Trade with yourself! LOL. I seriously do this. |
The easiest way to gear up is by "killing" every one ! ![]() And for cars you can find them in gaz stations ! you'll allwayz find one there ! and thanks to haleks we mostly spawn close to a city ! P.S : you don't need a car ! you can use a bicycle ! or repaire a truck ! ![]() |
Haleks ! I'm using the ASR_AI addon, and i'm not sure it this addon offers the surrender feature cause a loner bandit surrendered for some reason ! We were 1v1 ! Any idea ?
P.S : I posted a picture earlier for the poor loner :-p |
Really? I use those addons too. I shot a bandit that survived (poorly aimed DMR shot). And he started bandaging... This addon is amazing! :) |
A real amazing addon ! Even i still didn't get the chance to see them entering buildings :-p but it's okay ! They're smarter now ! Sometimes the poor aims might be the best ones ;-p ! I downed a helo in the normal factions with a real poor SVD shot XD |
Nice! I've downed 2/3 helis where I've actually tried, the one I didn't down was after using those addons, I don't know if that's why. But they kept wiggeling the heli, soo it was really hard to hit from 600 (give or take) with an enfield. Hahaha. I ended up getting a stanag rifle, and went back. Nailed a couple of shots into the windshield, but no fuck were given. So I had to give up. Haha. :D |
An enfield you say ! XD Never tried that one ! And stanag rifles is the best friend ! |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Has anyone actually found a random tent spawn in the woods? Are they the tan colored Dayz 2017 tent or the regular camo colored tent? If so is the loot any good, are they worth searching for?
This post was updated on .
gonna look for one right away ! EDIT : this is nothing but a big dream XD |
If they are the Dayz 2017 tan tents they should be easier to spot at night with the brightness & gamma turned up. If you open the mission in the editor there are 11 possible wooded location where they "should" spawn. After many hours of playing this I have never seen one though.
In reply to this post by Above
What do you mean trading with yourself? |
Okay first base is down ! And because of all the heavy loot i found there i'm gonna burn the second base with my 3 companies !The game suddently became easy after finding 3 friendlies,.
Haleks...the sitting bandits doesn't react to any kind of attacks no matter who's shooting at who ! Oh and there was a total of 13 bandit protecting the big base,. Really like the camps idea ! ;-) NOW IT'S MIIIINE ! P.S : isn't there any radio at all ? |
Mmm I guess I'll have to do something different with those bandits...
And no, right now, there's no radio - except in the 28 yearz later mission. |
This is my favorite release. A few changes I would request:
1. Fix bandit camp bandits that sit there while you execute them (Maybe randomize camp locations for replay value). 2. Add quality loot to the 1 helo crash site (only had tin cans & tokarev mag). 3. Verify random tents are spawning & make loot worth searching for them. Anything that makes the game more of a challenge is always welcomed but great job on this. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Okay than....2017 yearz is the way to go but not until the final release ;-) |
In reply to this post by Anonymous
Thanks! I'm already planing on something to fix the bandits sitting at the camps ;) But I will indeed have a look at the heli crash loot - it might be too much random at the moment. And I will check the tents - I reckon I didn't properly test those... ![]() |
Hey, i recently started playing your DayZ mods and i gotta say i'm really impressed and glad to have stumbled upon it :) So i'll just get straight to the point.
First things first, this mod is amazing and everyone can tell that you sure are putting a lot of work and effort into this and i think i speak for everyone when i say we appreciate it. Second thing, i'm building a base, however, i'm not happy how it came out so i went to remove it, but there is no remove option. I have the entranching tool and toolbox but it still doesn't work. Third thing, the whole weight thing, is just ridicilous. I mean if you have space in your inventory or backpack then there shouldn't be a problem about weight. And it's very stupid because, when you're running from zombies or bandits, you're character will go like "Aah, damn, i'm tired. I'll just lay on the ground right here and get ripped apart by zeds." xD Fourth thing, how strong the zombies are now. Yes, i know, it's in the normal DayZ 2017 but if you really want to improve and make things logical, i'd say that after all these years, they would be weaker, slower. It only makes sense right? I mean, i love this mod don't get my wrong, it's fantastic but i would enjoy the fix for the second thing and in my opinion the third thing needs to happen. No survivor would just lay down on the ground while being chased. I really appreciate everything you have done for this mod and for us to enjoy it and i can say you're doing a very good job doing so. :) Cheers. |
Changelog for the upcoming update (v2.3) :
fixed random tents (they now spawn) fixed bandits sitting at camps and not reacting to gunfires fixed some vehicles spawning without damages fixed helicrash loot spawn (it'll be worth to look for that chopper!) @Exen44 : I totally agree with you about the realism script and the guy layin' down : the idea behind this script is nice, but it is poorly handled in game. I'll deactivate those animations and see if it's possible to have something like the hunger going down twice as fast when tired. Also, about the "remove" option, do you mean it doesn't pop up or it doesn't work? |
This post was updated on .
Could you please add the combine mags from the new dayz patch.
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