This post was updated on .
Well you was spot on about the Launch parameters. I had missed the " -mod=@DayZ_Namalsk" out in my shortcut. Doh! lol
So all working now apart from one little niggle. In regards to the clouds and they seem to jerk along instead of being smooth as usual. Any reason for this? And thank you once again for your help with getting this amazing map sorted for me :) EDIT: Scratch that about the jerky clouds. I still had a different file somewhere from another installation that was causing it. Done a clean install of everything now with your v5 and it's spot on ![]() So so happy. Thank you Above and keep up the great work. |
Glad it worked out for ya'! :-D The clouds are abit jerky because of the timecycle script. Wich makes the time pass faster, I liked this script and will probably use it alot since it lets you experience day and night without cheating. Thank you for the kind words, my pleasure working with it. ![]() |
This post was updated on .
Got another question and this may be down to my doing. But i get some real nasty lag spikes, as in major fps drops quite often. Could this be due to the fact that i am running DayZ and Namalsk 0.74? I don't get any of these spikes on other single player maps like Chernarus etc so it isn't down to my system specs because multiplayer runs smooth as well. This bit about versions confuses me as there is no detail in the original post about what versions should be run.
If you do suspect this could be the issue then what would you recommend i use for these versions? I presume the DayZ- would be ok but the Namalsk-0.74 could be a problem... Personally i would hope it's down to something else because the Gauss rifle is so much fun and from what i believe that come with one of the later updates to Namalsk, right? Sorry to be a pain but I am a bugger for wanting things just right (Probably down to my OCD lol) Thanks again dude Edit: ok so i have been doing a bit of testing with versions and the DayZ- seems ok but indeed it does seem the Namalsk-0.74 causes the problem i described in my previous post. I am now on 0.60 and it is fine. Plus the Guass rifle is still there :D If there is anything you may have to add Above please do as i am always interested in others wisdom. Cheers ;) |
Sorry for a late response, I've been focusing on the respawn script all day, haha. Yes, I was also guessing Namalsk 0.74 would be the problem. Then I saw that you tried 0.6 out. I was/am working on a Namalsk 0.74 update, though. But I had a problem with changing clothing, it would remove all your items or sumit. This is obviously an easy fix. But I got cought up in other bugs on other releases. Aswell as I've been actually playing. Hehe. You're not a pain, not at all. ![]() |
No problem on the late reply. People have a life ;) Also nice that you are still working on this and trying to keep it up to date as much as possible.
Personally i play these single player maps as well because it's good to get used to how things work, not just in DayZ but in Arma 2 in general. I bought combined operations a while back but every server i have been on for some multiplayer experience, other players have always had miles more experience and i still need to learn things in game such as the backpack system. Flying choppers etc and much more before i'll feel ready to go up against these pro players. And also be ready to be some sort of help to a group. So your work with these maps and allowing us to play as single player is great practise and with the added bonus of Zeds and some player AI. Plus i can play at my own pace and not have some overly serious guy in game rage at me because i'm still a noob. That is one thing i have noticed about the Arma series is that people seem to think its a real war and get all upset when they're killed... Lol Anyway i shall leave you to it and i will look forward to any updates from you. Many thanks and have fun ![]() |
The first server I ever joined, I somehow ended up in a 'serious' squad. And they educated me straight away, pretty much the same day, I was tearing shit up at NWA. But there's not really THAT much to it, just keep track of where shots are comming from, and be as careful as possible. What kills me 90% of the times, is that I stop beeing careful because I think "Nah, no one's gonna be here". Or "he's probably not gonna shoot". xD What makes DayZ so serious is the fact that you lose all your gear if you die. People tend to be way to attached to their gear in the beginning. But my experience is that you grow to not care about it. (Even though losing all your stuff will never be fun). The DaiZy missions are really good for practicing, but I'm playing SP every now and then aswell. As you said, you can just hop on a save and "chill". Plus, it can get very hectic aswell. No problems, it's my pleasure doing whatever I can for the mod. And you too, happy gaming! ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
HI, I'd like to say thanks for providing this. I have been playing on multiplayer Namalsk for a month or so, but multiplayer Dayz has just about driven me mental, especially with so many Namalsk server-hosts refusing to update and the attitude of so many players (read "bandits"). I'm a slow gamer, I don't react as fast or as well as many people seem to, and I have no clan or gaming buddies, no back up, so always at a disadvantage in multiplayer. And to be honest I prefer playing by myself. But DayZ is so addictive, and I'm really looking forward to playing this.
