Around south east stary sobor in the open field it was so painfull to stay alive for more than 30 secs before getting shot in the back :-( so i decided to run away in the end XD Edit : they kept ambushing me from every angle ! |
In reply to this post by Haleks
This should be the last one before DayZ 2017 is updated to 2.1 : they're going to port it from to the 1.7.6 dayz_code. And, by the way, they're going to do the same for Namalsk 2017! Might consider making a SP of it when it's done! ;) EDIT : the delayed actions should be fixed, as well as those triggers around Stary. |
O_O That was fast !! Thanks dude ! Gonna try it soon ! Namalsk 2017 you say ! :-> Namalsk factions 2017 in english ?? |
This post was updated on .
Indeed! ;)
EDIT : A couple of things about the update : it seems that the fix for the delayed actions ain't working... However I definitely feel in improvement FPS-wise; and I've also noticed that the food & thirst levels deplete a bit slower (wich is more realistic IMO). |
Okay let's go for some teasing!
I didn't have any major bug reports lately; hopefully this means that both the Factions releases are (almost) bug-free (except for the hunger & thirst not working in vehicles, but this one is giving me some headaches). Wich means that I may have more time to work on a new release : since Chernarus begins to seriously bore me, you guys can expect a single player of Namalsk 2017 soon (with EVR & bloodsuckers added back)! The best DayZ mod with the best map! ![]() |
In reply to this post by Haleks
--------> agree,. --------> same here ;-) |
It doesn't surprise me : I did something totally dumb with the previous versions... Some of the functions & variables were being compiled twice, meaning that the hunger & thirst rates were twice as fast comapred to MP. o_o' I wish I realized that sooner! Also, I guess I spoke too soon when saying "expect a Namalsk 2017 soon"; they're using so many addons and modified modules... It's a friggin' nightmare. I'm having a harder time to unlock it for SP than DayZ 1.7.7 (!)... |
Namalsk is a pain to set up for SP as it is. :/ |
Word. I might try to port 2017 to Dayz Namalsk instead... It should be way simpler to just replace the characters & weapons models as well as edit the loot tables... |
I haven't tried to port 2017 Namalsk, but there will be alot of work changing everything. D: Another thing, have you tried the 1.7.7 crafting system? I was thinking about activating it just to see how far they got before giving up. I'm having a feeling that they got further than they said. :P |
I tried!^^ But from what I could see, the crafting system is missing some files - not all, for instance the blueprints already have an icon in the gear menu. But I never could get it to work... :/ Good luck if you try to! And about a Namalsk 2017 - it's gonna require some work indeed! XD I was trying to port the dayz code for Namalsk (+ 2017); a pain in the ass, but I have the feeling that it's possible ;) |
Haha, yes they said that something was missing, or that it didn't "work good enough". I might take a look at it later. I'm not adding all actions etc for the new items you can craft. Since they'll most likely update it soon again. And damn, ahve fun porting. Haha. Everything is possible. ;D |
Haleks and Above !!! You guys should team up against the utmost taughest work you ever met ! Daizy Namalsk factions 2017 !.....i know i's a loooong name for a scary mod :-/ , since Above already made a namalsk mission he got some good ideas about that map, and haleks with his awesome factions release, so an army of two is all we need to take down a beast mod !
P.S : Above ! I love your releases too ! But i don't play your "breaking points" cause i suffer lots of lags and stutterings (dump machine XD). But i'm still surviving your Namalsk release for about a month now ;-) |
Haha, I'm down. But in that case, we should start fresh because my Namalsk mission is not bug-free (the long ass starting time). And nice, I don't get how people lag on BreakingPoint. My machine is literally shit, and it's 100% smooth for me. ;O |
GET UP ! Go ahead ! do what you do ! Where ready XD No ! My GPU is what gives me the lags, AMD HD5450 1gb, it's so old,. |
Oh. My. God.
The asr_ai_sys_aiskill file is actually working! I just got killed by an AI inside of the office building in Elektro! ![]() |
What exacly does that file do? I need a new AI addon, the one I have is said to improve their spotting range + accuracy. But I want something better, a small chance to spot at 1000m and as it seems you have, AI walking around inside! |
This file alone handles the communications between AI units (info sharing), makes them able to leave a wounded unit (so he doesn't slow down the rest of his squad), makes loners join groups of the same side, makes the AI able to patrol buildings and sets random skills for each unit (from the shaky noob to the steady-handed sniper). Luv it! ![]() |
In reply to this post by Haleks
OH GOD WHY BLOODSUCKERS !!! They used to give me heart attacks in stalker ! Indeed ! It's the best mod for the best map ! NAMALSK 2017 ! |
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