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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

We could also modify the flies function itself so it doesn't loop - will check if it's doable.

btw : I'm working on a new addition to the utilities menu : you will be able to manually choose your face ingame ;)   ...107 faces to add...  D;
I'll also change the bandit edition : NPC's won't engage the zombies (I didn't come to any good result with the custom command action
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

Haleks ! i saw a bandit leader giving command with his hand while aiming at me from distance ! O.O ! he was acting like :

"Alpha one ! go left !"  °.-  --->

 whaaat the Heeck ?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

Yeah the NPC's look badass when working in squads!
I guess you stumbled upon a bandit squad, I don't think they do that when they're alone ^^
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
We could also modify the flies function itself so it doesn't loop - will check if it's doable.

btw : I'm working on a new addition to the utilities menu : you will be able to manually choose your face ingame ;)   ...107 faces to add...  D;
I'll also change the bandit edition : NPC's won't engage the zombies (I didn't come to any good result with the custom command action
That's and addon, right? I wanna have that aswell. :(

I always wanted to change face, and btw. Can you change to the skiing glasses too?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
Yeah the NPC's look badass when working in squads!
I guess you stumbled upon a bandit squad, I don't think they do that when they're alone ^^
yeah ! BASTARDS ! not sure if they were only 3 or more what i know for sure is the leader was  and i was  when i saw the helo coming from their way and heading straight to me ! lucky i was holding a DMR which i got from another squad ! any way ! what you did there is really awesome ! NPCs mad the game feel more alive, i don't see them as AIs anymore, they act like real players ! especially when i got shot from about 1km "Sniper"

are Patrolling cars working in this update ? if yes....than where i can meet one ? so far i didn't saw any at all !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by Above
Above wrote
Haleks wrote
We could also modify the flies function itself so it doesn't loop - will check if it's doable.

btw : I'm working on a new addition to the utilities menu : you will be able to manually choose your face ingame ;)   ...107 faces to add...  D;
I'll also change the bandit edition : NPC's won't engage the zombies (I didn't come to any good result with the custom command action
That's and addon, right? I wanna have that aswell. :(

I always wanted to change face, and btw. Can you change to the skiing glasses too?
Nope, I'm writing a new menu by myself - not hard to do, but damn boring!
I should be able to create a sub-menu for glasses ;)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by mp5lng
mp5lng wrote
are Patrolling cars working in this update ? if yes....than where i can meet one ? so far i didn't saw any at all !
They do; but they also wreck them pretty fast : I found an abandonned car with a broken wheel in Cherno...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
Above wrote
Haleks wrote
We could also modify the flies function itself so it doesn't loop - will check if it's doable.

btw : I'm working on a new addition to the utilities menu : you will be able to manually choose your face ingame ;)   ...107 faces to add...  D;
I'll also change the bandit edition : NPC's won't engage the zombies (I didn't come to any good result with the custom command action
That's and addon, right? I wanna have that aswell. :(

I always wanted to change face, and btw. Can you change to the skiing glasses too?
Nope, I'm writing a new menu by myself - not hard to do, but damn boring!
I should be able to create a sub-menu for glasses ;)

Oh, I knew you could change faces by command. But I didn't know ArmA had that many faces. And yes, I want those damn skiing glasses, I've used them online since I knew that ArmA had "hidden" glasses.

And about the flies, I forgot to reply that. Started hyping up about the faces, haha. But yes, that's probably really easy too. I've yet to even look at the sql. :D

EDIT* I'm messing with the flies now. The script was simple as hell. :D

Blablac call deathflies;
sleep 600
_unit removeEventHandler "killed"_Death_flies];
And somehow move the loadouts etc above that. Otherwise the loadout will load 10 min after they die (?).
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

Above wrote
EDIT* I'm messing with the flies now. The script was simple as hell. :D

