1.7.6? :)
Ever heard of waiting Apaz? As with any release I'm quite sure that they must unlock some code before you can even operate the new version in singleplayer.
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Apaz : 1.7.6 isn't even available for MP yet...
dom.stb : After you respawned, just pause, go into game options, and resume : your UI will be fixed. Also, regarding the AI bandit; maybe you used an Opfor skin? Since bandits are Opfor, they won't engage you anymore. Anyway, Kron's shouldn't be used in the latest releases : it messes up a lot of things.
In reply to this post by Above
Thanks dude! I'm actually quite honored to be "in charge" of the FULL AI version ^^ I was almost done with it and was about to upload it. All I have to do now is to have a look at the changes you made and update my files ;) btw : wich file(s) did you modified to fix the Ural thing? I guess it's in the dayz code? |
In reply to this post by dom.stb
Are you having the problem where if you exit the game and come back the food and water system stops working? Also are there little icons next to the food and water icons? and a cross in the blood icon. I can't get this to work right and can't figure it out. It works great till i leave which kills the single player part of this. Any help would be great.
In reply to this post by dom.stb
You can just replace the code, however you'd still have to download whatever's the new patch. And about the saves, this is a tough question, and it depends on what changes are made. You should restart just to be sure that you get all the new changes. |
GUYS! The respawn is a hassle, and the ignoring of bandits is something that happens to everyone upon respawn. This is because you spawn as an AI, meaning you're "one of them" changing skin to whatever DayZ skin (maybe even ArmA skins) will fix this.
![]() And Haleks, thank you so much for that. The UI not working upon respawn, and even while playing has been making me sad. I will try your solution out, and eventually find out how to actually fix it. 1.7.6?!?!?!?!?! Yes, this will be unlocked and released as soon as I can download it! ![]() EDIT, I just saw that 1.7.6 actually just got released. I'll be working on it, fellow soldiers. |
I think I accidently fixed this by fixing the survivors on the FULL AI! Will keep you updated dude ;) |
Sounds dope. I actually got a request for your release. Remove the friendly AI hud, it will give it a better MP feeling, and make it a tad harder to make out who's who. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
I didn't see this until now, sorry. It sounds like you're doing a good job, couldn't be more happy about you working on it. ;-) What's clearing the loot is in the vehicle damage scripts. I can't remember wich one, but I think it's in the one all the vehicles are. |
In reply to this post by Above
Thanks! And about the AI hud - that's actually a nice idea; will defo have a look!
In reply to this post by Above
I don't get it... Isn't DayZ supposed to be opened to the modding community? This kinda reaction is quite childish, imo... |
It is, it is indeed. But I think I can sort it fast. I was online on it just now, found a razor, then got shot before I got to shave! :< (You can't actually use it, it's the new junk loot). |
In reply to this post by Tallahassee
I've found PLENTY. :o And just to update y'all on the 1.7.6 matter. I just added the singleplayer button back, and will now test just to see if everything works properly. The new food for examle, what they did to the crossbow and the ammo etc etc. |
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In reply to this post by Above
@ Above : Yeah, i found plenty too now, just a period of bad luck : )))
When there's no more room in hell the dead will walk the earth ...
dumb question but what's the toilet paper for in 1.7.6 and the razors. did i miss something
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