Hi Haleks,
More feedback after quite a long session with the latest build, Bandit Edition: 1. No patrol car seen after playing for several hours. It is also true I travel 99% from forest to forest so that may be the reasons. 2. When the survivors see a bandits squad they yell sometimes "Crew!" - interesting. 3. In at least two occasions a bandit squad popped up within 100 meters - it is a little bit too close. Is their minimal spawn distance different compared to a single bandit? 4. Snipers are deadly (I play at the hardest difficulty setting) because they do not reveal their location until they open fire. A single sniper took out 2 survivors and myself in less than 20 seconds, we were unable to pinpoint his location and died one after the other (he was right behind us) 5. Bandits squads are more or less everywhere. I saw them also in Elektro! 6. Bandits squads seem to keep re-appearing over and over. Around NEAF I killed 3 squads and a few individual bandits before being sniped (I always die like that) because I decided to run in a open field to check the weapon of a dead bandit sniper 7. Helicopters on the other side are kind of rare after a few hours of game-play. I suspect they crash rather often. Do they re-spawn after crashing? If not, that could explain their absence 8. For some odd reasons, crash sites (the dayZ crash sites) are extremely rare. I have seen only one so far and I have played tens of hours 9. Survivors AI ... You never know whether to recruit them or just let them go around. In a squad you have more firepower and extra pair of eyes, but they get killed far too easily Compared to the earlier daiZy, the game has evolved a lot and now you can feel it is really hard. Travel in a open field is suicidal and you need more and more time to scan around before moving if you do not want to be sniped. The flat, open area S of NWAF is a killing ground. DaiZy is really, really interesting now, you did a great job Haleks! Anubis |
Well that's totally odd. I'm testing it now with the cheat menu spawning bodyguards and once we reach a city or a village, they indeed start shooting zeds as soon as they spot them but after a while-- Nothing, they won't care about me taking hits anymore lol, I find this really weird. I tried your older versions, same result. I have no clue what could've happened...
You can't use the cheat menu-AI as accurate testers, though. Unless they're not involved in the factions, and all their actions. |
The survivors spawned with the cheats are set in the Factions file, so they react just the same as "regular" survivor. But they shouldn't totally stop shooting at Zeds... Did you make sure they still have ammo (they don't have infinite ammo)? As I said above they can sometimes take time to identify zeds as enemies, but they will always engage them eventually (eventhough they might not give priority to zeds attacking the player). |
In reply to this post by Anubis
Well said Anubis ! I've got only few additions to your words.... 1-since AIs are dumpy on driving...that's why we'll never meet a patrolling car, but crashed ones, 2-i've seen survivors proning whenever they spot an enemy, i do it too :-p 3-haleks knows better than any one of use what is the spawn ratio. ;-) 4-i experienced exactly the the same execution from a sniper, from the sound i say he was equiped with an M107, two shots got 2 of my best AIs,. :-( 5-Squads are pretty much much deadlier than loners. 6-i was walking between bandits triggers and this made them apear over and over and over 7-as i said in an earlier post...i managed to force a heli to land and found 3 dead bandits on it, heavely armed, i crossed 3 so far, and yes...they do respawn. 8-i saw 2 crash sites, far away from NWAF, didn't had a change to go and see since i was "ambushed" by 6 bandits,. XD 9-you wont recognize a survivor only if you get close to him, i killed 2 by mistake :-/ and yes.. The more your group is numbered the better protection you have, but you'll need a big truck ! And finally you are RIGHT ! this release is the best so far ! And by updating it to 1.7.7 i can't imagine how better it'll be,. The only downside i found in this release is the heavy weapons, they are really painfull, "MK48, RPD, M107, M240" those are the bandits favorite toys, Haleks ! Will you please remove them from the game ? And add the M249 cause for now i still didn't find one, i know it's very rare gun but i didn't found one on any bandit,. Keep up the best work,. |
That was a ton of words from me XD Sorry for the....speech,.