Blablac call deathflies;
sleep 600
_unit removeEventHandler "killed"_Death_flies];
And somehow move the loadouts etc above that. Otherwise the loadout will load 10 min after they die (?).
If you do that I think it will just remove the function from the unit after 10 minutes. So if you kill a unit more than 10 minutes after it spawned, you won't have the death flies for it.
Not sure though...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by Above
maybe you need to remove the RPD and the m240, but leave the M249 ! and lower the bandit spawn triggers a little, they become really annoying  i can't move 500 metters without getting shot from some where, and the squad trigger points too, i met 2survivors and 4 squads at the same time   ! the survivors didn't had a chance to say "HI' ! they got "executed" literally by bandits equipped with RPD, M240, M107 and tons of AKs & M4s & MKs !   i want some free time for looting and eating,.
maybe you can keep the weapons but the main issue i found is the triggers ! so much triggers ! 10 bandits at the same time  you wont find this number even playing in multiplayer !

So can you please lower the triggers AND rise the respawn time ! cause whenever i manage somehow to kill 3 of them...5 come out from nowhere ! and excuse my complaining !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

mp5lng wrote
So can you please lower the triggers AND rise the respawn time ! cause whenever i manage somehow to kill 3 of them...5 come out from nowhere ! and excuse my complaining !
Sure, I don't have time to actually play - so I do need your opinions about it.
The current max bandits per spawn is 9; how about I reduce it to 6 or 5?
And maybe add a couple more triggers in the wilds?

What do you mean by respawn time though? They don't respawn unless entering a new trigger or changing skin.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
Above wrote
EDIT* I'm messing with the flies now. The script was simple as hell. :D

Blablac call deathflies;
sleep 600
_unit removeEventHandler "killed"_Death_flies];
And somehow move the loadouts etc above that. Otherwise the loadout will load 10 min after they die (?).
If you do that I think it will just remove the function from the unit after 10 minutes. So if you kill a unit more than 10 minutes after it spawned, you won't have the death flies for it.
Not sure though...
Hmmm.. Would be really cool if deleted bodies didn't have flies, though. :<

But they add that little extra.

*EDIT: I guess I/we will have to rewrite the actual fly script.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

Yeah, I took a quick look at it; but I don't know how to remove a function right now :/
Oh, and the sub-menu I had in mind for the glasses ain't working :(
Looks like you have to define the glasses in the unit config, wich cannot be done in-game...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by Above
Above wrote
*EDIT: I guess I/we will have to rewrite the actual fly script.
Hehe I was looking for it right now ^^

By the way, I've finished the faces menu! ;)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
Yeah, I took a quick look at it; but I don't know how to remove a function right now :/
Oh, and the sub-menu I had in mind for the glasses ain't working :(
Looks like you have to define the glasses in the unit config, wich cannot be done in-game...
That's a shame. And I've rewritten the flies script. Gonna try it now. ;p
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

Where is it located??
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

Haleks wrote
Where is it located??

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
mp5lng wrote
So can you please lower the triggers AND rise the respawn time ! cause whenever i manage somehow to kill 3 of them...5 come out from nowhere ! and excuse my complaining !
Sure, I don't have time to actually play - so I do need your opinions about it.
The current max bandits per spawn is 9; how about I reduce it to 6 or 5?
And maybe add a couple more triggers in the wilds?

What do you mean by respawn time though? They don't respawn unless entering a new trigger or changing skin.
Cool man ! 5-6 will be good ! And triggers on the wild is a very nice idea ! But make them  3-4 only !  The bandits horde was in cherno,  so removing 1 trigger will be good,.
And please DON'T ever remove the M249 ! I l'm planning to give it to a survivor for suppressing fire ! You know what i mean !  ;-)

And about the respawn time....forget about it ! It was me troolling between the triggers  XD running away like a little rabbit !

Thanks for the fast & furious answer !  :-)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

In reply to this post by Above
Above wrote
Haleks wrote
Where is it located??

Yeah that's the script calling the function, I wanted to modify the function itself. I guess it's located somewhere in Arma 2 addons, but can't figure where exactly :/
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.3 [05/26 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads & Cars]

Haleks wrote
Above wrote
Haleks wrote
Where is it located??

Yeah that's the script calling the function, I wanted to modify the function itself. I guess it's located somewhere in Arma 2 addons, but can't figure where exactly :/
Oh, my bad. It should be enough to just modify the script calling it, though. And just give it a timer before deletion.
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