Nice! Thanks dude, gonna update right now ;)
EDIT : oups, dunno if you have updated the link yet? |
In reply to this post by Above
Excelent work! I playing only DayZ Redux online. So in this SP version i first experienced latest official Dayz changes. One thing that seems to be broken. I cant use flares. I have em in invetory and i am unable to throw em as i cant cycle actual weapon to them. Also eat and drink icons not working and have small hollow drink and eat icons left to them. Blood icon somewhat seems works. I know HUD is problem for all SP versions by flares worked, althoug after reload its glow and PS effect was missing.
Also after respawn broken bone icon is there. Small wish please: its possible to make that time accel optional in cheat menu? I dont like that micro jumps with time, It makes sky clouds jumps ugly and i like play in realtime more. |
In reply to this post by Above
Well, I do have some custom launch parameters, but I DID follow the directions exactly as they said. Here are my launch parameters:
-cpuCount=4 -maxMem=2047 -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause -mod=@DaiZySP I also tried installing the older and the original Single Player, but no luck there either. Followed the instructions exactly there and it's still greyed out.
To any argument I can't win, you know who says no? Smith and Wesson. *bang*
In reply to this post by Haleks
No, I have not. I posted this as I was testing. I will update it asap, though. Now I'm just getting that damn DayZ Navigator again so that I can go check all vehicles to see that they all support it. 2 more things. I didn't fix this, I just finally got Unknowns old vehicle scripts to work. Second thing, I read the scripts, they actually clear out the inventory. I don't know if some vehicles will spawn with loot after the "setdamage-phase", though. I will post a comment as soon as the link is updated. Ataribaby, if you respawned (that's what's messing up the UI atm, and it does on all patches (I think it's related to the beta patch, almost sure on that one). I will have to do some testing, we might have to run this on an old beta patch for the UI to work properly. The flare thing does also stop working on respawn, change skin and you'll be good. |
THIS WILL BE UPDATED TO 1.7.6 ASAP. Some damn dope changes in there. It might not be me updating, but it's getting updated for sure. |
In reply to this post by Above
Also, I just tried a fresh install of the dayZ files. Followed the instructions par usual, still greyed out. Might it have to do with my ARMA 2 build? that's probably the only thing I haven't touched yet.
To any argument I can't win, you know who says no? Smith and Wesson. *bang*
In reply to this post by Above
Above, what beta you recommend ? i use 101245 cos latest ones causes error in DayZ redux. How far i should go by beta patch history lane? I think latest dayzcode requires some newer version. I can be wrong... not following official dayz mod so closely last months.
yeah I am on 101747 right now, that might be the issue. Gonna drop that to the lowest 101*** that I have, see if that fixes it.
To any argument I can't win, you know who says no? Smith and Wesson. *bang*
In reply to this post by Above
Nothing is working. Tried it all the way down to ARMA 2 build 98863. None of them un-greyed the singleplayer button. damn. I have NO idea what I might need to change. :l any ideas?
By the way,thanks for the help so far.
To any argument I can't win, you know who says no? Smith and Wesson. *bang*
In reply to this post by David375
David, the reason SP is greyed out is either 1. You don't have the modded dayz_code. 2. It's not getting launched properly.
I don't know what else to do. ![]() I can't recommend a beta patch as of now, all I do know is that the UI worked better for me the further back I went in the beta patches. Finding the latest one, that allows the UI to work is a mission. I will do it when I got this vehicle thing off my nuts. ![]() And about the vehicle system, only about 10% of the vehicles was supported, but I will do my best to add them all. So it will take another couple of minutes at least. |
well thanks a ton for your help anyhow. gonna try one last thing, redownloading the file to see if it corrupted mid download or something. after that, I am probably going to drop it untill the 1.7.6 release comes. Again, thanks for your help
To any argument I can't win, you know who says no? Smith and Wesson. *bang*
In reply to this post by Above
hey hmm how can I change the players face or better or better player class
In reply to this post by David375
No worries, my guesses are that 1. You forgot to put everything in the Addons folder. 2. You forgot 1 or more folder. 3. the launch parameters got an error. |
Haleks, I left the "FULL AI" out of this for 2 reasons.
1. It's better if I do that, since you're making a release, with improvements. 2. I figured you could put the triggers for them too, since you got the ideas! I hope you like the changes, I sure as hell do. Not sure what else we need now, I will start looking into the new Celle weapons and skins. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
hi above ,i have trouble to start mission, i did everything on the instructions, but everytime i start mission is will say that i cannot play this mission it is dependent on content that has been deleted. dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equips,dayz_vehicles.
Your launch params are wrong then
In reply to this post by Above
Am I understanding correctly that as you make your changes and then update the OP in this thread?
So the OP will always have the latest version and a date showing the last change? Cheers. |
Thanks man, also, do I need to clean install each time or can I copy the new files into my @DaiZySP and missions folders and overwrite?
Also, I presume I will have to start a new character to see the changes? Old saves won't work? Or will they? Thanks for the fast responses too. You guys rock. |
In reply to this post by Above
I seem to be having problems with the respawn system. Everything works great until I respawn, then food and drink UI doesn't deplete any more (don't know if food and drink are actually decreasing and the indicators are broken or if the indicators are accurate and the hunger and thirst system is broken). I think also that bandits stop attacking me after I respawn (though I reskinned using support call to see if that helped my UI problems, so that might have cause the bandit AI problem).
Respawning in SP is a great feature, I really like it. It's a shame it seems to cause so many problems. On my first life the game is working magnificently. |
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