I think that's the friendlies joining you : it looks like the bandits don't spawn at all.
Also Above, one little thing : might be a good idea to have the survivors not spawning while in vehicle, as I was suggesting, otherwise it might be too easy to collect them all - I'd rather get out of my car to recruit them willingly, not having them making me stop ;) Oh! and they sometimes spawn with something else than civilian clothes! Nice! ;) (I removed the Gillie outfit from the "doSomething_survivor" file though.) |
Thanks Above for improving the sleeping option. Also I got some weird bug yesterday, so I ran to krasnostav airfield found a SUV near it, took it drove it down to elektro gas station then a bandit blew the SUV up. Then I noticed a VW Golf in there and it was broken 1 second and fully fixed the other second, and then suddenly I noticed that every vehicle in the game has bugged out and is somehow fully fixed. I don't know how it happened so I gave the story about SUV, not a big problem but quite annoying haha.
No luck at getting DaiZy getting to work online at all, i'm going to try to create a new one and add DaiZy functions 1 by 1 and see what happens.
I will reply to y'all in one comment (again...) Heheheh.
The combat icon should not be activated. It is activated because I used my personal dayz_code. The combat icon does not break the respawn, but the respawn will cause the combat icon to always be active. The AI should both spawn properly, they're both different triggers. I will have to test this. The reason I gave the friendly AI Ghillie suit/ Camo clothing is because that's how you would find friendlies in MP. (Hence bandits will also have survivor skin/ghillie/camo). I'm sorry for making them spawn while in a vehicle, I know that having them as before would be better. I just wasn't paying much attention. I was pretty tired. Vehicles randomly repairs themselves? Yes, this is a bug with the new vehicle spawn system. I'm working on giving them random damage, so that they miss 1 wheel and engine for instance (it will be random). But the old script didn't seem to work. But I'm experimenting with this. Seeing as I got new plans for AI (Make them have worse gear around starting cities, and better up north) I will most likely fix all of this for that update. |
That would be awesome! Can't wait to get those new AI's. Also are Dogs and Helicrashes implemented at all or extremely rare?
The AI is working properly. I just have to add all the triggers. ![]() Heli crashes stopped spawning in for me. They're implemented and should be working, though. I will take a big look at it before I up this. Dogs should be implemented. Fedus was going to upload a mission that had dogs for sure, though. I will add that link to the post when it's available. |
Nice, time to try to get some helicrash loot ;p. Also where should the dogs be at? And do they make any sound since I'm a bit confused haha. Since in forests I hear dog/wolf howling and I cant tell if its caused by JSRS Soundmod or are the dogs there haha, anyway I got scared and blasted east with my atv. (Tought its that special feature or some scary thing that didnt work but was still mentioned a few releases ago).
EDIT: No, it's not any scary feature. My releases are usually as close to MP as possible. So I'd guess JSRS. About the dogs, I'm not sure if they make any sounds. But they're likely not working in this release (as of now). Because I haven't heard about anyone finding a dog. I'm about to upload the updates, I'm just finnishing up. |
Alright, thanks for the quick reply , now I can hopefully safely return to my camp.
Oh , epic. I was just playing the "FullAI" version today morning and noticed that I already have shizloads of friendlies but where are the bandits at haha, tought I was just too blind to see them but if it was a spawn issue then I'm OK I quess hehe. Made it to the camp safely indeed, btw do you know any mods what would improve ArmA 2 graphics? I mean its epic already but as a owner of a high-end PC I'd like to have even more epic graphics haha.
The friendly AI does not have the same spawn range as the current bandits, since I improved it. To make bandits less common, and have a less chance to spawn in yo faze. ^^ It could be that. I do not know any addon that improves the graphics, would it even be possible? I don't know. D: I just wish I could play DayZ on max with shadows. I play on max, but my dual core cannot master shadows on most maps. :< |
Yeah, ArmA 2 engine turns the game into a beatiful place to be , even better place for a zombie apocalypse. And yeah, I have seen a few Graphic Enhancements around here and there, I'll let you know if I find a decent one if you want ^^
Yeah sure, thanks! ![]() I like the graphics as they are now, though. It got a certain feel to it. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Ray
Not very sure if I'm actually allowed to post links into this forum but here is a good one wich tweaks grass,underwater floor etc. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6051
Also thanks for updating the mission so quick once again, going to test it out right away!
Why wouldn't you be allowed to post links here? Thanks, I'll check it out. ![]() And no problems man, I'm just glad when I can get stuff done. And I quit working so I got alot of time now. EDIT: Damn that looks awesome, I'm wondering if it will lag me down. |
I just installed the mod and my FPS didnt decrease at all, new grass looks wicked! I also downloaded a effects mod wich changes fire/smoke and lighting overall and also got myself some Swag ^^ (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18459)
This game sure has alot potential, just maxed the visual quality out with AMD Catalyst Control Centre for the game and the result was stunning, the game looked 3x as good as Battlefield 3 does. Sadly even my Intel i7,8GB ram and 2gb gddr5 hd 6950 didnt manage to run it properly got constant 5fps, I'll keep fiddling with it and post a pic if I get that far haha
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