In reply to this post by Anubis
Hi mate, 3. They should spawn the same way as other bandits. But the timer on triggers might be messing with the spawns though - will have to check this out. 6. Do you mean the NW airfield? I did some dumb things with the triggers in that area. It will be fixed soon, maybe this week-end if I can get the dogs working along. 7. Yes, they do respawn - whenever they crashed or not. But the triggers are kinda big : you'll have to travel a bit to re-activate them (try going all the way down south if you're north and the other way around). 8. Another thing that I'll fix for the upcoming update; some of the triggers need to be modified. Thanks for the feedback as always! Oh! and I'll remove the patrolling cars, they turn out to be totally useless currently :/ |
In reply to this post by mp5lng
Thanks for pointing this out : I can't play long enough to check if everything is balanced everywhere. I'll tweak their loadout and see what is going on about the M249! ;) |
In reply to this post by Haleks
The car patrols seem to work for me. I use the CoWarMod, and i was on top of a hospital and a car shows up.We end up having a fire fight, then a HELICOPTER!! Decides to come along to the fight forcing me to climb down and get in a building, then shortly die after the heli shot me when i was looking out the window.....Yea you should make a file with/without vehicle patrols
In reply to this post by Haleks
Thanks man ! I really miss that bastard since COD 4, was making players complain in MP gaming :-) Oh and i found a sniper rifle i think it was L115 magnum, we don't find this type of toys often ! So keeping this one along side with the CZ550 and the DMR is good sniping stuff,. I'll post if anything strange occured during my journey :-) |
I know i know i'm talking too much but i'd like to see this mod on top list ! In your very first factions release i spent about 20hs looting and killing, and i found the mostly best weapons arsenal in the game, i found guns that i still see them fit the dayz mod, they still present here but some of the went missing :-( i remember the VSS and the m16 variants, and in the past few weeks i played the namalsk release, it had most weapons that fit the mod, didn't found the VSS but i found it's mags and found a nice Silenced makarov wich was really helpfull sneaking zeds,.
So my plan is to ask you if you can add the VSS to the game, and since the makarovSD use the normal makarov mags...can you add it too ? The VSS will be really sneaky upon bandit squads :-) they'll never knew from where the shooting is coming from ;-) "A normal dragunov" will be too much for a request ![]() |
No worries! Those comments help me keeping track of what needs to be done ;) I'm gonna take my time and fix/tweak as many things as I can before updating - so feel free to drop in ;) I read everything that's written in here and try to keep it in mind when working on the mod. |
Feel better ! Thanks dude ! So you're taking notes ! :-) if you still don't know about AIs reactions to patrolling helos i can teel you how they react ;-) Friendly AIs see them as enemy, i was flying with a friendly and he started yelling "enemy" and marked the helo with a red circle, he was out of ammo and i'm sure he was going to shoot it if he had some, and loner bandits....when i saw it....i couldn't believe my eyes ! He was shooting on the helo ! And even he killed the two bandits leaving the pilot for me to snipe him ! :-) i'm using "bullet tracer pbo" file cause watching bullets flying around my head is funny :-) Happy coding ! |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hi Haleks, I mean NEAF, the small airport in the North-East part of Chernarus. Bandit Squad appear around Krasnostav (SW of the airport) whereas around the airport I get individual bandits. I tried to leave one AI survivor in the Control Tower to watch but the poor guy was promptly sniped :-( Anubis |
Maybe you need to start giving AIs better weapons ;-) |
In reply to this post by Anubis
Dully noted! |
On a separate topic, after playing DaiZy for a while and having tried many different weapons, I have found my favorite: the Mk12 SPR. The scope has 2 levels of zoom and uses the common STANAG magazines: it means you can carry a LOT of ammo (3 magazines hold 90 rounds, 3 times as much as any other sniper rifle) and the weapon can be used in CQC with the cross-hair.
The perfection would be the silenced variant: ![]() Cheers, Anubis |
Wouldn't perfection be a tad too easy though? :P
I've been working on factions and fixed lots of things, including : - Bandit squads spawnin' over and over at NW and NE airfields. - Too much machineguns on bandits - I've removed some. - I've reduced the amount of ammo on NPC (but I made sure they will never run out of them). - And I've also removed the patrolling cars. I will hold on this a bit and see what more can be done/wait for your suggestions. |
Don't worry at all about the silenced variant of the Mk12 SPR, it is just a personal thing. - as I said, DaiZy is very, very good as it is :-) Anubis |
In reply to this post by Anubis
i agree its awesome :D maybe not my favorite in long range sniping and damage, but its awesome because as u said it holds lot of ammo and can be used as sniper and semi-auto assault riffle
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