This is a topic on this forum that deals with zombies attacking AI. Its not feasible and you likely wont see it happen unless someone completely rewrites the day z zombie code. Now all this is well above my paygrade lol but Ive been watching this community for a very long tike and try to keep abreast of current developments. This seems pretty much like the final word on the question of everbuaving zombies attack AI. The current setup here of AI killing zombies works out well. If zeds were to go after AI, the AI would need redone as well, to be as stealthy as possible to avoid being swarmed. Otherwise they would just get into immediate firefights upon spawning and die as soon as their ammo runs out. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey folks!
Just a quick word to say my PC is down... ![]() I don't even know if it's fixable; so it looks like I won't be able to work on this for a while :( @Above : glad to learn you're working on the bandit spawn mate! I'll do my best to update this release accordingly - eventhough I don't have my data atm ;) |
Whats wrong with your PC, maybe I could recommend something :p
In reply to this post by Haleks
Woah, I gotta say. The bandits are amazing so far. What I've done to this mission (not sure if I can release it, or if I will). I've applied it to "Chernarus 2.0 WIP". <--- My video showing parts of it. I've fixed the bandit loot. (5 mags tops (4 for pistol) 3 for "loot" the 2 extra for shooting). Reduced food/medical/water to 1-2. I've reduced amount of bandits spawning each time triggered (it really feels like MP). Went to Elektro, I heard 3 different guns only, throughout 1 hour of playing. Saw none of them. The bandit spawns were improved GREATLY. Removed friendlies (because that's my preference). I added the new Celle weather system. I changed the skin menu. I left the faction changes for bandits, since they're insanly awesome. Instead of bandits instatly headshotting you, they'll shoot zombies and you. So you'll usually hear them first, like MP. I also fixed the vehicle thing, your upload had the editor vehicles, where they randomly gets fixed. So I added the random damage back. (Not meaning to sound as rude as I did). And some other stuff that I forgot. I'll be uploading a video showing the map ingame aswell, on the new DayZ SP project. EDIT: Haleks, I also emailed you. I guess you haven't read it or whatever. Also, I hope you get your computer fixed. :( |
That's one hell of a list. Good luck with the project
In reply to this post by Haleks
hey mate i installed followed your instructions to the leter i load and i dont get a player i cant move i can user the chear 00 menu and spawn stuff but can only access my gear while unless i spawn a car next to me . i am also in debug zone i reload the gun i spawn i get the sound and nothing else can even fire or just or anything i go to third person and i dont see anyone, is there somethig i missed?
Something's obviously wrong with your install.
Are you running Arma2 CO (Arma2 + OA)? Have you properly installed the Beta patch? Also, have you been able to play regular DayZ or is this the first time you install such a mod? |
In reply to this post by Above
It sounds good but I think the base and environment are possible to add quite simple. Hunter killer assault team which working together is that I can not add, example:; how it fit into your mission? And in this mission only thing needed by now (in my opinion) are: patrols on the UH-1H and light vehicles, or perhaps synchronize player with ambient combat. Thank you guys for the excellent work.
Looks like an interesting script - especially since AI is able to use flares. But the thing is, bandits are supposed to be roaming the cities rather than patroling them. Plus, they won't team up with other bandits (although it could be nice to have a few bandit squads) - so this script simply can't work with the current mission settings... But I'll have a look at it though, and see if we can have AI using flares in DaiZy ;)
As for the patrols in vehicles, I know some older releases had patroling helis; but it would be tricky to add anything else than flyin' patrols since the AI sucks at driving. Will think about it ^^ |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hello all!
Absolutely love this version! Been playing for a few hours now and I can simply say - excellent work! The A.I is working a treat, love all the new features (yet to try building..but looking forward to it) and it's so cool to see this mod taking such great steps for us Single Players out there. I do have an issue with adding new outfits...can't get around losing my back pack - even if I drop it then try to pick it up again after adding say a new military outfit I picked up, it disspears :( Any suggestions please welcome
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
Thanks dude, this is much appreciated ;)
For your backpack problem, are you running the rMod as suggested in the main post? The skin you're trying to use most likely comes from A2, hence not compatible with the backpack system from OA. The rMod does fix that problem. |
Even with rMod the backpacks wont actually appear on the models back. Incase that's the issue
In reply to this post by Haleks
Just a thought i had today while playing... one survivor was injured running with me for awhile..the groans got to me so pulled him aside and shot him..
My thoughts were it possible to have a random survivor spawn thats a medic ?? would help to aid player aswell as AI's..All bandages,blood bags etc,could be given to his backpack when on a raid to a hospital or medic tent |
Yeah I was thinking about that, but I'm not sure he could heal the player though.
Sadly I didn't have much time to mod anything lately... :( |
In reply to this post by Haleks
No and will try the RMod, thanks. I did read about it being needed tbf. Just to add, it's more that I can't access the extra slots provided by the bpack once I change outfits as well as them sometimes not showing. For example one recent outfit DID show the bpack yet I was still unable to use the bpack slots within my inventory.
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
Yeah one of the A2 units shows an Alice Pack (wether you have one or not), wich can be confusing. Otherwise, as explained in the main post, backpacks won't show up, but your inventory will be functionnal with the rMod. |
Thanks Haleks, yep this was the problem work fine now. Me trying to be clever and not install the Rmod! Sorry chaps.
Back to my (small) squad for some more bandit/zombie hunting! :)
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks and Above...... the medic does heal you/player aswell as the AI there anyway to make a trigger for the medic as the bandits/survivors/tents/wrecks..
i named the triggers medic and then made a doSomething_RandMedic file and a doSomething_medic file i copied the survivors SQF file (doSomething_survivor) by changing anything that had survivor to BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP. // private[""]; for "_i" from 0 to 1 do { _p = [getpos player, random 360, random 200] call fnc_randomPos; if (count _p > 0) then { call compile format [" _m%1 = createMarker[""MRK%1"",[_p select 0,_p select 1]]; _m%1 setMarkerShape ""ICON""; _m%1 setMarkerType ""DOT""; _m%1 setmarkercolor ""ColorGreenAlpha""; ",_i]; }; _pos = _p; _types = ["BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP"]; WEST setFriend [RESISTANCE, 0]; WEST setFriend [EAST, 0]; EAST setFriend [WEST, 0]; _unit = group player createUnit [_type, _pos, [], 1.0, "FORM"]; _this addEventHandler ["Fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]; _unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_this call local_zombieDamage;}]; _unit addEventHandler ["Killed",{[_this,"humanKills"] call local_eventKill;}]; _unit addEventHandler ["Killed",{["survivorKilled"] call fnc_humanity;}]; _unit addEventHandler ["Killed",{_this call fnc_spawn_deathFlies;}]; [_unit] call fnc_setBehaviour; }; sleep .2; if (true) exitWith {}; but didnt work |
I have a prob here, everytime works great except for 1 thing, i can't get a group, everytime i get close to a survivor he starts shooting at me for no damn reason :/
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