We could also modify the flies function itself so it doesn't loop - will check if it's doable.
btw : I'm working on a new addition to the utilities menu : you will be able to manually choose your face ingame ;) ...107 faces to add... D; I'll also change the bandit edition : NPC's won't engage the zombies (I didn't come to any good result with the custom command action |
Haleks ! i saw a bandit leader giving command with his hand while aiming at me from distance ! O.O ! he was acting like :
"Alpha one ! go left !" °.- ---> whaaat the Heeck ? |
Yeah the NPC's look badass when working in squads!
![]() I guess you stumbled upon a bandit squad, I don't think they do that when they're alone ^^ |
In reply to this post by Haleks
That's and addon, right? I wanna have that aswell. :( I always wanted to change face, and btw. Can you change to the skiing glasses too? |
In reply to this post by Haleks
yeah ! BASTARDS ! not sure if they were only 3 or more what i know for sure is the leader was ![]() ![]() are Patrolling cars working in this update ? if yes....than where i can meet one ? so far i didn't saw any at all ! |
In reply to this post by Above
Nope, I'm writing a new menu by myself - not hard to do, but damn boring! I should be able to create a sub-menu for glasses ;) |
In reply to this post by mp5lng
They do; but they also wreck them pretty fast : I found an abandonned car with a broken wheel in Cherno... |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Oh, I knew you could change faces by command. But I didn't know ArmA had that many faces. And yes, I want those damn skiing glasses, I've used them online since I knew that ArmA had "hidden" glasses. And about the flies, I forgot to reply that. Started hyping up about the faces, haha. But yes, that's probably really easy too. I've yet to even look at the sql. :D EDIT* I'm messing with the flies now. The script was simple as hell. :D And somehow move the loadouts etc above that. Otherwise the loadout will load 10 min after they die (?). |
If you do that I think it will just remove the function from the unit after 10 minutes. So if you kill a unit more than 10 minutes after it spawned, you won't have the death flies for it. Not sure though... |
In reply to this post by Above
maybe you need to remove the RPD and the m240, but leave the M249 ! and lower the bandit spawn triggers a little, they become really annoying
![]() ![]() ![]() maybe you can keep the weapons but the main issue i found is the triggers ! so much triggers ! 10 bandits at the same time ![]() ![]() So can you please lower the triggers AND rise the respawn time ! cause whenever i manage somehow to kill 3 of them...5 come out from nowhere ! and excuse my complaining ! ![]() |
Sure, I don't have time to actually play - so I do need your opinions about it. The current max bandits per spawn is 9; how about I reduce it to 6 or 5? And maybe add a couple more triggers in the wilds? What do you mean by respawn time though? They don't respawn unless entering a new trigger or changing skin. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hmmm.. Would be really cool if deleted bodies didn't have flies, though. :< But they add that little extra. *EDIT: I guess I/we will have to rewrite the actual fly script. |
Yeah, I took a quick look at it; but I don't know how to remove a function right now :/
Oh, and the sub-menu I had in mind for the glasses ain't working :( Looks like you have to define the glasses in the unit config, wich cannot be done in-game... |
In reply to this post by Above
Hehe I was looking for it right now ^^ By the way, I've finished the faces menu! ;) |
In reply to this post by Haleks
That's a shame. And I've rewritten the flies script. Gonna try it now. ;p |
Where is it located??
In reply to this post by Haleks
Cool man ! 5-6 will be good ! And triggers on the wild is a very nice idea ! But make them 3-4 only ! The bandits horde was in cherno, so removing 1 trigger will be good,. And please DON'T ever remove the M249 ! I l'm planning to give it to a survivor for suppressing fire ! You know what i mean ! ;-) And about the respawn time....forget about it ! It was me troolling between the triggers XD running away like a little rabbit ! Thanks for the fast & furious answer ! :-) |
In reply to this post by Above
Yeah that's the script calling the function, I wanted to modify the function itself. I guess it's located somewhere in Arma 2 addons, but can't figure where exactly :/ |
Oh, my bad. It should be enough to just modify the script calling it, though. And just give it a timer before deletion. |
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