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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

yes it did happen to me too, i suspected he was shooting me, but after the charged Z died  he stopped  :)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
Yeah but most people don't know that all those features from the Namalsk Crisis mod actually come from the STALKER serie - wich was adapted from a novel to begin with! ^^
I highly recommend you guys trying "Stalker : Call of Pripyat". Damn good game that one!
On topic : i'm one of the fews who knows that Namalsk Crisis built on Stalker !  ;-)

Off topic : i really recommend every body to play stalker : Call of Pripyat combined with Misery Mod, it's the best combination you'll ever see in the Sralker Serie,.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

I knew it ;D
Stalker series*
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

Haleks ! Look at this :

* [UPDATED] - Zed spawn timer to 5 mins from 2 mins this should allow an area to be cleared of zeds before more spawn.

You know it's an update for dayz 1.7.7 ! Is there any chance of rising the spawn time so it feel more resonable clearing a city from zeds ?

I'm talking about the present update !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

mp5lng wrote
Haleks ! Look at this :

* [UPDATED] - Zed spawn timer to 5 mins from 2 mins this should allow an area to be cleared of zeds before more spawn.

You know it's an update for dayz 1.7.7 ! Is there any chance of rising the spawn time so it feel more resonable clearing a city from zeds ?

I'm talking about the present update !
Will try to! But I don't know where the timer is defined exactly - once I've identified the file, I'll mess with it for sure! ;)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

Haleks wrote
Will try to! But I don't know where the timer is defined exactly - once I've identified the file, I'll mess with it for sure! ;)
Cool dude ! Keep digging ! Maybe it's in the mission file, "zombie agent" ? Not sure  :-p
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

mp5lng wrote
Haleks wrote
Will try to! But I don't know where the timer is defined exactly - once I've identified the file, I'll mess with it for sure! ;)
Cool dude ! Keep digging ! Maybe it's in the mission file, "zombie agent" ? Not sure  :-p
don't know, those Zeds use a shitload of sequences!  D;
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

Haleks wrote
mp5lng wrote
Haleks wrote
Will try to! But I don't know where the timer is defined exactly - once I've identified the file, I'll mess with it for sure! ;)
Cool dude ! Keep digging ! Maybe it's in the mission file, "zombie agent" ? Not sure  :-p
don't know, those Zeds use a shitload of sequences!  D;
God damn those freaks ! Bastards even in their codes !

Off topic : when dayz standalone come out,...will you guys mess with it ?  ;-) or it's gonna be messed out already ?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

mp5lng wrote
Haleks wrote
mp5lng wrote
Haleks wrote
Will try to! But I don't know where the timer is defined exactly - once I've identified the file, I'll mess with it for sure! ;)
Cool dude ! Keep digging ! Maybe it's in the mission file, "zombie agent" ? Not sure  :-p
don't know, those Zeds use a shitload of sequences!  D;
God damn those freaks ! Bastards even in their codes !

Off topic : when dayz standalone come out,...will you guys mess with it ?  ;-) or it's gonna be messed out already ?
Depends on how mod-friendly the SA will be, I guess...
From what I could read, it's gonna be completely different in all of its aspects : we may have a hard time making it SP compatible...

EDIT : I might be able to add dogs by the way ;)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

Haleks wrote
Depends on how mod-friendly the SA will be, I guess...
From what I could read, it's gonna be completely different in all of its aspects : we may have a hard time making it SP compatible...
they better be "friendly"

Haleks wrote
EDIT : I might be able to add dogs by the way ;)
"come here puppy ! good dog"  nice idea ! friendly AIs and a bunch of dogs and an arsenal of heavy weapons !!!  HALLELUJAH !

P.S : what do you think about slowing down zeds a little in exchange of adding more of them ? a slow horde of zeds roaming the cities and lower the loot spawn even more ? this is just my point of view ! doesn't mean it's really requested but....you know ! as long as you still updating !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

i'm using this mod and it sounds really good ! it adds so much sounds to the game ! especially in the forests ! it feels more alive ! if you want....you can add it to the recommended addons.

and it doesn't need CBA !

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

mp5lng wrote
i'm using this mod and it sounds really good ! it adds so much sounds to the game ! especially in the forests ! it feels more alive ! if you want....you can add it to the recommended addons.

and it doesn't need CBA !

Didn't know that one. How would you compare it to JSRS? I really love the distant gunshots in this one ;)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

Haleks wrote
mp5lng wrote
i'm using this mod and it sounds really good ! it adds so much sounds to the game ! especially in the forests ! it feels more alive ! if you want....you can add it to the recommended addons.

and it doesn't need CBA !

Didn't know that one. How would you compare it to JSRS? I really love the distant gunshots in this one ;)
Actually i didn't compared it to JSRS ! Since i can't use CBA i can't use anything requires CBA that's why i can't use JSRS XD  this one is working well for me, most gunahots are new !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

I would love to try playing DaiZy with no zombie respawn, but adding a shit load more of zombies and making them slower yes(more realistic feel i think) :D
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

JuniYo wrote
I would love to try playing DaiZy with no zombie respawn, but adding a shit load more of zombies and making them slower yes(more realistic feel i think) :D
The problem about slowing down the Zeds is that they either run or walk - there's no middle solution. And, with their current walking speed, they would be totally harmless, no matter how much of them there are...
It annoys me a bit too, sometimes, to see them running that fast. I looked into it at some point - I wanted to make it so only the crawling zeds can run, but, if it's even doable, it's beyond my knowledge. :/
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

Haleks wrote
JuniYo wrote
I would love to try playing DaiZy with no zombie respawn, but adding a shit load more of zombies and making them slower yes(more realistic feel i think) :D
The problem about slowing down the Zeds is that they either run or walk - there's no middle solution. And, with their current walking speed, they would be totally harmless, no matter how much of them there are...
It annoys me a bit too, sometimes, to see them running that fast. I looked into it at some point - I wanted to make it so only the crawling zeds can run, but, if it's even doable, it's beyond my knowledge. :/
okay here's the deal...500 walking zombie in chernarus with surely give you a second thought about getting in for loot
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey, I just tried downloading the 1.8 release again after several tries in-game. Survivors don't attack zombies anymore. Any help please? I have no idea what could be wrong...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

Pierry wrote
Hey, I just tried downloading the 1.8 release again after several tries in-game. Survivors don't attack zombies anymore. Any help please? I have no idea what could be wrong...
from what i saw few minutes ago...i found 2 survivors, one of them was trigger happy (shooting every single zombie on sight), the other one was " count your damn bullets ! " he never fire unless a zed is near him or trying to attack me ! so i guess it's something Haleks did !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Pierry
Pierry wrote
Hey, I just tried downloading the 1.8 release again after several tries in-game. Survivors don't attack zombies anymore. Any help please? I have no idea what could be wrong...
Make sure you're using the latest dayz_factions file.
But even with the factions changes, it can take a few seconds before the AI actually sees zombies as a threat (eg. when you're commanding a squad, the "target & engage" cursor sometimes take a moment to be available on zeds). But once they started shooting at them they won't stop unless being told so.

Also, as mp5lng said, some survivors are not as trigger happy as others : I guess it's the way the Arma 2 engine deals with; they seem to be a bit overrunned when there's a lot of Zeds.
(It's not something I did ^^)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.8 [05/28 UPDATED]

Haleks wrote
(It's not something I did ^^)
Well ! At least we got smarter AIs !  :-)
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