Yeah, at one point I was thinking about forcing them to walk - 5 years after they would be quite rotten! ;) By the way, I'm re-uploading : I've modified the mission files : Zeds can now hit you when you're in a vehicle. Feel free to throw in any idea! |
Done! I swear it was the last update! ^^' |
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Isn't the last fix kind of unreallistic ??? How zeds can hit you while you're inside a vehicle ? I was looking so bad for the "enforced" car cause it's well prorected ! And now you said zeds can hit player in the car ? Sorry haleks but i kind don't want to use this one ! ![]() And about the camps....i found the one *somewhere* , took out the bandits but the tents were unusable ! They are just dead objects ! I really like the stuff these camps have ! ![]() |
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To be honest, I was missing the feeling in dayz, where driving in town was really stressful. The problem is that I was unable to make it so the Zeds break your windshields (wounding you at the same time). No worries! Don't use it if you don't want to! I'm opened to any suggestion : if you guys think it's immersion-breaking, I can revert to the previous version. Eventhough I find it to be a tad easy if being in a car makes you invulnerable to zeds ^^ I could also include an exception in the script and make it impossible for zombies to attack you if you're in a specific car - food for thoughts. And, yeah sadly the tents in bandit camps are empty - the loot they have is to be found in their weapons crates. I'll improve it at some point ;) EDIT : don't spoil the camps locations! If you could edit your post it would be nice :P |
The ASR files? I don't think they can be knocked down though - since it is a DayZ feature... But I'm playing with the idea of applying the whole health system to NPC ;) But yeah ASR really is awesome : I was running through Elektro to get away from a bandit squad wich had spotted me. As soon as I entered a garage, I was shot by one of them waiting for me in there! EDIT : about the zeds being able to hit you through the windshields of your car... I wouldn't worry too much fellas : their pathfinding is kinda shitty and they barely manage to get close enough to the car to actually hit you. So overhall, it's still quite balanced ^^ |
At least they bandage! :D |
Hey Haleks I wanted to send you some food for thought before I go back in game. First I wanna say the first thing I noticed was the user interface is so much better. I like to actually see my levels drain instead of just being a color. Very nice addition. I also noticed I had a random chance to spawn with a different pistol. I started with the 1911 and then started with a revolver. I don't know if that is new or not, but the first thing I wanted to throw at you as far as suggestions was dealing with the weapons. I don't know what is unrealistic as doable as far as change for you, but I'm going with realism when I come up with this shit. Anyway......
1. Most of the weapons in game are old even for the year 2000. Enfields and Mosin Nagant rifles were back in WW1 and WW2 era. (Russian and eastern european rifles and weapons are the most durable in the world though and would still be in use AKA---AK47 and newer versions) The winchester in game would probably not be around. I'll start with rifles though and say get rid of them. Keep the m4/m16/aksu/ak type rifles and lose the older enfield and single bolt action types. Not only would the rifles be so hard to maintain, the ammo would be so scarce no one would have it. Replace the bolt actions with another newer lower caliber rifle/rifles with 10 or 20 round mags. Maybe just a .22 of some type. 2. Shotguns should be totally overhauled. Everyone in this day in age that has a shotgun in their home have the Wal-Mart special remington or mossberg 12g for home protection. You know the one I'm talking about, with the cool guy pistol grip. I recommend taking out all shotgun style weapons and adding a select few from these brand names. Could you make all 12g shotguns fire all 12g slugs and pellet rounds in game? What about combining rounds? Shotguns of course are the go to clean up weapon during your post zombie inconvenience. They should be a very common weapon. 3. I really like being able to carry the pinch bar (or crow bar for some) at all times for melee. Can you turn down the attack speed? You can swing it faster than a Samurai can swing his sword. Way over powered. This was just a few things about the weapons I was thinking about. I have more but I will end this here for now. I;ve already found a lot more industrial loot than before. :) Sweet!!!!!!!!! |
In reply to this post by Haleks
fair enough ! it's more reasonable if zeds break up windshields and start hitting player ! and making some vehicles stronger against zeds attacks is really a good idea ! i'm thinking about "the enforced" since it's the best car for 2017 ! so if you made it as it's supposed to be than i can use your last fix bravely XD,. And about the tents in camps...why not you make them the same way as random tents ? i mean when we find a random tent we might find something inside it ! "i might be wrong", so my idea is to change camps tents to a playable tents the same way as random tents,. i'm no scripter ! just a crazy player ! ![]() P.S : no more spoiling ! post edited ![]() ![]() |
When I try to remove object, I get an error that the remove script not found.
