I'll take a look at the weapons, do you want those units as skins, too? And thanks, the loading screen is really nothing special. But I just wanted a unique one for Napf. *EDIT, I realized now that it was a weapon pack and not units. I'm adding that shit first thing tomorrow morning. G3 and shite, oh yeah. |
This post was updated on . really know how to give a guy a chubby lol! yeah, I'm not really bothered about the skins, but if you wanna add 'em it's all cool as they are quite spiffing, I just wanted my AG-3K and HK 417S back in my hands...damn, some suckas are gonna die tonight! And the new loading screen may only be a small thing but it's a nice touch and makes a change from staring at the old DayZ loading screen :) ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
Amazing map so far, you've really outdone yourself this time, Above. I want to congratulate you on a job well done. So far, I haven't encountered any bugs, and I've been playing for over an hour straight. This is fantastic :D
BUT, I did find 1 thing strange so far, and that would be this: ![]() As you can see, it's a Glock 17 SD with 1 mag. Awesome gun, I use it against zombies and it works like a charm :D but, if you look at the building I'm in and the textures of the building, you'll notice I'm in an apartment building (aka the buildings across the street from the Cherno hospital closest to Balota). Aren't those apartment buildings supposed to have residential loot? I've found 5 Glock 17 SD's in between 3 different apartment buildings. Nothing is wrong with the buildings, and I'm not complaining about this, but it just seems kinda strange to have military-grade sidearms spawning in an apartment building, doesn't it? :3
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Maybe that apartment belonged to a copper prior to the apocalyse...British coppers use Glocks...the fact it's got a suppressor on it just go's to show what a dirty rotten bent copper he was! hahahahahahahaha! ![]() |
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Wayne
Hehe, if the units come with the addon, then I'll probably make skins for it at the same time. But probably do something about the balance. There are alot of skins spawning already. Mainly civilian skins because face it, those would be common. There would be clothes everywhere. Yah, I just wanted something new, because it was a fresh DayZ port and all. Might do a new map soon, haha. |
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
Well, I'm really happy that you're enjoying it. And that I finally got the glitches fixed. And about the glock, I put it there on purpose. For 2 reasons. 1: Glock is a fairly common house-hold weapons, and 2: I couldn't find many more fitting weapons for residential buildings. :< And, in Napf, nothing is "supposed" to be. It's a completely unique port (as of now). I'm open for ANY ideas, though. This is just what I chose to do for the port at the time. :D' Also, I can see that you're rocking one of the 4 pilot skins. ;D I like the green BAF one. And just an FYI because I'm really talkative today, the pilot skin you're using is one of the 2. One shows backpack, and one don't. I also think that only 1 of them got the pilot helmet! :) |
the Vilas weapons pack will chuck a few more pistols into the mix for you to choose from; Browning HP, USP's and some more Glocks iirc...I think there was a Glock18 full auto with 30+ round mag although that may have not come from this pack but I did use one on BP :) EDIT: yeah I got a Glock 18 and 19 available as well as the Tec9 and Skorpion :D ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
Hey dude!
I'm having large issues with :( It's attempting to download the mod through a weird Mega Beta flash style site and it just sits at 0% after allowing it to store > 50 Mb on my drive. Am I missing to do something? Hope so because DO WANT ![]() |
In reply to this post by Wayne
I don't like most of the weapons pack tbh. RH made the best ones for sure. I don't want it to feel too much like BP, though. |
In reply to this post by crowbars82
I actually got no clue how Mega downloads work. I'll log out from it and see if I can download it, and how. I'll post back soon. :) Now I've tested, Mega's down, that's why. I can't even get the link to pop up. :< |
In reply to this post by Above
fair do's. I just wanted it for my HK 417S and AG-3K. I don't really use any of the others except the other HK and Sig's. Yeah I use RH submachine guns a lot for zombie extermination, mostly P90's and UMP45 SD's. ![]() |
First of all "Weapon packs*" secondly, I meant the pistols. RH still made the best packs. But I've seen very few pistols that can compare. I don't mind adding the HK pack and the other guns. I'm happy to, I like them :) Also, this is not only for me. I can do custom missions for y'all too. And just post in the comments. |
In reply to this post by Above
Cool cheers, I shall keep trying the download periodically, if it has worked previously :) Just creeping around Elektro in Halek's Factions, found me a silenced Makarov which I've never had the honor of using. Piaouw |
Nice! If you haven't tried 2017, download his 2017 mission. 2017 is so damn cool. |
In reply to this post by Above
Thanks so much for the really fast update above!! Time to hunt some bannnditos
In reply to this post by Above
Oh yes very much so sir! To be honest all I've been playing are all the DaiZy variants. Namalsk was interesting with the periodic orange nuke of chaos. That was a learning process. But yeah, I think that playing DayZ in a single player format really works well as an enjoyable and rewarding survival adventure. You're able to define your own goals and objectives based on several random variables that change where you start, what you find and who you encounter. This I think gives it a brilliant sense of roguelike generation. Thanks to Yourself, Haleks and everyone in the starting credits and this forum who contribute for converting this game into a very enjoyable alternative to what is a fun online game, when it isn't interrupted by unfortunate H4©K3r$ and irrational behavior from others! ![]() |
And yes, I agree. I rarely have my/our squad online to play. So I might aswell just play SP. =) |
This post was updated on .
Playing single player does allow for a more controlled environment to be fair.
I've tried to download the again but no luck. Mega asks this of me and I'm not afraid to say that I'm stuck! A pop up did appear asking if to allow >50Mb download so agreed and now it's a padlock. I've cleared the Firefox cache, yet cannot find any further permissions in the Firefox options to allow or disallow :( Edit: Tried this and installed Chrome today but also couldn't download 1.8 through any means. Very odd! |
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