I got it working so the map loads and I spawn in (took me a while, turned out I was having problems with the launch parametres), just one problem left: loading in I get the message: Script z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_spawnlootCheck.sqf not found and, sure enough, there are no player-reliant spawns, no loot, no zombies, no hostile AI, just animals and the survivors that join your team. I've tried replacing the dayz_code with the one in the downloaded file everywhere I can find it, no luck. I noticed there was another file or something for it in the link given at the start of the thread, but I am unable to download it, it sends me to the sign-up page (do I need to sign up with media fire to download it?). Is this the correct dayz_code needed, not the one in the other file? Thanks for your time, I hope you can help me fix this up All the best Vak |
Vaknathi, are you using the correct Dayz_Code.pbo and launching the correct @addon with the proper dayz_code.pbo?
z/addons/dayz_code/compile/player_spawnlootCheck.sqf should be in the DayZ_Code.pbo file so unless you use you're own nor some older version then update it to this very one. |
Thanks for the reply, I was sure I was using the right dayZ_code, but I could be wrong.
I fixed the problem by doing a complete reversion of my arma2 folder and reinstalling the Namalsk SP using the modfolder method outlined on the armaholic site. It's working so far as I can tell. I haven't seen any bots or car spawns yet, but plenty of loot and zombies. Thanks again Vak |
I'm glad it worked, thanks for helping each other. :-) This will eventually be updated to 0.741. I just had a small problem with changing skin. It would remove all your gear. This is super easy to fix, though. |
In reply to this post by Above
Hey Above, I followed the instructions and i just got an error saying "You can not play/edit this mission as it is dependent on DLC that has been deleted.namalsk"
Could you please help? thanks :) Anon |
Do I past all the files into @DaiZy?
Ive put them in the normal @DayZ folder |
But you are trying to run namalsk. Get the map, change that crap and then launch with -mod=@Namalsk or something. Only @DayZ will only run chernarus if you have addon for it...
In reply to this post by Anonymous
You don't have to put anything in your launch parameters if that's what is stumping you. launch vanilla arma2 OA and go to expansions. Select @Namalisk and @Daisy and enable them. Restart the game (you will be prompted) and it will work.
It all depends if you want to do it the quick way or not. Easiest but time consuming is the ingame addon choosing indeed.
This will be updated to the latest patch. (0.741/
It takes a while to load the mission atm, but that's the only problem with the update. The new skins works, and all the lootz. It got the new food items etc etc. Bloodsuckers and EVR should also work. :-) I just gotta finnish up the settings. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
Mission changes: AI: The AI now have a minium spawnrange of 200, and a max of 1000. The AI will have a random backpack, a random rifle, a random handgun, and a random tool. The AI no has all the Namalsk items (Broken items, solder, EVR helmet and so on). The AI have a chance to drop Camo clothing, Ghillie suit, warm clothing, and winter ghillie. The AI loot was reduced alot. You will no longer find 3+ food items on an AI. The AI spawns even when the player is in a vehicle. Mission: The mission was fully updated to 0.741 and DayZ Vehicles got MP damage now, and stay destroyed until you fix it. BUGS: Changing skin the first time will sometimes teleport you and remove some of your gear. I suggest changing skin when you first start and teleport to the shore. (THIS IS BEEING WORKED ON!). It takes a second or two to start the mission the first time, tabbing out seems to speed up the process. Other than this, everything else is working fine! |
In reply to this post by Above
This is sweet, i have never Seen a EVR or a bloodsucker! what does a EVR do and where is it most likely for a bloodsucker to spawn at?
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