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Really enjoying this, thank you.
But something is not working right for me maybe - I get the messages ("Someone is here" or "I hear a vehicle" or "A group of people are nearby") but nothing ever happens. No one appears, or tries to attack me. I can recruit the odd NPC, and am attacked by single bandits, but I have yet to see a helo or car or group of bandits. |
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The bandit AI & vehicles can spawn up to 1000m away from you. If you want to test it, save immediately after getting the message and sprint in one direction for 800m or so. If nothing, reload and sprint in the opposite direction. You should eventually find the spawned group or vehicle.
I edited my mission file to decrease the spawn range a little to increase the odds of a bandit battle. |
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In reply to this post by Anonymous
===============> Follow Me! Quite a few of us will be playing this for a long time too! ;) Cheers, Eric |
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(google translation)
Can I edit the map to remove all the junk from the road? Sometimes junk appears in front of me at the time I go with a vehicle and then have an accident. Solution: Remove the junk from the road. |
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I think you can edit the dayz map to remove junk on road bu editing "mission.sqm" But i'am not sure, try to ask another guy :/ Junk spawning is annoying i agree... I can't help you better ------------------------------------------------------------------------- v8.5 little fix of "player sleep" script that don't remove ammoboxes loots after sleep -Player_Sleep script (added ammoboxes loots to remove after sleeping) -dayz_equip.pbo (removed "old handguns" ammo loot (under 60's), decreased ammo in general) -Military and Special Military buildings classes "chance loot" increased to 0.1 for each |
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In reply to this post by fokstrot
It is possible, and not too difficult - though I'm not sure it'll work... have a look here. In the case of Oliv82's mod you'll need to use a .PBO manager and extract the DaiZyFactions1987weapmod.chernarus.PBO file, from the mission folder, then follow the instructions in the link. But remember, you break it, you fix (reinstall) it! ;) * Thanks for the update Oliv82! :) |
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Real like this one Oliv82.... Thanks.
Not be here for over a year, But great there's still the old faces around and now new. Got the junk off the roads to work on a old dayz faction's that Haleks did ,But not this one ...did anyone get it to work? @Oliv82..iv'e not played this yet to much,But when i cheated in a car ,Just to look around a bit...It seems to be indestructible ..knocked walls ,fences and poles down with out a scratch ,Don't know if vehicles in the mod act the same way? |
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This post was updated on Jul 16, 2014; 7:45pm.
Hi Brado
Yes, I just tested it and it seems indestructible, but you destroy the Dayz spirit when you use cheats!!! :p Cheats are for developping your own mod, your settings, your loots, testing the gameplay, etc etc... I have tested all vehicles one by one (damage/repairs parts) in this mod and all work fine The vehicles of cheatmenu are different of the mod, they are very different about the spawning/damage scripts Play without cheating, you will see ;) _______________________________ Also I work slowy on another update with an animated helicrash script downloaded on google pages but I am not sure this script work ... If anyone could give me help or links , it will be very appreciated ! thx I downloaded this one, the scrit is added to init.sqf, the script is detected ok, but iam not sure if the code is compatible with a DayzSP mod, and how the script work ingame :/ http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7514-how-do-i-add-animated-helicopter-crashes/ I would to add a script exactly like that! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEfUFG8NFE8 I think there are too much crashes sites with triggers in this mod, of course I can remove a lot of them, but I would like to see more randomly crashes about ingame time and more randomly locations ! |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
How do you get uninfected when a zombie or even a bullet infect you?
I tried bandage, epi pen, pain killers, water, food but none of them work. Can some one help out on this? |
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Antibiotics, if you are infected or eat tainted food. Sometimes they can be hard to find.
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ok ty for the information
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Just go into a town with a hospital and shoot front windows until they break. You can usually find all medical stuff inside. Its always good to have 2 or 3 on hand.
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Can I remove the fog that appears to start the game? I need to remove it to have more "fps".
I think this is "ground fog" |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
What video settings are you using cus i cant get my game to looks like those pictures what do i need to do
and when i aplly that debug monitor it will disappear after a while eny fix? |
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My video settings: Visibility: 10000 Brightness: 1.2 Gamma: 1.0 Quality: very high Res GUI: 1280x1024 x32 3d res: 1120x896 x32 For tweaked debug monitors you need to open "init.sqf" (in DaiZyFactions1987weapmod.chernarus.pbo) and add _nul = [] execVM "scripts\playerstats_default.sqf"; @foxtrot: "fog.sqf" in scripts folder ) You can remove the "fog.sqf" script line in "init.sqf" too |
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Okay thanks a lot debug monitor thing worked :D 8.8.2014 4.50 kirjoitti "Oliv82 [via Kodabar DayZ / DaiZy single player forum]" <[hidden email]>:
@mixxed177 ... [show rest of quote] |
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This post was updated on Aug 12, 2014; 7:40pm.
