xtremebond007 wrote
I'm confused with the instructions,i cannot find "DayZ Lingor 2.3.1 Skaro" in Dayz commander.These are the files in Dayz commander,which one is to download
DayZLingor-1.0.rar 20-Feb-2013 23:09 581820803
DayZLingor-1.1.1.rar 20-Feb-2013 23:11 581905869
DayZLingor-1.1.rar 20-Feb-2013 23:18 580298777
DayZLingor-1.2.rar 20-Feb-2013 23:17 582589277
DayZLingor-1.3.rar 27-Feb-2013 20:04 582826857
DayZLingor- 20-Feb-2013 23:16 586945616
DayZLingorSkaro-2.1.rar 27-Feb-2013 19:45 593648122
DayZLingorSkaronator-2.0.rar 20-Feb-2013 23:18 581677009
Yeah, Lingor Skaro doesn't actually exist anymore. It's now Hunting Grounds. If you want to play this release, go download my
Dingor release but just use the mission files from this release instead of the ones from Dingor.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.