I have the entrenching tool and tool box but I can't remove anything. I tried it on sandbags and on the netting at the cherno hospital. Do you need those tools in your inv. to remove stuff? Does removing stuff give you the materials it takes to build the item? |
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Damn, sorry about that. I am re-uploading fixed mission files right now! And yes, you need tools to remove objects - but I don't think it gives any materials. EDIT : Done! Also you should know that some objects are harder than others to remove : for instance concrete bloc walls are very difficult - you will most likely break your tools on it. |
Do I need to start over for the remove object script to take effect? :(
Are you gonna add more content? More crashes/camps/groups of bandits? Anymore custom content? Please add the tow function to vehicles or at least the larger trucks. Please add the ability to move bikes/atv/motorcycles into larger trucks. ( I don't know if the ATV/motorcycle are in this) Please add buildable storage containers. Can you add the move object into vehicles on fortifications to take to your base for building? Do you plan on tweaking the friendly AI any? They don't follow orders very well. It's very delayed if they follow them at all. It would be cool if when you broke down fortifications around the map they would give you back the materials it took to build them even if you didn't build it yourself. I can see a major difference in loot spawn. It seems that if something good will be spawning in a building, it will already be there by the time you go in, or literally spawn while you walk in. Other spawns in the building though take awhile. Some buildings take a very long time to spawn still. After moving from town to town usually it takes a awhile for loot. Zombies first, then loot it what it seems like. |
I can't believe my eyes ! I found a femal survivor !!! Gonna protect her with everything i've got ! I've got a revolver with 2 cylinders and she got an enfield ! Maybe "she" will protect me XD
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey Haleks,
I don't know if it is just me but I stumbled upon the NW bandit camp and wound up taking them all out without a scratch. After patting my self on the back I realized I wasn't that good and reverted to a save just before the encounter. I am not taking any damage from bandit gun fire (don't know if it is just "bandit camp" bandits or all bandits). I am taking damage from zeds just not gun fire damage (must be all that human flesh I have been eating). PS. 4 bandits sitting around the center of the camp do not move or react when I run right up to them. |
Woo that's a first one :/ Did you try to revert to an older save (before you found them)? And please, no spoiling the camps location! >_< |
For both camps i found 3 patrolling bandits just 20 metters around the camps, and they were shooting at me, but the sitting bandits didn't move a muscle ! :-p i think sitting AIs need some time to react,. So changing them to become standing or crouching is good for me "us",.
In reply to this post by Haleks
Sorry about the spoiler, I was trying to give you an idea of which camp without giving too much info.
I reverted my oldest save and found a bandit squad in Elektro with same problem. I take no damage from gun fire but zeds kill me normally. Could it have something to do with the skin I started the game with? In the above picture it is the 2nd from the left. |
I don't think it's related to your skin. Do you play the latest version (and if so did you restart)? I never had this issue and to be honest, I don't see what could cause it right now :/ Can you launch a new game (just duplicate & rename your mission file if you don't wanna loose your saves) and tell me if the same glitch still occurs? |
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Haleks !!!! i want you to explain this !!!!
![]() he was shooting at zeds ! when i flinked him from his right, he aimed at me but he couldn't get a shot ! so he turned to his left and started running,...i chased him in double speed with hatchet at first and than switched to TT while taking cover behind a tree,...and than i saw the creepy AK and the toolbox under him and i was like.... ![]() |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Thanks for the quick reply. I am using latest version 2.2 and I did start a new game. Per your advice I backed up my save folder and restarted and first bandit encounter I took damage. Maybe it is just a random glitch but I will continue to test to see if it happens again.
I don't like to use cheats but I hate spending another 8 hours looking for cars, car parts and a camping tent. Is there an addon (Loki Lost Key, Support Call) that will work with this mod and allow me to spawn in these items? |
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