but isn't this thing gonna affect AIs ? |
In reply to this post by mp5lng
Will have a look! But I don't want to overdo it neither : since those items are pretty rare, I don't want the player to be bored with constant coughing after 30 minutes ^^ I was trying to make a daizy "" 2017 the other day - and ended up with something working, more or less : new anims, new HUD - pretty much everything from combined with 2017 scarce loot. I was infected within 10 minutes and couldn't find any antibio in a 45 minutes session... :/ Believe me it's a pain! |
Pleaaaaaase tell me the combining mags feature is working !!! We really need that one since ammo is really rar ! And about the two medical items....why not rise up the chance of finding some in hospitals ??? Okay it's your call in the end ! :-) And merging 2017 with is something.....eghhhhh just don't change the zeds behaviors ! Speed and spotting distance and giving up time ! You know what i mean ;-) Peace ! |
In reply to this post by Haleks
I'm not haleks but the idea took out my brain !!!! Are you thinking of making a script so you can wake your self up from a....."coma" ![]() THIS IS GONNA BE AWEEEESOOOOME ! OH wait !!!! I forgot how epi pens look like XD |
Hey Haleks......I'm really enjoying your work. Thanks for this. I do have some suggestions and questions.
1. Will you be adding any features from other DAYZ mods like towing vehicles and picking up and placing objects in vehicles? I understand if you don't but I would like the option to put my bike in the back of my pickup. That's totally realistic and can save some of the boring hassle of going back to broken down vehicles. I really want some of those burn barrels man!!!!! 2. Will you add more to the building menus in regards to storage of your equipment? I can't stand just dropping all my loot on the ground in big piles. 3. Can you tweak the loot to add more building material? This is kinda boring.......tin can.....bottle.....tin can. I travel a lot but it is boring truthfully. You get to a new town and have to go to a building and wait for the spawn. Then move a little down the town and wait for spawn. Then so on and so on. It is really the reason why I'm going back to breaking point SP at the moment to see what you do. I understand that you are still working with the loot spawns? Why does it take forever to get the loot to spawn? In other mods all of Chernos will spawn by the time you get through looting a few buildings. What about despawn of loot? I can't loot cycle anymore here. I've done it so much in the last few days that its not worth the time in factions2017. 4.Can you add a feature that allows you to get materials from broken down vehicles and buildings? (Scrap metal/Trap kits) What about scrap metal from enough tin cans? 5. Can you give us the option to build in buildings? I like to fortify Hangars for my base, but this is not an option. Maybe I missed something, but I haven't really been able to find enough materials to build. I know you can't pitch a tent inside. 6. Lastly I would ask you to give us a small crafting option for a scope for the rifles and crossbow. Something obviously attachable and detachable. A very small scope but something that can compete with all these great mods for Dayz. Some type of small hunting scope or M68 maybe? Do you have any suggestions for other mods to go along with yours to address some of these requests? I do want to say that this is a great swing to Dayz and even if you don't add a lot to this, I will always come back every once and awhile to fight the A.I. in 2017 SP. |
@Stalker : Thanks man!
I will consider your suggestions, but right now I can tell you I don't mind increasing the spawn chances for building materials! The loot table wasn't designed with the building script in mind after all - unlike the upcoming version of 2017 MP wich will have its own. @mp5lng : To be honest, it was more of a test than a attempt to really port 2017 to the code. A lot of things were broken (basically every 2017 action, as well as some other stuff) and even more to be modified. Clearly it's not an impossible job (I mean, after 15 minutes of messing with the files, EpicBeard Man was walking in Cherno, getting tackled by zeds), but seeing as the 2017 devs - um! Well, one of the 2017 Devs is already working on a updated code, I don't think it is worth loosing time doing the same. But I'll see what actions from dayz I could bring in 2017 ;) @Above : Of course! :D |
Thanks man ! Okay than...let's wait for devs to update ! |
Changelog for the upcoming update (v2.2)
Greater spawn distance for loot & zeds Zeds spawning while in vehicle Added "flip vehicle" action New UI from DayZ "Remove built items" action added back Now can build in towns, on roads and inside buildings. Modified industrial spawns I'm still looking for the re-combine mags feature from, but I can't even find it in the code! :/ Also I don't think the 'infected' icon will work - but who cares? It is obvious that you're sick if you're coughing! |
Great release, this has to be one of the hardest missions to survive, any hints to where to look for those bandit camps.
I can say that they're hidden in the northern part of Chernarus. And when I say 'hidden', I mean that you won't find them in obvious places like NW Airfield or major cities. Cities & villages are truly cursed in 2017, as there is close to no ressources but only zombies, cannibal & bandits. So we could suppose that they would settle a bit far of those. Additionnal hint : it is way easier to search for them during night time! |
found one ! they were so armed and well prepared for any king of crap ! they started shooting on sight ! i couldn't take them all, i can say they were about 5 protecting the camp and in addition to a DAAAMN squad patrolling the area ! so i ended up updating the mission and now i'm ready to take them out """just hoping""" ![]() P.S : Tango33 ! you're gonna need a bicycle or some kind of wheels go on,. P.S.S : if i were you....i would go stright up North till the top of the map (NE of the NW airfield) you'll find loooots of crap ! |
In reply to this post by Haleks
The loot spawn has been improved (again) and the new UI is 100% working (including the 'infected' icon)! Enjoy! |
SHHHHWEEEEET ! I was suffering so much from the lake of loot ! And UIs are so welcomed ! |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey dude!
If I rename my save folder (2017 Factions 2.1.chernarus) to match the new mission file name (2017 Factions 2.2.chernarus), will this corrupt the game, or do you think the old save would work in the 2.2 environment? Just I gats me a really fun save at the moment. It's night time, tent setup out the back of the house, flares, and just picked off a team of three actually inside 'looting' the supermarker. That was awesome seeing that happen :) |
I'm afraid it might corrupt your save; in any case the changes won't kick in unless restarting a game - this is due to the way Arma handles the saved games :/ I wish I could find a way to push "harmless" updates for your saves guys... If you enjoy your current game, I would advise you to stick with it - unless you really really want the Zeds spawning while in vehicles! The other changes won't affect the gameplay much (except for the building script, obviously). Believe me, I know what it is to always restart a game : I kinda know Cherno and Elektro streets by heart now! ^^ |
To be honest, I really don't mind restarts in games like these. Even if the game has gone on for a good few days. Like Minecraft, a fresh start is always a different game anyway :) |
Hehe^^ This time though, it should be the last update before DayZ 2017 is ported to the code. I really want to take my time, play it for good and go North to see what's happening in there! I still didn't have a 'real' fight with the bandits at their camps! :/ |
In reply to this post by mp5lng
thank you, cant wait to kick some ass
Sounds like some major improvements!!!!! I'm starting over now. I was so lucky the last time through. I spawned in Electro right next to an almost repaired V35. That vehicle was able to jump start me to the north. I didn't stumble on to the camps yet but I believe I left my guy in the woods up north with my V35 parked 1200 m from me and I'm looking for a camp in the middle of the night. :) Perfect place to start fresh.
Please no one give any more info on the bandit camps and ruin it for the rest of us who haven't found them. Haleks thank you for the building script tweaks! You made my day. :) I want to give myself some time to scout around and see the new loot tweaks and building material spawns before I throw you anymore of my thoughts. I do have more ideas that I think will interest you. I will add that I turn the Zombie's speed way down for my own preferences. I enjoy the stress, but holy shit I almost had a coronary coming out of a few buildings from the zombies attacking! I like the whole 1960 night of the living dead zombie speed if you know what I mean. I think it makes the bandit battles in town much more exciting. |
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