Yep! Sweet, thanks dude! Hehe ^^, I didn't plan that, but I sure will do so ;) The only thing that bothers me with the packages in SP, is that the player model/face won't stay the same when you switch between different outfits - I usually stick to one skin when playin' solo. Also, I'm not sure how to add them in the loot tables... |
Loot tables are in the Config.ccp in dayz_code.
I was messing with Namalsk, and somehow got my MP face regardless of what skin I used. That was pretty awesome. I forgot what caused it, though. But I will be looking into it again. I was trying to fix Namalsk 0.73's custom loot, so I didn't bother at the time. Everything worked with the MP face. Loot in custom buildings was still a problem obviously, but that's not related to that. But yah, if I find the line of code again, I'll share. |
o_O Damn I thought it was impossible in SP, but now I remember that you do have your MP face when you play "Civilian Life" scenario in OA (for example) - so it is possible then! ![]() |
How do I go about replacing the cheat menu with the old one in this? I keep getting resource spawnobject not found if I replace the description.ext, kh_string files, monitor and cheat folder.
In reply to this post by Haleks
From the little I've learn from modding in ArmA, close to nothing is impossible. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
So... I've finished fixing the AI : I had to remove the survivor skins from the Bandits spawn : the Survivor2_DZ and Surivor2W_DZ units are the only ones to be defined in dayz_weapons and somehow I could'nt edit them; all other models are stored in dayz_vehicles and I didn't have any trouble with them... :/ )
I've also added something like 30 new skins to both survivors and bandits (no more clones! ^^) - it took me the goddamn night - and I have yet to test it (I just hope it didn't mess up the new friendly/enemy system...) In the meanwhile, I've started to convert those new skins into clothes packages and add them to the loot table. But as soon as I edit the config.ccp and repack a new dayz_code, I have an error message when launching DaiZy : "picture z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa not found" (I had the same message when I was trying to duplicate the survivors models and set them as actual bandits (East sided in the class ref.) When I don't get stuck at the loading character data screen, I have a second message stating the same, and right away another one : "...\dayz_code\system\player_spawn_2.sqf not found" and would spawn in the no man's land, unable to move or anything... I'm pretty sure I did everything correctly (eventhough I could use some sleep right now); I read somewhere that this could be caused by pbo manager, but I've tried several programs without any luck :/ Any ideas? By the way, very nice idea to have different sets of bandits for north and south - I might do the same for survivors ^^. |
This post was updated on .
I'm not sure to understand what you mean; I've been packing & unpacking pbo's all night and only had that error on very specific occasions. Here's how I do my thing : - I create a new folder named "dayz_code", - Open the dayz_code.pbo with pbo manager (double click), extract the content to my new folder. - Inside that folder, I have the config.cpp file; I just open it with notepad, edit it and save. - and then, right click on my "dayz_code" folder > pack into a new pbo. - Cut/paste and overwrite the dayz_code in the addons folder. Ain't it the right way? EDIT : Damn it that's not. I just tried without editing and I have the error thing (>_<) Wich means that I can probably fix the bug with the survivors skins spawning as bandits ![]() Re-Edit : All right, figured it out ;) |
Above, I just downloaded and tested this latest update.
While I'm not getting countless respawns of survivors like last time, I get two per area I walk/port into (no big deal I can edit that myself). However there are no bandits that ever appear, AI doesn't engage zombies, toolbox instantly repairs vehicles to full, and I have no salvage option. Also the glock icon is still there, and the respawn script is still broken. Is it really just me with these problems? Any suggestions? I didn't have any issues with the 1.4.4 release at all, so why now all of a sudden? |
I do have bandits spawning, only they're more scattered than before - wich is fine in my opinion : I can hear them shooting at Zeds (or each other) from afar, and won't be killed by some bandit spawning right in my back... As for AI's, I think the bandits do engage Zeds - but I've noticed that problem with survivors. This is being fixed atm, and this post will likely be updated as soon as I've finished working on it. I'll also make a tutorial explaining how to fix AI on previous releases. And, yes, the salvage option doesn't work :( As for the glock icon, I think Above simply forgot to deactivate it ;) You can do it yourself by opening the rscTitles file in the dayz_code, and remove lines refering to "combat" (under " class playerStatusGUI"). |
In reply to this post by Josh M
The reason you haven't found any bandit is most likely because I made them less common. ![]() The respawn script will paralyze you sometimes, this is because of the code. It's rare though, it never happened to me since I uploaded this. O_o And about the cars fixing themselves, this is not related to the toolbox afaik. It's a glitch or w/e with the editor vehicles, I'm trying to fix it. But it's either that or vehicles spawning inside of buildings. It is a WIP tho. |
In reply to this post by Above
Why do all the heli crashes spawn crappy loot. All I ever find on them is ammo under the tail
Guys don't forget this is based upon the latest dayz update, wich makes things way harder...
It's been pretty rare for me to get something worth at heli crashes in MP since |
but i have had this problem way before the update
In reply to this post by Haleks
^this. And 50% of the helis had a weapon when I tested. 5 out of about 8-10 helis. I think it's faily balanced since it's SP tho. More than 6 crashes per mission, and some of them got a weapon. You're not meant to have like 5 AS50's. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
I did and installed everything correctly, but when I spawn It spawns me in a debug plain fields and I can't move. Help?
I don't think you installed the game correctly. After I bought a new ssd I reinstalled Arma 2 without following the specific instructions and ended up in the same situation as you.
Reinstalling using the instructions here helped me. |
This post was updated on .
How about a tutorial for a legit copy of the game? I hope you don't assume every one playing at DaiZy uses a cracked game...
![]() EDIT : Just a quick word to say that the combat log doesn't seem to be fully deactivated : sometimes the option to quit the game ain't available. It's not a big issue though, I can still Alt+F4 ;) |
I only removed the icon because that would keep blinking after respawn sometimes. I left the 30 sec combat timer in because I reckon that is whatever. ![]() I also like the idea of you having to get safe before saving. ![]() |
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