DayZ patch* And also, he's gonna have to wait for DayZ 2017 to update to DayZ's code first before he can update this mod.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Does anybody know what the biggest backpack is?
The KingHobo pack has 24 slots.
In reply to this post by Haleks
for some reason since i last played and saved when ever i pick up a sa58p my game crashes
In reply to this post by Haleks
It just doesn't pop up at all. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
So i spawned my self in a heli flew around the whole map looking for bandit camps and vehicles and only manage to find a plane and some white car (could be one of those troll cars).
Any hints as to where to find these bandit camps and cars? |
I won't give infos on the forum, but if you really wanna find the camps, I suggest flying at night - they'll be easier to spot. As for vehicles, most of them randomly spawn in towns - so their locations will change each time you restart : meaning that I can't give a "sure" location :/ |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hi, any estimate on when the 2.3 update will be available for this mod ?
Very soon! ;) |
In reply to this post by Haleks
How long does it take to get from day to night?
In reply to this post by Haleks
Sup Haleks, maybe you can help me out real quick with NPC_AlertZombies.sqf. I got private little map goin on Utes with most of Haleks and Aboves code. It's basically Factions/Breakingpoint with fog, bandits/cars/helis, the works. The only thing i can't get to work is the NPC_AlertZombies. I can't find where to put the code to call it. I see that the NPCsqf is located in the dayz_code/compile which confuses the shit out of me because there is already a dayz_code pbo in the main mod folder.
These are a couple of lines that i found on I have tried looking for something like this but no go. // Alert zombies if a weapon is fired _aiunit addEventHandler ["Fired", {[(_this Select 0),100,true,(getPosATL (_this Select 0))] execvm "units\NPC_AlertZombies.sqf";}]; //_aiunit addEventHandler ["Fired", {diag_log format ["AIUNIT: Alert - unit is shooting shit - %1",_this];}]; // for testing eventhandler diag_log format ["AIUNIT: Creating MPEvent Handler for %1 ",_aiunit]; I figured out how to use the fog.sqf in breaking point too. It was easy let me know |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Updated to v2.3!
As usual, I'll wait on feedbacks & bug reports - but seen as this release should be pretty much bug-free, I'll most likely call it a final one. ;) |
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No, the available space in vehicles & tents is only shown in the code - I think 2017 is based on the code. As for the R3F script, what happens exactly? I modified it to deactivate the lay down thing, but I'm afraid I completely forgot to test the result... ![]() |
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I think R3F is a tad glitchy on 2017 : I've tried the original script and you are supposed indeed to experience an additional head bobbing. But for some reason it doesn't really work - maybe the 2017 changed a few things. I'll take a deeper look at the current script. |
Haleks, Check your email bro! Ive messaged you about a few things.
"My name is Mud"
In reply to this post by Haleks
hi halek... ive been following 2017 for a while and nearly wet myself when i found single player version ... 28yrz is a brilliant mission/modception but i do enjoy the solo effort... my problem is i can save the missions and get the saving screen but never loads them as i get the user conflict or ca_missions_BAF_2 error does any one else have this problem also i am so very noob at dayz/mods ... both single and 28yrz run excellent from start up but only if i restart mission ... using i have read that ca_missions_BAF_2 is in a update but which update specifically i would like to remedy the problem .... also wanted to know is there people in either mission that dont want to kill me your work hope some one understands me ... thank you for your mod
Hi there!
You're not the first one to report troubles resuming a save - sadly I don't know what's causing this error. I can only suggest that you make sure both Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead are updated. According to your install (Steam or non-Steam), you might have to copy the addons folder from Arma 2 into your OA folder. I'll see what I can find about this error though. And yes, some NPC aren't hostile to the player : you can go close to them and recruit them with the scrolling menu. |
You haven't responded to my thing yet :| I don't get the "remove object" thing, also, how do i update to v2.3?
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