dom.stb wrote
Absolutely loving this now, but I still think I'm seeing bugs after re-spawning. UI looks fine but after a while you realise food and drink aren't going down any more. It doesn't respond to the "Game Options" trick either.
It's amazing on first spawn, but obviously it would be nice to re-spawn and collect your vehicle/body etc. rather than starting again from scratch each time you die.
Yes, the respawn water/food glitch is a huge problem. However it's a problem of the respawn script, and no the patch. Changing skin + the game option trick COULD fix it. I'm not sure. Because it will spawn you as an AI, meaning you're not on the regular survivor system. But changing skin makes bandits attack you and so on. So we need to somehow found the actual error and fix it.
I first thought it was the new UI that did this, then I tested respawning on 1.7.3 and And I got the same problem then.
I also tested the UI, the only thing that breaks it is respawn. I just re-loaded my mission after restarting my PC, and it works great.