True, true. That may be why it isn't working for us, but whatever. If you can fix it great, if not well... idk xD
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
We gotta make sure it's broken, first. :P Also, I'm done adding weapons. I added about 4 new ones. |
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
Even though this isn't the Taviana forum, I'm still going to post this. Why?
![]() Because Diner Chair don't give a fuck.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Above
Awesome! :D I can't wait to find them all... then I can challenge the Elite Four to become the ASC Weapon Pack Champion!
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Haha! :D And why the chair is there, I don't know! x') |
Working great so far :D
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Above
Thank's alot Above I'm gonna try that, but I see there's a new update already :D BTW in previous version everything was fine and fixed except the ASC gun modding not working after resuming save, haven't tried this release, so I'm gonna check it out first ;] |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Above
everything works for me! Thx again for this one! Great fun! best thing is that it is possible now to move/transport a lot of objects on the map. street barrers, lot of the stuff laying around on the road etc. i did not realise that until now. also for base building this is great, not onley because you find a lot of usefull stuff for the base now, also because if an object is built by the player on the wrong place it's easy to move it now. ![]() |
Aloha together,
first, thanks a lot for the great work you do, Above :) and wishes for the future? personally, i wish more skins for the womans, there in origins looks nice^^ thats all :D greetings from Saxony :) |
Thanks, and thank you all for the possitive comments. I'm happy that you like it. I will not add the Origins skin to this release, sorry. :< If I can fix the female skins at all, though, I'll add some cool ArmA female skins (there are actually some quite nice ones). Origins also "built" their skins using those ArmA skins. :) |
In reply to this post by Just some guy
Oh man I'm so tired... tired, but happy!!! :D THANK YOU SO MUCH ABOVE!!! IT WORKS!!! :D (at least i hope so, haven't fully tested everything ;p) I've been waiting for this so long to happen :D Now my choppers, jets, planes, tanks etc... shoot and kill in ;D and some of unused guns in dayZ ;] (Btw adding javelins, stingers to it, it's kinda cool when dealing with enemy AI choppers, well at least in AI version, now I just tried this in No AI version) And all this in your great mod ;] It gets better... R3F works with all vechicles! At first I screwed up something, I was so excited that it works... but for some reason zombie animations were fucked up, so I started all over again spending all night, but now they seem to work. Although I haven't tested everything, it would take ages ;P ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :D I would like to post the download link for that mission I've made, but first since all credits goes to you, I guess I need your permission to do this ;] |
In reply to this post by Sakse
I was gonna do that request lol... Anyhow, yes i agree. The Origins Hero skins look very nice, and i also like that one Origin male hero skin where you have the normal Officer (the Woodland one with the cap), but with a like hood for the jacket with fur linings (whatever it is, i don't remember the name) |
In reply to this post by Above
I might want to add that it never was broke for me. it's been working since you put it in and i downloaded it :) |
When is this going to get the 1.7.7 updates? 1.7.7 is released in DayZForums now.
I heard they're removing the AS50 (And possibly the DMR) in the 1.7.7
In reply to this post by Grayjoker
Hmmm, that's strange. But it happens to me on every launch, I think it's after re-loading a mission. I'll do some testing, and if I can, I'll fix it for those who does have it. |
fair enough. Oh, and i love the way this mod is going ;D Keep at it! :D |
It could actually be related to changing your humanity, and then changing skins. I've also noticed that skins now reset your kills. >_> |
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