There's mods to do that. ![]() I could make a new airport, but the roads are glitched, so you can't move them after placing them. I could look into another addon, but then you lot would have to download that aswell. Cherno? 2 story building by the foodstore? I'm not sure what building you mean. I've looted the usual in Cherno, without crashing. ![]() |
This one...May be just me?
I will try it again soon! Hope the link works I never used dropbox much before |
That's strange, thanks for the picture. It really helped me out! I know for a fact that I've been running in and out there (because I always run through that building before looting the Church/store). Did you try to restart? And I'm working on some reskinning for the new update, just a lil somsinsomsin. |
Oh and any idea why the "Epeen-monitor" and that "jumping barrel roll thingy" stop working after reloading a save?
I noticed that happening also.
In reply to this post by Ray
Quick off topic, how do i just post something without having to reply to a previous post?
In reference to DayZFactions and DayZBreakingPoint, I notice that sometimes when i start a game, vehicles don't spawn, but then when i restart a game, it seems to spawn vehicles just fine (or vice versa). Same thing with bandits and their usual locations. Some games I play for hours without seeing a bandit or vehicle, then i restart the game and everything is fine. When i start a game, does it load a specific load-out for vehicles and bandits or is it all random spawn that is dependent on player position (or is it a little of both). Im not sure if you can understand what im trying to say. ...And do bandits respawn only in there usual locations or do they spawn around the player like zombies do? |
In reply to this post by Ray
Great work! i really like it in singleplayer.Only thing i miss is the fog :) Anyway big props! the new stuff and details on the map are very nice. i would love to see a new city between cherno and elektro ;)
Wisdom sets bounds even to knowledge
In reply to this post by Dan
"One thing I did notice is in Cherno SW behind the Food store going into the building (the 2 floor home) Arma2 crashes on entry. Im not sure if its just me or not?"
I noticed something like this in Solnichniy. In the last house on the north side of town, just before the bridge. Every time I walk into it, the game crashes. I thought it was just me, you know, cause that happens. But after it crashing 4 times, and then not crashing when I didn't go in, I figure that's why. Also, I've noticed a severe lack of Bandits. I've found 4 survivor AI, but only 2 Bandits. Every now and then I hear a gunshot in the distance, but I never hear more than 3. Are they just getting mauled by zombies or despawning, maybe? |
The bandits/cars are loaded on start-up. First I thought it is an issue too. But then I spent more time looking and just noticed that the vehicles are now actually "rare" , so you won't be finding 3 cars at once near the gas stations and shit. Which is good.
1 more thing though, the GUI still seems to get bugged out, after 2-3 hours of playing in a row, the GUI didn't work anymore. Food/Water were plain green, temperature dark red and blood did not work either. Thought it "was" caused by the respawn system in earlier missions but that didn't seem to be the issue. (Tried going to "Game Options" ,too. No effect..) |
In reply to this post by Vision
Also, to add to what I said before, there is just WAY too many friendly AI. I have a team of 8 AI + me. And I have not run into another bandit. Not to mention that once the AI run out of ammo, which is very quickly, they don't pick up more. I have 3 guys out of ammo, and they don't take ammo out of their packs. If there was a way to re-arm them, that would be great. Or just take out a bunch of them. I also found a bug relating to the friendly AI. I killed one of them on accident, and 3 more spawned within 100m from me and started firing at me, all this while the commander was ordering me to enter a vehicle and engage myself. I couldn't use the cheat menu or anything. Is there a way to make all of them hostile or just lower the amount of friendly AI?
I never liked friendlies much anyway, that's why the regular mission is the best. Only zombies/bandits to worry about. And once you accidently shoot a friendly in the FULLAI version you will get shot on sight by every "friendly" so it dosen't make any difference.
Really enjoying the mission so far, got a nice little camp at the Prude bond near Stary and its really awesome. |
In reply to this post by Ray
The author has deleted this message.
In reply to this post by Ray
Thanks Above been away so downloading as we speak..... looking forward to trying this one out.....
As to friendly AI I love them now and again.....thats why i put the triggers for them at remote parts of the map (mainly light houses) that way if i want any friendly AI or add more to the ones i have,i will go to them places.. So now i can run around the map with either NONE or just 2 or even a small army,depends on my mood... As to friendly AI reloading ammo....i use the map then units and move ammo to them that way...but im sure the COWarMod gets them to pick ammo up from dead soldiers and also throw grenades.....and as to killing them (which makes me laugh) is if i kill one because of his groaning/wounded the others shoot me but if i send the others away and then shoot him they dont.. |
Above, the new zombie sounds first looked quite cool but now they're quite annoying, haha. Will it do the trick if I replace the dayz.pbo with a older one which had the fedus skins? (The sounds would be cool , but sometimes a zombie is 100 meters away and I still hear the fool like he is next to me, which makes me paranoid and I don't want to be paranoid :*. ).
EDIT: Just noticed I managed to delete it a few weeks ago. Any ideas how to get rid of the sounds? |
In reply to this post by brado
I think DayZ Breaking Point is the one ive been waiting for...
I loved the Daizy Wasteland Chernarus just a pity it didnt all work....But now with Breaking Point we have the build mode and the repair and salvage mode too.....we dont have streets blocked with bunkers,walls,camo nets,and deer stands etc...instead we build them and with that we build bases and then if we want we can load them into a vehicle and move them elsewhere and build again (cooool) Night time is now cool to play you can actually see your way and find items in the dark.. Above what you've done to copy this is great...i havent really played it just moved around the map looking at all the new stuff you have a great talent in scripting/programming.. Thankyou P.S Can't wait to see what you and Haleks come up with next once you have the original BreakingPoint map to work with..(maybe add more new buildings like you have on this ?? |
In reply to this post by jckscagnetti
I've never ever seen this happen, and I restart alot to test similar things. Bandits was decreased ALOT, though. And I've had to spend some time finding one. But you can hear shots sometimes, when they find you or another AI bandit. As for the vehicle, there wont always be 30 vehicles per city. But they do spawn everytime. |
In reply to this post by Supafuckinfly86
The fog is (most likely) working. I read the script briefly, it requires wind, I think. And skiping time to the night might break it. I will do some more testing, because if it isn't working, we gotta fix it. :D |
In reply to this post by brado
Thank you for the kind words. But this isn't really a BreakingPoint SP, I used some stuff from BreakingPoint for my map, because it is the best mod. However I've been talking alot to a dev working on BreakingPoint, and we spoke about alot. I might make a 100% BreakingPoint SP, with all the features, and the map. Regardless of that, I'm rewriting the bloodsuckers today hopefully. So that they work with SP. |
I just got my hands on the new update. I will be fixing some thing up a bit. Then I'll update this post.
I will try to re-read the latest comments, and do my best to please everyone. The UI problem (as someone said) is likely related to changing skins with KRON support. I never used this addon to change skin, nor did my UI break. So this sounds accurate. I'm not sure about ALL the updated notes, but the author added some of our reskinned models. (Fedus zombies for instance). I also reskinned some items, that're beeing used. All new clothings in BreakingPoint should also work now. |
I also noticed in past releases that if you use the teleport in the cheat menu it blows out the UI. If however you use the Loki teleport it works fine however. Im not sure if it is in issue in this release but wanted to give a heads up :)
Looking fwd to your next update! |
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