Sadly the zombies are still unable to attack NPCs, they will just run toward them... But still, it already gives the illusion that they actually defend themselves against them ;) Mmm, maybe you should restart your mission - I just launched a new game and they react as intended. By the way : I just saw an heli crashing right into the chimney of the factory North of Elektro and smash it into pieces! Love that game! |
The M249 still floating around ?
In reply to this post by Haleks
This is really nice, being playing it for some time now and I always enjoy what you've being adding into the game. But I have a request, I found it a bit hard to command the AI without the radio messages, but the radios aren't so I ask if you could include the radio into the cheat menu for the next version or tell me if there's an easy way to add it, thank you.
In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks, I would like to make a suggestion for the download system. The mod is basically getting updated every 3 days, which I love coming home from school and reading the changes. But what really annoys me is every time it updates I have to download the whole 99mB agains. You should have two different download links, one for the full download, and one for just the updated files. Oh and, I wouldn't recommend using Mediafire, Dropbox is far superior, especially how you can access all uploads from your windows explorer. Thanks
In reply to this post by Haleks
hi there i just got a problem here, i cant reload the saved game of mine, it say that the map can be player or edited because a file has been deleted if im not wrong it says CA_Misc_fix weapon, do you have any solution?
Have you COPIED the 'Addons' folder from the 'ArmA 2' folder into the 'ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead' folder?
In reply to this post by mp5lng
Everytime I go into Elektro there is always a helicopter flying around the mountain to the north of the factory, it really scares the shit out of me when I hear the chopper fly over and the bitches trying to shoot me.
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hi Haleks,
I tried yesterday the latest 1.8 version, Bandit Edition. One question: this should be the version where NPC (Bandits, Survivors) do not engage Z, right? I am asking this because I could swear I have seen seen them shooting at Z sometimes, but it seems to me the Z were just in the line of fire between each other. Other than that, the version is very good. Still no joy in seeing any car, but plenty of bandits around. The Z being attracted by NPC shooting is really a masterpiece because it helps giving away the position of the shooter, just like in dayZ. Anubis |
My guess is it was a coincidence : code-wise, Zeds are considered as captured prisoners - so the NPC's really shouldn't shoot at them. Also keep in mind that, in the Bandit Edition, the zombies do not react to AI gunfires (since they don't care, let's leave them be ;) And about the cars : I'm almost thinking about removing them : I only saw two until now. Heard fire in town, 5 minutes later, I would see some smoke coming up :/ Even with CoWarmod they wreck their car in no time... I will check it out - for the next release! This one shouldn't be updated anymore (maybe a couple of times, for dayz 1.7.7) as it is nearly the final version. @r.kami : I might add the radio to the cheat menu for the last update. But you can also find some in military buildings ;) |
In reply to this post by wikusaurus
Did you remove some addons you were using while playing the first time? (CoWarmod) That is most likely what's causing your issue. |
nope i haven't do that, i will try it now, thanks.
In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks could you pls add the magicbox in the cheatmenu utilities? if it's ok :))
I don't know - I'm not really fond of Cheats since they spoil the hole thing (imo). But you can use either Kron'Support Call or Loki's lost key; they work fine ;) Off topic : I'mcurrently working on porting DayZ 2017 v2.0.1 to DaiZy; the recent changes look amaaazing! |
NO WAY ! you really doing this ?? This is gonna be an AWESOME release ! ![]() |
This is what we really need in daizy :-)
![]() |
In reply to this post by mp5lng
I think I've unlocked it for SP (there's a lot to test), I've already added a few more weapons to the loot table (nothing fancy though). Now i have to create the mission file, set the vehicles & NPC's... Could be ready in a couple of days ;) EDIT : I've also removed that annoying combat timer - will do the same for Factions if it works well. |
In reply to this post by mp5lng
Yeah I should have a look at Fedus' work! ^^
so uh i do what you told me to, but no change, i cant load my saved game, it is said that a content has been deleted camisc_fix_weap, i already deleted all the addons and replace it with a fresh one from arma II, still no change :(
In reply to this post by Haleks
Yup ! He made some nice things there ! |
In reply to this post by wikusaurus
Do you play on a legit copy? From what I've read, this error tends to happen on non-legit games, in wich case I can't do nothing... |
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