Hey Haleks this is great!!!
I like immensely the option to 'attack/ignore citizen' for the squad survivors, that would help to conserve their ammo and also be stealthier when needed. The convoy stuff must be simply outstanding. Another crazy idea: you could have a kind of "bandit camp" setup for example at Devil's Castle with tons of bandits and goodies there, which can be attacked by the player once he/she has recruited a sizeable army. Look if you need help for testing stuff, feel free to contact me, I like to experiment and iron out problems. Just drop a PM and tell me what to do for you, okay? Anubis |
Banned User
yes the options make a lot of difference. The 3rd person i might swich of too if i start to play seriously this map, will say if its some steps further. the zooming to the crosshair of the weapon always confuses me to much and i lose orientation so i think the aditional crosshair will stay for me. Also i think to start the map without anything like map and armor in the inventory is a nice way to start it. The ai-bandits spawning at the coastline give a lot of equipment, and starting with weapon is a bit too easy i think. Btw: i get redubled somehow the night vision, still dont know the cause of it. but after some time playing i have various in my inventory. If i put it in my backpack its redubling also. You know what maybee is the reason for that? Its because the knife? I dont know... The Plans around the changings with bandit groups and a bandit-base sound SUPADUPA for me! Ofcourse you will have to edit the carwrecks if you add ai-convoys ^^. convoys are another great idea! Thx for telling about Claymans map, sure it gives some inspiration, i'll try it out :) |
You're not the first one to ask for this ;) Will do that for an update. WTF? Are you saying that somehow you manage to duplicate an item offline? :/ Or did you use the Cheat menu or Loki's to spawn them? If that is the case, what you're describing can occur when you add an item (or too much items) to an already full inventory. I actually recommend everyone in here to try it : it's truly the best post-apocalyptic scenario I've played; it doesn't have any zombies, and it lacks the hunger/thirst aspect, but it's like a whole campaign in one SP mission. Wish I had the author's talent... ![]() |
Banned User
Thank you. That must be the reason of redubling. I'll tell you if i find out otherwise.
About Claymans map i tell you my opinion if i tested around enough, but my first impresion is: Great story, great atmo with the weather and ruins, cars half inside buildings. But that was onley the first 5 mins playing, even still didn't checked the menus he added. |
Great news on the new release Haleks - congrats mate. Downloading now ;)
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
Hi Haleks,
Saw a minor bug: the "recruit unit" option appears also for dead AI. Anubis |
In reply to this post by Haleks
I keep getting the error "You cannot play/edit this mission; It depends on downloaded content that has been deleted.chernarus
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In reply to this post by Anubis
Yep, I know :( I should be able to fix it though. On the long term play, it made me think of the "Freedom Fighters" warfare mission (wich could have been a nice one - but it's quite glitchy and only lasts 3 hours), but more dynamic, with a true story to tell. You can hurry up and beat the mission quite fast, but you'll soon see that it has a lot of side quests to offer - a bit like the STALKER games. I actually took a pause on modding and taking a little time to enjoy this one ;) btw : I love the way Clayman handled the refuel feature in his mission! |
Banned User
The refueling in claymans mission is nice looking for me too, but i couldnt try it out enough time as at the beginning i prefered walking to steal the cars at the radio tower for example and i also feel more stealthy.
I -took the radio tower which was nice action. -saw a patroling light tank who killed the slowes/weakest of my group^^. (nice to find threats you can't engage at the beginning, or just with huge risk) -tried to attack a transport-convoy. (same like above) -i love the equipment organisation menu, so that you can change fast the weapons from one to another car or to your base-depot. Sadly that for me works onley for the weapons not for ammunition and other stuff loaded on the vehicle. -i love the troop management menu. So you can leave men at base or create another group of soldiers - couldn't try out the group-making and switching but it looks really interresting... I get kicked of the game and end up at the scenarion-screen and cant reload so i stoped playing. And also happens that i just cant load any save. I uninstalled all mods and run onley the claymans map and it still happens that i drop out and cant load again... :( Which mods do you use together with this map? And do you know why i have this problems? May its a good moment to make a new clean install after playing that much around with different mods. Are you planing to include missions in this style too into this map here? May you can include dynamic missions if the survivors you can find tell at the moment of first recruting one random fact/or give random missions you can do if you like to, or if you are prepared to do them. I got some ideas about some different levels of missions, i mean easy missions, like for example finding a functional car/finding a really small weapon hide. And missions you have to do that you can do others and stuff like that, but it is worth to think deeper about it onley if you see a way to do so and you think that makes sense. If you have fix plans yet just tell me. Tell the plans i mean^^ |
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I'm playing Zero with CoWarmod, JSRS, Dapman (it handles the way AI can heal each other in a realistic way) and didn't really have any issues; sometimes I get "kicked" out of the mission, but I think this happens when one of your soldiers (not the resistant, jusr the guys you started with) dies : the mission fails when it happens.
As for Factions; I don't want to impose a scenario to the player, but some side tasks Wasteland-style would be nice : for instance one special survivor, once recruited, could show the player the location of a car with a mounted gun held by a group of bandits... Right now it's just food for thoughts, but once we have a 100% bug-free mission (regarding AI & other stuff), I will definitely add some new features to enhance the SP immersion. EDIT : I think I'll also replace the Base Building script with a new one... |
In reply to this post by Above
hey great release, do you know why lost key will only work for me on fresh install of this map and breaking piont, after i save or restart lost key shows up but veh. menu and weapons menu do not work anymore, every other feature of lost key seems to work.
I've no idea what could be causing this :/ A couple of people reported the same thing, but Loki's works fine on my install. Do you use a separate mod folder for it? |
Banned User
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In reply to this post by Haleks
ok thank you, i'll try it out again with cowar and take a look at the other two you mentioned. yes, right, i got kicked out when one of my main-mates died. the reload problem is another one i fear. i'll see if it is repeating. I recognized the map has his own saves, maybe i cant make own saves and have to wait for next autosave? ///Edit: For now it works fine, don't know what happend yesterday. yes, keeping it a huge sandbox with some side tasks may including special items/vehicles would be epic. That are great news as this new script looks really handy with the menu it has! |
I've followed all the steps, and when i try to join my fresh server install, i got a "You are using a wrong version of DAYZ_CODE, please download it from dayzmod.com/downloads" (you are using and the server is using But my server is running I launch my server with @dayz;@dayzcc;@DaiZyFACTIONS in my mod_list And if i add -mod=@DaiZyFACTIONS to my client, i got unsigned package error. Can you help me ? |
In reply to this post by Haleks
i have it installed in my arma operation arrow head addons folder, so it works on all mods, following kodabars forum. also what is unique about breaking point? is it like waste land, just didnt see anything new or different, am i missing something.lol thanks mang
BreakingPoint has 500+ new primary weapons, 100+ pistols. And beatiful mapping done by Above. |
In reply to this post by tango3355
I suggest you use a separate mod folder for Loki - I try to do that for every mod I use, and I rarely have any conflict issues this way. I'm afraid I can't : this mod was made for SP, I never intended to make it MP compatible. It doesn't have any signature file, and I doubt it would work properly online. Plus, I don't have any kind of knowledge on how Arma works when it comes to online gaming... |
I have the updated building script working - except that the images don't load in the ingame menu (even without them, it's a huge improvement).
I might make a small update this week-end, if I can fix a few things ;) |
In reply to this post by Ray
thats cool, he does great work, is the map different at all?. thank you on lost key , i will try to do that.
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