malau wrote
My folder is D:\Games\Bohemia Interactive\@DayZLingorSkaro\addons (basically it is the same folder I use for the online version with the anim and code files replaced with your files.
And the mission file (DaiZyLingorRSPB20.lingor.pbo) is in the MISSIONS folder.
My shortcut is - "D:\Games\Bohemia Interactive\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -NOSPLASH -mod=@DayZLingorSkaro
So the shortcut and location do match.
However, the error message on loading is "Invalid crew TK_Soldier_Crew_EP1 in BTR60_TK_EP1"
And the Singleplayer menu is greyed out once I click OK on the above message.
I also get the same error message with the new Celle SP conversion, but I am able to ignore it and play.
That error is something I've seen everytime I start no matter if I'm going to play SP or MP.
If the singleplayer is grayed out and you can't click it, it's either because the dayz_code was not properly replaced, or the launch parameters are wrong.
Shouldn't mods be in "D:\Games\Bohemia Interactive\ArmAOA"?