Thanks man you're a life saver, everything is working great now :D is there any way around restarting everything when one of us dies and goes into what seems like a permanent death loop? Also thanks again cause it seems like you've been pre setting up the sp maps with 100 slots for lan, I spent at least a day trying to edit the file and add more player slots a while back but I can never seem to open anything in the editor for some reason lol..
Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :D The reason you can't edit some of my missions in the editor is more than likely because of Eliteness. Whenever I save the missions with Eliteness instead of the editor, there's a chance I mess it up, so that no one can edit it. I don't do this on purpose. I just happen to edit code when I'm done in the editor. I got a Lingor mission with the respawn script that Niceonegunit wrote, where you respawn like MP and can find all your stuff again. It's still a WIP, though. |
I strongly advise you and Fedus learn how to use the editor because it allows you to test things in real time. This is how you could have avoided releasing the "DayZ+" mission where the core building function did not work properly.
Also, saving maps in the editor allows others to edit them as well because it is 100% compatible across ARMA2. I'm not trying to be an ass, but I think you and Fedus may need to slow down and learn more about what you are doing instead of just releasing 100 maps in various states. Quality, not quantity ![]() |
Oh yeah, it's just that I always end up editing code after I'm "done" in the editor with everything. And it's just faster and easier for me. I'm not doing it on purpose, it just ends up ending up like that. Heh. ^^ And yeah, there's quite some releases. However, alot of different things for people to pick from, like this doesn't have mod-weapons and such, while the other Taviana does. I agree that it might not be enough of a reason for 2 Taviana releases. But we always come up with shit, and "gotta" release it. ![]() I will take your advice, though. And use the editor more often. Hehe. ![]() *EDIT* I will also redo my threads and have one for each map. =) |
Here are some following recommendations:
-When testing new features and addons, always start with Chernarus. This way, you know everything else works 100% like loot spawns, Zombie spawns, etc. It is the base platform (map) Rocket used to design DayZ, so there should be no conflicts at this level and this will help make trouble shooting advanced features easier. -If everything works on Chernarus, then move onto other stock ARMA 2 maps like Zargabad, etc. Once again, these maps have stock ARMA 2 buildings and other elements, so trouble shooting the new things that are being tested should be fairly easy. -If the new features work on stock ARMA 2 maps, then you can try with custom maps like Taviana, Celle, etc. The same methodoly applies here. If everything works on the stock maps, then experimenting on the custom maps should help narrow down any potential problems. The big thing to be aware of with custom maps is the ones produced for MP almost always (95%) come with custom code because the authors are trying to get more people to play on their servers. So, you have to know how to reverse engineer the code in order to add, and/or enhance it with the stuff you want to include for SP. This is why custom map porting is hard as far as adding new features like the construction scripts. Porting a map... Even a custom map... To DayZ is fairly simple as long as it has stock ARMA 2 buildings, and/or you know how to edit the loot tables to get the custom buildings to spawn loot (most of the custom code already contains these changes which makes porting custom maps that much easier as well). Those are just some friendly tips to try and ensure that the quality of your releases is always at a high level because this is what you want versus quanity ![]() |
Oh yeah, thanks for the comment. Instead of "Does it work on chernarus then try this map" I do "Does it work on Taviana with everything, then fine if not then..." Heh. Loot always works though. I shall start doing it this way. Thanks. ![]() |
The main problem with starting with a custom map like Taviana vs. Chernarus is Taviana (all versions) has tons of custom code that may interfere with normal DayZ functions.
For example, Taviana's normal spawn skin is NOT "Survivor2_DZ". It's a custom one because of all the custom skins they include in the release. The same with Celle. Ergo, this is where some of the problems arise with people spawning invisible, or immediately dying when they spawn, etc. On top of that, the way the authors of custom maps go about making these changes often involve multiple code entries (dayz_code; dayz_weapons; init.sqf; description.sqf; SP spawn unit on map itself, etc.) and not just one place that you can auotmatically carry over to another custom map, or even stock map. This is why you and Fedus need a "control" map... Chernarus... That is set up for standard DayZ and its corresponding functions before you start adding custom code/scripts of your own. This is why I always started with Chernarus because if something DIDN'T work on that stock map, then it was much easier to figure out than trying to do the same with a custom map that has custom code on top of the new features I was trying to add. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
Right on, cant wait to try it out once its complete. I personally like this way of doing things because until there is some sort of menu in the beginning of the mission to choose whether we want survivors, bandits, etc, this gives everyone the option to play how they want to. I refuse to play maps with ai because I cant stand how the ai works in this game, but I'd still hate to see every map only get no ai releases. The more options you have, the more people who'll want to download it. As for the editor thing that's just me lol, I've tried everything in the editor and it doesn't see any map files at all. I only get the option to make a new map
Yes, the screen would be good for many reasons. I've been doing alot. But I'll look into it. |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
Oh yeah, I tried converting the other Taviana because it got some better features, but it was all a mess. |
In reply to this post by Above
Hey mate
I've followed the instructions to the letter however when I launch the SP mission an error message says "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent of downloadable content which has been deleted.ibr_lingor" Could you please help? Cheers Anonymous |
You're either 1. Not using the Lingor files, or 2. Not having the folder in your launch parameters. I hope this helps. |
It did :)
Thanks heaps |
This post was updated on .
This post will be updated to RSP 9000.
Changes: - The AI will NOT spawn in your face. - WAY less bandits. - Custom cities (I'm not sure where they are, I got them from a random server). - The lingor vehicle spawnlocations + extras. (so that you can actually check on a map where they might be). Not ALL of the retail spawnlocations will have the exact same car, though. But most. - Higher spawnchance on air vehicles. - Boats are getting added! - The friendly AI will be removed, and bandits will now get the survivor skins. (Aswell as the old bandit/ghillie/camo). - It will have the respawn/timecyclescript. - ArmA2 weapons on bandits and in buildings. - Heli crashes will be improved abit. - It will likely have AEG lightning mod. - It will have DayZ_SP's great cheatmenu, with all cheats you'll ever need. |
Where can i download this :o and again, whre did u get the pot backpack thing! (idk if u replied yet about it but on your other thread u had a ss with a pot leaf backpack, where do i get it!?)
The pot leaf backpack was made by my mate Fedus. He's the best skinner I know. It will not be a part of this release, though. I might upload a seperate, for the backpack. EDIT: I'm uploading the mission as I type this. |
id l0ve a link to that backpack ^^ and yay i cant wait to play
:D |
:D yay will do ^-^
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