Hey, are you 100% sure they're not bandits.. they can look similar if you don't have it on easy (without the coloured hue, red for bandits). The two survivors I first came across were shooting zed's close to me so don't be fooled by that. Also if you accidentally hit survivors with a round, I believe they will retaliate!
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
i have never shot at them and they still kill me
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I remember someone having the exact same problem on the forum; finally turned out that he was tryin to run my mission without the right files (or the other way around, don't remember). It's most likely that your launch parameters are wrong and you're not calling the Factions files.
Double check your shortcut and your mod files! ;) |
In reply to this post by brado
tried this aswell in a trigger to spawn a BAF medic but again didnt work:-
groupName = CreateGroup BLUFOR; groupName = [getMarkerPos "medic1", BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP, 1] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; what am i doing wrong ??? how should it be wrote ??? |
Unless you copy/pasted it wrong it should work. Is the mission properly installed? By you're "experimenting" you might have messed some other stuff up.
In reply to this post by brado
The new function you created looks right. Did you compiled it in daizy_functions.sqf? You can find it in scripts/init. Tell me if it works ;) |
@Haleks I only did the doSomething_RandMedic and doSomething_medic file....... i dont know how to do that into daizy_functions.sqf
@Ray if meant at my last post.....as it is is how it was put in...i didnt use it in Dayz yet just tested it in arma 2 editor to see if it worked first there.. I always keep original and make copies to mess about with then revert back to original |
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Actually I just checked and it appears that you don't even need to compile it... My bad.
EDIT : Yes you do! Just add this line : "fnc_doSomething_medic = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\mission\fnc\doSomething_medic.sqf";" in the mission_functions.sqf file. You'll find it in scripts/mission. Hope it helps! ;) Also, an alternative solution would be to add your medic unit to the survivors spawns. You'd just have to edit the doSomething_survivors file and add it into the "types" line, it would look something like this: _types = ["Survivor2_DZ", "SurvivorW2_DZ", ... "BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP"]; The only thing is that he'll randomly spawn, so there's no garantee to find him easily... |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey folks!
This isn't really an update, but I've improved the bandit spawns. I didn't manage to do what I was planing (I wanted them to spawn in random buildings - just like the Zeds), so I've followed Above's idea : they'll now spawn at a minimum distance of 400 up to 800 meters from the player. Just download the new mission file here, and put it in your mission folder (overwrite the previous version). I didn't take time to test it as long as I should have, so tell me if you think they still spawn too close, or if you'd like them to have a chance to spawn even further. I'll include it in the main package download later, once I've fixed some other things. Enjoy! |
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_types = ["Survivor2_DZ", "SurvivorW2_DZ", ... "BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP"]; tried that the other day came back with error... Got the medic to spawn on a trigger ...he will heal the AI Survivors but doesnt see player as hurt (stays white) going to try a few things |
My guess is he won't heal you unless you have something like a broken leg : the medic AI from A2 isn't set to check the blood amount (simply because there's no such thing in Arma). So he could still be usefull to the player, but you can't totally rely on him.
In reply to this post by Haleks
Will try the new mini update for the Bandits, personally I wasn't experiencing any distance problems myself i. e they seemed good to me. I like the idea of them spawing inside building though - good luck if you try again with that :)
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
New AI spawn distance is perfect, feels like MP. Just one thing with survivor AI, they sometimes shoot through walls, objects when targeting enemy/zombies that's maybe something to do with Arma itself. Otherwise its funtastic. Also when I change skin I loose my squad.
Would love to have RH weapons and OFrP etc weapons in loot spawn is that something easy to do? Can always spawn them in, but it would be cool to see more variety of weaponry lying around. Great work on this m8 and everyone else who contributed to DaiZy ![]() |
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Thanks guys!
Regarding the bandits spawning in buildings, I'm pretty sure it's doable, will keep trying ;) The nice thing would be to have some of them in buildings, like in major cities, and others still spawning in the wild. DarkRaven : Yup, the AI shooting through walls is more likely an A2 problem :/ As for the skin issue (regarding loosing command of your squad): I'm thinking of an alternative way to recruit survivors, that would propbably fix this glitch. Keep an eye for the update ;) |
Blimey, this is a busy thread.
I installed this today and had a bit of a play. Actually it ended up with me doing no work whatsoever today. I think this has just become my favourite version. With the COWarMod and rMod, this runs beautifully. The only problem I've had is with bandits I've shot looping the death animation, but that's just a minor thing. As I recall, back when Unknown and I were testing away on the first DaiZy release we had the same problem and ended up just skipping the death anim (which is why bandits just seem to instantly drop to the ground in the basic version). I wandered round the map a fair bit and found clothing, vehicles and lots and lots of bandits. Everything worked beautifully. I play with the game sound turned right down so I can talk to people on Skype at the same time and I forgot about this. Whilst I have the game sound turned down, I hadn't turned down the radio. So when I encountered my first friendlies up at the North West Airfield, the sudden blast of radio chatter had me jump so much that I dropped my mouse on the floor. Bloody nice work, Haleks. I'm really impressed. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Latest files seem good to me, no issues with spawn distance. Is there any way you could slightly increase the chances of encountering bandits in the wild? For me they're my favourite as the towns always have a fairly decent amount of action and fire fights in the wild keeps you on your toes.!
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
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In reply to this post by kodabar
Thank you so much for the feedback! This is very much appreciated (and does enhance motivation^^).
I've to say I'm quite happy I had you jumpin' off the ground (or your mouse anyway) - couldn't hope for a better compliment. I never imagined I'd end up making a release when I first discovered DaiZy; so thank you all for the comments and feedback, I'm glad to know that you enjoy it as much as I do! Also guys, regarding the bandits : I'm still messing with their spawn range, since I'm not 100% satisfied yet. While doin' this I'll definitely add some in the wilds. Right now, knowing that woods are safe is actually a problem... After a 15 minutes walk listening to nothing but the birds, I always end up totally surprised when arriving at the edges of a town and half of my squad get ripped off right away... :/ Like MrThirsty said, we need something to keep us on our toes. I might also start working on adding patrol helis. |
Tip, what I did was add 200 minumum, and another 800, giving it 1000. This will have bandits spawn in the woods too. And less in the villages/ cities. Making it way more like MP. And killing 2 birds with 1 stone. |
Yeah, what I did is 400 min and 800 max. I'm still messing around with those numbers though.
But even with these values, bandits are limited to cities and small towns vicinities; forest and large fields still feel empty, wich is not always the case in MP. But adding more bandits will make quite a fair amount of them : I might set the triggers so they don't spawn each time. |
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