In reply to this post by Oliv82
This is the most complete DaiZy I have played on. The only things missing are more things to build (I think this should be a priority, and one of the first things to add in should be more storage buildings, where you could place loot and not be deleted; like a crate, or something) and the option to tow vehicles... (I really want to tow another car, just for the extra storage... or tow a car to fix it in the safe base I have)
Edit: Oh, and another thing that is a must is the option to scavage vehicles... this is one of the fine touches that would make this DayZi version much better! Just scavage vehicles, add the option to tow a vehicle and add more buildings in the building menu. That's all it takes! After that, you could give the release a fancy name (like "DaiZy Dead Life", for example) and it's gonna be a BOOM. There are some scripts packed into a cheat menu (noticed it when I searched for how to add a script into single player) made by the youtube user LoganNZL. There are like tons of things added... and you may be able to find there a list with all the buildings available in Arma2 (houses and stuff), so you may be able to add them to the crafting menu. Edit2: I was able to find this link, where you could find a lot more buildings... I think you should add a lot of them, just because the players would like to build their own base, all alone, while not depending on other content (like using an already existing base). Edit3: Also, the number of animals should be increased a little bit... This is a list with some of the buildings I'd like to be able to build in addition to what already is in the list (separated by space; even adding only 3-4 new buildings would be more than nothing): Buildings: CampEast_EP1 Bleacher_EP1 Land_Barrack2_EP1 Land_Fuel_tank_big Land_Hlidac_Budka_EP1 Land_Ind_TankSmall2_EP1 Land_covering_hut_EP1 Land_covering_hut_big_EP1 Land_ladderEP1 Land_ladder_half_EP1 Land_radar_EP1 MASH_EP1 PowGen_Big_EP1 TK_GUE_WarfareBBarracks_Base_EP1 TK_GUE_WarfareBFieldhHospital_Base_EP1 Fort_EnvelopeBig_EP1 Fort_EnvelopeSmall_EP1 Fort_StoneWall_EP1 WaterBasin_conc_EP1 US_WarfareBFieldhHospital_Base_EP1 US_WarfareBFieldhHospital_EP1 WarfareBMGNest_M240_US_EP1 WarfareBMGNest_PK_TK_EP1 WarfareBMGNest_PK_TK_GUE_EP1 Land_Bench_EP1 Land_Chair_EP1 Land_Misc_Coil_EP1 Land_Misc_ConcBox_EP1 Land_Misc_ConcPipeline_EP1 Land_Misc_Well_C_EP1 Land_Misc_Well_L_EP1 Misc_cargo_cont_small_EP1 PowerGenerator_EP1 Sign_Checkpoint_US_EP1 Sign_1L_Noentry_EP1 Land_sunshade_EP1 Notice_board_EP1 SearchLight_TK_EP1 Land_A_BuildingWIP Land_A_Castle_Stairs_A Land_A_FuelStation_Build Land_A_FuelStation_Shed Land_A_GeneralStore_01 Land_A_GeneralStore_01a Land_A_Hospital Land_A_Office01 Land_Gate_Wood1_5 Land_Gate_wood2_5 Land_Hangar_2 Land_Hlidac_budka Land_HouseV2_02_Interier Land_HouseV2_04_interier Land_IndPipe1_stair Land_Ind_BoardsPack1 Land_Ind_BoardsPack2 Land_Ind_Garage01 Land_Ind_IlluminantTower Land_Ind_MalyKomin Land_Ind_Mlyn_01 Land_Ind_SawMillPen Land_Ind_Shed_01_main Land_Ind_Shed_02_end Land_Ind_Stack_Big Land_Ind_TankSmall Land_Ind_TankSmall2 Land_Ind_Timbers Land_Ind_Vysypka Land_Ind_Workshop01_01 Land_Ind_Workshop01_02 Land_Ind_Workshop01_03 Land_Ind_Workshop01_04 Land_Ind_Workshop01_L Land_Mil_Barracks_i Land_Misc_deerstand Land_Misc_Scaffolding Land_NAV_Lighthouse Land_NAV_Lighthouse2 Land_Nasypka Land_Nav_Boathouse Land_Nav_Boathouse_PierL Land_Nav_Boathouse_PierR Land_Nav_Boathouse_PierT Land_NavigLight Land_Panelak Land_Panelak2 Land_SS_hangar Land_Shed_Ind02 Land_Shed_wooden Land_Tovarna2 Land_Vysilac_FM