Going to try that, it's way simpler ^^
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey Haleks, I wanted to ask you, Cliche stopped working on the origins sp , so could you please work on it?
(Nice job you are doing here :)) |
Honestly, I don't plan on working on Origins (don't really like it)... After I'm done with Factions, I might try some kind of mix between 2017 & Wasteland... |
But could you ask some other admins , because in the origins topic nobody is answering :(
Well, besides Above (who has already quite a lot to do), I don't know if anyone is working on any new DaiZy releases. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Now that sounds like a project! I've liked 2017 since I tried it the first time. Everything is pretty damn perfect. |
Yup! I think I have a few good ideas for it! ;) By the way : the new change Face feature works like a charm - and it doesn't activate the triggers! |
Nice. For me, it's all about the glasses though. D; |
In reply to this post by Haleks
They do; but they also wreck them pretty fast : I found an abandonned car with a broken wheel in Cherno... Do you think this optional COWAR AI enhancement would help with the vehicle driving? slx_ai_steering.pbo "SLX_AI_Steering: Makes AI drive/pilot cars/helicopters/planes better with much less crashing". I already have the "ImprovedHelicopterAttackBehavior" mod installed, would the 2 mods conflict? |
Yes it should improve their driving skills - a bit... As far as I know it doesn't conflict with any other mod provided by CoWarmod. Also, I'm about to update : I made a respawn script for survivors and it's working damn fine! I'm just thinking of what I could add or fix before updating. |
In reply to this post by Anonymous
I doubt it, the additional wrecks are spawned by the DayZ code. |
Haleks ! One more thing could be useful for adding...can you change the survivors backpacks so we can stor more stuff on them ? I tryed to give an AI a gun but couldn't give him the ammo at the same time, so he didn't recognize the ammo and he started yelling "out of ammo" even he got 7 mag ! Changing their backpacks to be ALICE or even Zesch or whatever it"s named will be really helpful ! :-)
In reply to this post by Haleks
Nice touch ! A new face according to the clouths is juuust what i need! I've been trying to change the character's face alote but no chance to, So great addon ! Keep impressing us "me" :-) |
In reply to this post by mp5lng
Too late, I'm uploading :P But you should know that the AI doesn't "know" it has a backpack; they're unable to access what's inside by themselves... |
I know ! I use the "units" option in map to change their weapons;-) but because of their small backpack i can't put the gun and it's ammo at the same time,. Any way ! Do we need to start a new game? |
I'm afraid so! D; But I might call this one a final release, depending on eventual fixes to be made or not - so you will have time to actually play it!^^ I know I've been a bit fast with the updates over the last few days, but you guys should not have to worry about your saves for a while now ;) |
Great ! A final release you said ! How awesome is that ! I think i'll start making screenshots with it :-) ! Meanwhile I'll keep roaming with the actual version cause I'm still trying to solve the crossbow issue, i changed it's ammo to be quiver and wooden arrows, and i changed the quiver to "big quivers" which holds 30 arrows, and changed arrows to "small quivers" with 6 arrows, so far i found the small quivers "wooden arrows", i just need to find a crossbow to try it out, and because there is a new release...i'll use cheat menu to speed the search up ! Just to stay up to date ! And you're right ! you've been "fast & furiuos" with the updates ! But it's all good ! And the idea of another daizy2017 is perfect ! You and Above really should make an extrem release for it ! Keep up the great stuff ! |
In reply to this post by Haleks
I'll wait a few weeks for your comments & feedback and see what need to be fixed (if need be). I'll mostly likely call it a final release once it is updated to DayZ 1.7.7. Until then, enjoy! ^^ |
Banned User
cool thank you verry much again Haleks!
the face-change is a really good idea! And the respawn for survivors is great too! downloading ![]() |
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