hope for your own sake someone else fully mods a map out without you needing to test it so you can get it back :D On a sidenote, I got to the prison at the top of Lingor the other night and found 2 Lapua snipers so got a fair bit of ammo for the one I took, I've been wanting one for ages but never seen one! Stoked wasn't strong enough a word. |
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Happens to everyone. :) Meh, I've just grown used to DayZ. Ha! I'm not a fan of the Lapua, mainly because of the tiny barrel. I'm not sure, I'd prefer a DMR. :) |
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Im having a small issue with this-First of all thanks for the hard work as it is a blast to play. My health water and food how ever are not deteriorating and show up as empty on the screen. Any ideas?
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No worries, I have fun messing with it. And damn, that's strange. I literally got no clue why you got that. It's one of them things that either is it broken, or not. |
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