Land_Wall_Gate_Ind1_L Land_Wall_Gate_Ind1_R Land_Wall_Gate_Ind2A_L Land_Wall_Gate_Ind2A_R Land_Wall_Gate_Ind2B_L Land_Wall_Gate_Ind2B_R Land_Wall_Gate_Ind2Rail_L Land_Wall_Gate_Ind2Rail_R Land_Wall_Gate_Kolchoz Land_Wall_Gate_Village Land_Wall_Gate_Wood1 Land_a_stationhouse Land_brana02nodoor Land_hut06 Land_komin Land_kulna Land_molo_drevo_bs Land_molo_drevo_end Land_nav_pier_m_2 Land_plot_green_branka Land_plot_green_vrata Land_plot_rust_branka Land_plot_rust_vrata Land_pumpa Land_radar Land_rail_station_big Land_rails_bridge_40 Land_sara_domek_zluty Land_sara_hasic_zbroj Land_seno_balik Land_stodola_old_open Land_stodola_open Land_telek1 Land_vez Land_wagon_box GUE_WarfareBFieldhHospita GUE_WarfareBMGNest_PK USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital WarfareBAirport Land_fort_bagfence_corner Land_fort_bagfence_long Land_fort_bagfence_round Land_fortified_nest_big FoldChair FoldTable Park_bench1 Park_bench2 Park_bench2_noRoad SmallTable WoodChair Barrack2 Camp CampEastLand_BarGate2 Land_Antenna Land_GuardShed Land_Hangar_2 Land_tent_east MASH Barrel1 Barrels Haystack_smal HeliH HeliHCivil HeliHRescue Land_CncBlock Land_CncBlock_D Land_CncBlock_Stripes Land_Fire_barrel Land_Hlidac_budka Land_Misc_Scaffolding Land_Misc_deerstand Land_ladder Land_ladder_half Misc_concrete_High Misc_palletsfoiled Misc_palletsfoiled_heap Notice_board Paleta1 Satelit Sr_border Land_ConcreteRamp Land_Shooting_range Land_WoodenRamp Land_podlejzacka Land_prolejzacka RampConcrete bunkerMedium01 bunkerMedium02 bunkerMedium03 bunkerMedium04 bunkerSmall01 camp_ins2 camp_ru2 camp_us3 cityBase04 citybase01 citybase02 citybase03 firing_range_targets1 firing_range_targets10 firing_range_targets11 firing_range_targets2 firing_range_targets3 firing_range_targets4 firing_range_targets5 firing_range_targets6 firing_range_targets7 firing_range_targets8 fuelDepot_us guardpost2_us guardpost3_us guardpost_cdf guardpost_us heli_park_ru1 heli_park_us1 mediumtentcamp2_ru mediumtentcamp3_ru mediumtentcamp_ru smallbase smallmgnest_us vehicleShelter_cdf vehicle_park_ru1 vehicle_park_us1 weapon_store_ru1 weapon_store_us1 Notebook Misc_Wall_lamp SatPhone Radio SkeetMachine SmallTV Land_coneLight RoadBarrier_light RoadBarrier_long RoadCone Sign_Danger Sign_tape_redwhite Sign_Checkpoint Storage: Land_Cabinet_EP1 Land_Chest_EP1 ACamp_EP1 Land_bags_EP1 Land_bags_stack_EP1 Land_cages_EP1 Land_transport_crates_EP1 Land_stand_small_EP1 Land_transport_kiosk_EP1 AmmoCrate_NoInteractive_ AmmoCrate_NoInteractive_ AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Medium AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Medium AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Small AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Small CZBasicWeapons_EP1 CZBasicWeapons_EP1 GERBasicWeapons_EP1 GERBasicWeapons_EP1 GuerillaCacheBox_EP1 GuerillaCacheBox_EP1 GunrackTK_EP1 GunrackTK_EP1 GunrackUS_EP1 GunrackUS_EP1 TKBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1 TKBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1 TKBasicWeapons_EP1 TKBasicWeapons_EP1 TKLaunchers_EP1 TKLaunchers_EP1 TKOrdnanceBox_EP1 TKOrdnanceBox_EP1 TKSpecialWeapons_EP1 TKSpecialWeapons_EP1 TKVehicleBox_EP1 TKVehicleBox_EP1 UNBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1 UNBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1 UNBasicWeapons_EP1 UNBasicWeapons_EP1 USBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1 USBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1 USBasicWeapons_EP1 USBasicWeapons_EP1 USLaunchers_EP1 USLaunchers_EP1 USOrdnanceBox_EP1 USOrdnanceBox_EP1 USSpecialWeapons_EP1 USSpecialWeapons_EP1 USVehicleBox_EP1 Land_Bag_EP1 Land_Basket_EP1 Land_Reservoir_EP1 Land_Rack_EP1 Land_Sack_EP1 Land_Shelf_EP1 Land_Table_EP1 Land_Table_small_EP1 Land_Wicker_basket_EP1 Land_Wheel_cart_EP1 Land_stand_waterl_EP1 Misc_Backpackheap_EP1 Land_Ind_Workshop01_box Land_KBud Land_Mil_Barracks Land_Mil_Barracks_L Land_Misc_GContainer_Big Land_Shed_M01 Land_Shed_M02 Land_Shed_M03 Land_Shed_W01 Land_Shed_W02 Land_Shed_W03 Land_Shed_W4 Land_Vez_Pec Land_psi_bouda CDF_WarfareBVehicleServicePoint Fort_Crate_wood Desk ACamp Land_A_tent Misc_Backpackheap Misc_cargo_cont_net1 Misc_cargo_cont_net2 Misc_cargo_cont_net3 Misc_cargo_cont_small Misc_cargo_cont_small2 Misc_cargo_cont_tiny PowGen_Big Garbage_can Garbage_container Land_Barrel_empty Land_Barrel_sand Land_Barrel_water Land_Toilet Land_psi_bouda Pile_of_wood Gunrack1 Gunrack2 LocalBasicAmmunitionBox LocalBasicWeaponsBox RUBasicAmmunitionBox GuerillaCacheBox RUBasicWeaponsBox RULaunchersBox RUOrdnanceBox RUSpecialWeaponsBox RUVehicleBox SpecialWeaponsBox USBasicAmmunitionBox USBasicWeaponsBox USLaunchersBox USOrdnanceBox USSpecialWeaponsBox USVehicleBox Suitcase |
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This post was updated on Aug 13, 2014; 2:38am.
Hi SapioiT!
If I remember, there is 2 storage boxes, 1 between Stary and Novy (in the big tent), another at the beach near the agrounded ship. Both boxes types can't be deleted by respawning loots (sleep_script) and capacity seems to be unlimited (but Iam not 100% sure). Thanks for the list, but I worked with pictures it's better :p (I dont remember the link iam lazy!) About tow vehicles, Ive never been a big fan of this kind of script... and personnaly I think about replay soon my mod without helicopters (but just only for my personal gameplay) and tow script isn't in my plans sorry :/ ------------ ATM I work on a "little big" update about animated heli_crashes, Still activated by triggers, night time condition, increased randomlized crash position because heli will not land at your feet and land succes will be ~50% :p... so best weapons and stuff of the mod will be a little hardest to find! and a little update on "military" loot table (there is now 2 sorts) -"militarya" loot table for civilian buildings -"militaryb" loot table for buildings like firestation ("special_military" loot table is unchanged) This part of update is finished since a long time, tested and approved, all is ok:) The animated heli_crashes script is 90% finished but I've still a syntax problem or something like that :/ |
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In reply to this post by SapioiT
I really enjoy this mod as well, I have added a few scripts to this mission file that it thought would be fun to have in there. I added a Smelting script and the new Base Building 1.3. I can't seem to get the Zombie Shield to work or and keypad, maybe i could send it to you Oliv82 and you might be able to help?
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This post was updated on Aug 13, 2014; 5:53pm.
Loving this rendition of Haleks Factions, you've done a great job so far, loving the additional fixes and mods you've pulled into it. Sweet. Have you any plans to add more skins into the pack (if I check by running cheats, only small selection). Also will you be adding the optional script to add walking Zeds?
"-A lot of custom buildings and others stuff i didnt mentionned " - intrigued - could you explain what they are?
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
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